The webpage for JFrog's Artifactory OSS makes it seem like it's part of OSS I'm trying it out in a Docker container and "Conan" doesn't show up as a clickable option in new local repository.
Am I misunderstanding what is the available in Artifactory OSS or did I set something up wrong?
The Artifactory community edition for C/C++ is a new version of Artifactory offering free support for Conan repositories
No, conan repositories are not available in Artifactory OSS.
If in, you go to "Artifactory OSS", then "Compare to PRO", you will see the full comparison matrix between them.
Conan repositories are not available in Artifactory OSS. You need to pay for the Pro version. For Nexus OSS, there is a plugin available. We will be testing this in house shortly.
We're using Bintray (via JCenter) to publish our open source Android packages. JFrog are ending Bintray and telling us to use JFrog Platform, but the OSS option for that product is not available yet.
What am I missing?
I just wonder if conda packages like
Can be able to mirror from Artifactory?
I tried mirroring it but it was unable to get cache..
Thanks in advance
Artifactory don't support it natively but you can use this plugin:
Artifactory Conda User Plugin.
You can install it in your Artifactory server (is a groovy file).
Also there are a request to include this funtionality in the future:
RTFACT-7872 Add support for Conda
A year later and things have changed (as they often do). So adding a new answer.
Artifactory has added support for Conda packages as announced in this blog. Here are the docs. Appears this requires Artifactory 6.3+.
The latest version of Nexus Repository Manager OSS supports a new artefact types: Docker, npm, RubyGems. But it appears to drop support for artefact formats supported in the previous version: Maven, P2, OBR, Yum. Why is that?
Maven should be there, in fact we setup default repos for it when it starts. P2, OBR, Yum have not been rebuilt for Nexus Repository Manager 3 as of yet. Yum will likely be the next up, P2 and then maybe OBR (jury is still out on if we have enough people using it to include it in the core product).
If you'd like to kickstart any of these, we would love that. A community member recently created an APT format for himself:
You might be able to follow his example and create one for OBR for example.
I'm apparently missing a repository because when I specify sbt version 0.13.7 I get
org.scala-sbt#sbt;0.13.7: not found
I'm using Artifactory locally to cache all my dependencies, and I need to add the correct repository to my Artifactory.
It also fails to find 0.13.6 but it works with 0.13.5 so I must have already downloaded that version on to my local machine.
We're still working on moving this into, but you can find the artifactory instructions we worked up with JFrog here:
Oh, and the repository is (but as an ivy repository)
Can I add include or exclude list in my hosted/proxy repo in Nexus OSS? If so, how can I do it?
You can do that in the professional version, but not the OSS version. That requires the procurement suite.
See here for info: