what repository does sbt 0.13.7 reside in? - sbt

I'm apparently missing a repository because when I specify sbt version 0.13.7 I get
org.scala-sbt#sbt;0.13.7: not found
I'm using Artifactory locally to cache all my dependencies, and I need to add the correct repository to my Artifactory.
It also fails to find 0.13.6 but it works with 0.13.5 so I must have already downloaded that version on to my local machine.

We're still working on moving this into scala-sbt.org, but you can find the artifactory instructions we worked up with JFrog here: https://docs.google.com/a/typesafe.com/document/d/18fGjMz21J4-JMHXfDH4OyGOXu8NvWfsG4q83S9RT64M/edit
Oh, and the repository is repo.typesafe.com/typesafe/releases (but as an ivy repository)


SBT local-preloaded missing in 1.6.1

I'm new to sbt. I'm trying to upgrade the sbt version from 0.13.18 to 1.6.1.
I found there was a local-preloaded directory in 0.13.18 release tarball. We are using it to provide the ivy cache. But this directory are removed in 1.6.1 ( actually removed since 1.4.0). Now ivy is complaining about the could not find ivy.xml for scala-sbt and other repositories.
Could anyone provide some suggestion about how to setup those repo for 1.6.1? Thanks.

Force Swift Package Manager to honour Package.resolved

I am trying to use Swift Package manager to update my dependencies locally to match those in the Package.resolved file.
For example, when I update my dependencies I run swift package update, which updates the Package.resolved file, which I then commit. When I pull this new commit on to a computer that has an existing .build directory with the old versions of the dependencies I would like to update the local versions to the one in Package.resolved.
I was expecting swift package resolve to do this, but instead it updates the Package.resolved according to the .build/dependencies-state.json.
The obvious solution is to delete the .build directory, but this means the dependencies are recompiled every time, which can be slow on CI.
I want the equivalent of bundle install, yarn install, or carthage boostrap. Is this possible?
This has been confirmed to be a bug, and I have opened a bug in the Swift JIRA.

how to install sbt without internet connection

I am trying to install sbt on our RedHat Linux server (RHEL6.8). The server doesn't have internet connection.
I downloaded sbt-1.0.x.zip from github but I don't see installation instruction. In README.md file, it points to http://www.scala-sbt.org/release/docs/Getting-Started/Setup which tells me to use yum command. But that would require Internet connection.
Can anyone help?
Thank you.
sbt 0.13.15 supports offline installation with a preloaded local repo:
sbt 0.13.15 adds two new repositories called “local-preloaded-ivy”
and “local-preloaded” that point to ~/.sbt/preloaded/.
The purpose for the repositories is to preload them with
sbt artifacts during the initial installation, instead of resolving
from the remote repository on the first run.
This enables installation of sbt without network connection.
To enable resolving of your own dependencies, it should be sufficient to add them to the preloaded directory.
You need to download the RPM from bintray. See the instructions here:
Source: http://www.scala-sbt.org/0.13/docs/Installing-sbt-on-Linux.html
Depending on what dependencies are unfulfilled, you may need to download additional RPM files that sbt depends on.

sbt unresolved dependency publishing to nexus

I publish my project to nexus/sonatype staging repo. Then I try to pull that dependency with sbt update on another project.
I get an unresolved dependency error. sbt shows me all the directories it tried, including the path for the staging repo I expected to succeed.
I initially thought it was a deployment/delay thing with nexus (waiting for the package to propagate) but I can reliably hit the same pom file link that sbt says failed from a browsers with no problems (cut 'n paste the precise URL).
Does sbt have some kind of resolution cache not cleared by a clean?
If the pom can be downloaded from Nexus then the issue isn't with Nexus, it is with SBT. You might try explicitly running update from SBT to clear it's cache.

Artifactory remote repos and Terracota

I want to setup my maven settings.xml file to download all the external dependencies from Artifactory cache instead of download them directly from any of the public repositories like repo1, repo2 or Jboss. I followed the instructions at http://wiki.jfrog.org/confluence/display/RTF/Configuring+Artifacts+Resolution at but I'm stuck with an error with the terracota library, the error is:
Could not find artifact net.sf.ehcache:ehcache-terracotta:jar:2.5.0 in remote-repos
I tried adding terracota repository at the remote repositories section but this didn't worked either.
Please advice.
I can think of a couple of possibilities:
Your remote-repos cache isn't configured to point to the remote repository that contains the Terracotta files
Your build isn't using the correct organization or module name when resolving the dependency on Terracotta.
Could you add some info to your question detailing where exactly you are seeing the error message, and whether you can browse to ehcache-terracotta version 2.5.0 in Artifactory ?
Please add the terracotta repository to your artifactory
This is the URL= http://www.terracotta.org/download/reflector/releases
Don't worry if the test of the repo doesn't work...
The last step is to go to Edit Virtual Repository and add the new terracotta repo to the virtual repository called "Remote Repo".
