I have a dataframe consisting of three columns: ID, Trial and a difference measure (diff_DT). I have 19 participant, who completed 30 trials each. This is how my dataframe looks like:
ID Trial diff_DT
01 005 37,5
01 006 40,5
01 007 16,5
... ... ...
02 005 16,5
... ... ...
02 016 27,9
Always six of the 30 trials belong to one block: block 1: trial 5-10, block 2: trial 16-21, block 3: trial 26-31, block 4: trial 36-41, block 5: trial 46-51 (Note: trial numbers are > 30, because participants completed more trials in total)
Now I need the mean of the variable diff_DT for each participant for each block, resulting in five means for each participant. And I have no idea how to do it properly.
Thanks for your advices!
You can create a separate key data frame or matrix for the blocks/trials, merge that to your original table, and then run aggregate to get the mean score.
ID <- c(rep(1, 3), 2, 2)
Trial <- c(5, 6, 7, 5, 16)
diff_DT <- c(37.5, 40.5, 16.5, 16.5, 27.9)
Trial.key <- c(5:10, 16:21, 26:31, 36:41, 46:51)
block <- rep(1:5, each = 6)
df <- data.frame(ID, Trial, diff_DT)
blocks <- data.frame(Trial.key, block)
df.blocks <- merge(df, blocks, by.x = "Trial", by.y = "Trial.key", all.x = TRUE,
all.y = FALSE)
# Trial ID diff_DT block
# 5 1 37.5 1
# 5 2 16.5 1
# 6 1 40.5 1
# 7 1 16.5 1
# 16 2 27.9 2
df.agg <- with(df.blocks, aggregate(diff_DT, by = list(ID, Trial),
FUN = "mean"))
names(df.agg) <- c("ID", "Trial", "mean.diff_DT")
# ID Trial mean.diff_DT
# 1 5 37.5
# 2 5 16.5
# 1 6 40.5
# 1 7 16.5
# 2 16 27.9
If you want to only use base R, one way to do what you want is to create a column block in your dataframe and then apply the mean function for each participant in each block.
If Trial is numeric (which may not be the case given that your trials are 001, 002...), you can
df$block = ifelse(df$trial>=5 & df$trial <=10, 1,
ifelse(df$trial>=16 & df$trial <=21,2,
ifelse(df$trial>=26 & df$trial <=31,3,
ifelse(df$trial>=36 & df$trial <=41,4,
ifelse(df$trial>=46 & df$trial <=51,5,0))))
if Trial is not numeric (eg. character or factor), you should first convert it to numeric with
df$trial = as.numeric(as.character(df$trial))
Then you just have to
aggregate(df$trial, by=list(df$block,df$id), mean)
See if this will help you.
bd <- data.frame(ID = rep(1:6, each = 30),
Trial = c(sample(c(5:10,16:21,26:31,36:41,46:51), 30),
sample(c(5:10,16:21,26:31,36:41,46:51), 30),
sample(c(5:10,16:21,26:31,36:41,46:51), 30),
sample(c(5:10,16:21,26:31,36:41,46:51), 30),
sample(c(5:10,16:21,26:31,36:41,46:51), 30),
sample(c(5:10,16:21,26:31,36:41,46:51), 30)),
diff_DT = rnorm(n = 180, mean = 30, sd = 2))
bd <- bd %>%
mutate(block = ifelse(Trial <= 10, 1,
ifelse(Trial <= 21, 2,
ifelse(Trial <= 31, 3,
ifelse(Trial <= 41, 4, 5)))))
bd %>%
group_by(ID, block) %>%
summarise(Mean = mean(diff_DT))
I wrote this dataframe as an example (you should provide code for generating your data to make answering easier and more precise):
ID <- rep(1:3, 47)
trial <- rep(5:51, 3)
diff_DT <- sample(1:10, 47*3, replace = T)
df <- data.frame(ID, trial, diff_DT)
Then I wrote a function to compute blocks, the blocks are assigned like the ones you wrote in the question, if you need some precisation just ask:
computeBlocks <- function(df){
block <- rep(NA, nrow(df))
for(i in 1:length(block)){
for(j in 1:4){
if(as.numeric(df$trial[i]) >= 6+10*j && as.numeric(df$trial[i]) <= 11+10*j){
block[i] <- j+1
if(as.numeric(df$trial[i]) >= 5 && as.numeric(df$trial[i]) <= 10){
block[i] <- 1
df <- cbind(df, block)
And I computed the blocks:
df <- computeBlocks(df)
Finally using the package reshape2 I computed the mean per participant per block:
df_melt <- melt(df, id = c("ID", "block"))
means <- dcast(df_melt, ID + block ~ variable, mean)[,-3]
Your question wasn't so clear so let me know if it needs to be improved.
I think this could be a simple way to do it:
# Create a table to map which Block each trial refers to
Trial <- c(5:10,16:21,26:31,36:41,46:51)
Block <- rep(1:5, each = 6)
map <- data_frame(Trial, Block)
# Take original data frame and join the map to add what Block it belongs to. Then group it first by participant ID, then Block, and summarise by mean
df2 <- df %>%
left_join(map, by = "Trial") %>%
group_by(ID, Block) %>%
summarise(mean = mean(diff_DT))
consider the toy dataset and function below:
Basically, it loops through the rows of the dataset df and looks for matches according to some criteria. If there is a match, observations are matched by a row number of one of the matches.
dataset <- data.frame(id_dom = c(20, 20, 20, 250, 250, 250,
254, 254, 254),
p201 = c(1, NA, 2, NA, NA, NA, 2, 1, 2),
V2009 = c(63, 42, 64, 26, 5, 4, 69, 30, 68)
match1 <- function(i, df) {
j <- 1:nrow(df)
l <- df$p201[i]
} else{
k <- abs(df$V2009[i] - df$V2009[j]) <= 1
l <- ifelse(any(k), which(k), i)
This is how I would apply the function:
dataset2 <- dataset %>%
index = map_dbl(seq(nrow(.)),
~ .x %>% match1(df = dataset))) %>%
mutate(p201 = (first(na.omit(V2009)) - 1)*100)
As you can see, my ultimate goal is to pair observations by index and id_dom - For this reason, it would be much faster (and I think it would also yield slightly better results) if i ran through only the of rows of each id_dom group, and not the whole dataset.
I would prefer an answer that:
i) Doesn't put the grouping by id_dom in the match1 function but in the pipe.
ii) That allows me to write something looking like map_dbl(seq(nrow(.)), ~ .x %>% match1(df = . )) - so that if I create the V2009 variable before, I don't need to break up the chain prior to running the function.
Thank you!
You can pass only the variables that are needed in the function instead of passing the dataframe. Here is a simplified function match2.
match2 <- function(x, y, val) {
return(which.max(abs(y - val) <= 1))
else return(x)
and this can be used as :
dataset3 <- dataset %>%
group_by(id_dom, index = map2_dbl(p201, V2009, match2, V2009)) %>%
mutate(p201 = (first(na.omit(V2009)) - 1)*100)
# A tibble: 9 x 4
# Groups: id_dom, index [6]
# id_dom p201 V2009 index
# <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
#1 20 6200 63 1
#2 20 4100 42 2
#3 20 4100 64 2
#4 250 2500 26 4
#5 250 400 5 5
#6 250 400 4 5
#7 254 6800 69 2
#8 254 2900 30 1
#9 254 6800 68 2
This gives similar result as dataset2 which can be verified :
identical(dataset2, dataset3)
#[1] TRUE
We can use cur_data instead of dataset in the match after grouping by 'id_dom'
dataset %>%
# // grouped by id_dom
group_by(id_dom) %>%
# // create new group by looping over the sequence of rows
# // apply the match1
group_by(index = map_dbl(seq(n()), ~
match1(.x, df = cur_data())), .add = TRUE) %>%
# // update the p201
mutate(p201 = (first(na.omit(V2009)) - 1)*100)
Or use group_split
dataset %>%
group_split(id_dom) %>%
map_dfr(., ~ .x %>%
group_by(index = map_dbl(row_number(),
~ match1(.x, df = cur_data()))) %>%
mutate(p201 = (first(na.omit(V2009)) - 1)*100))
Having a dataframe like this
data.frame(id = c(1,2), num = c("30, 4, -2,","10, 20"))
How is it possible to take the sum of every row from the column num, and include the minuse into the calculation?
Example of expected output?
data.frame(id = c(1,2), sum = c(32, 30)
Using Base R you could do the following:
# data
df <- data.frame(id = c(1,2), num = c("30, 4, -2,","10, 20"))
# split by ",", convert to numeric and then sum
df[, 2] <- sapply(strsplit(as.character(df$num), ","), function(x){
# result
# id num
# 1 1 32
# 2 2 30
If you can use packages, the tidy packages make this easy and use tidy data principals which are quick and easy once you get used to thinking this way.
df %>%
# Convert the string of numbers to a tidy dataframe
# with one number per row with the id column for grouping
separate_rows(num,sep = ",") %>%
# Convert the text to a number so we can sum
mutate(num = as.numeric(num)) %>%
# Perform the calculation for each id
group_by(id) %>%
# Sum the number
summarise(sum = sum(num,na.rm = TRUE)) %>%
# Ungroup for further use of the data
# A tibble: 2 x 2
# id sum
# <dbl> <dbl>
# 1 1 32
# 2 2 30
df <- data.frame(id = c(1,2), num = c("30, 4, -2","10, 20"))
df$sum <- NA
for (i in 1:nrow(df)) {
temp <- as.character(df[i,2])
n_num <- str_count(temp, '[0-9.]+')
total <- 0
for (j in 1:n_num) {
digit <- strsplit(temp, ',')[[1]][j]
total <- total + as.numeric(digit)
temp <- sub(digit, '', temp)
df[i, 'sum'] <- total
id num sum
1 1 30, 4, -2 32
2 2 10, 20 30
To give some context, I have a dataframe of eyetracking data from a psychology experiment and I want to count the switches between two Areas Of Interest (AOI), for each participant.
Here's a simplified dataframe of the problem (we assume that AOI2 == !AOI1 so we don't need it):
df <- tibble(Participant = rep(1:7, times = 1, each = 10),
Time = rep(1:10, 7),
AOI1 = rbinom(70, 1, .5))
What I want is to count how many times the value of AOI1 changes during time for each participant. I could do it using for loops like bellow, but I was wondering if there was a simpler and more R way of doing it?
df.switches <- tibble(Participant = 1:7,
Switches = NA)
for(p in 1:7){
s <- 0
for(i in 2:10){
if(subset(df, Participant == p & Time == i, select = AOI1) !=
subset(df, Participant == p & Time == i-1, select = AOI1)){
s <- s + 1
df.switches <- df.switches %>%
mutate(Switches = ifelse(Participant == p, s, Switches))
One option is to use dplyr::lag to compare the value with current row in order to count number of switches for each participants.
df %>% group_by(Participant) %>%
summarise(count = sum(AOI1 != lag(AOI1, default = -Inf)))
# # A tibble: 7 x 2
# Participant count
# <int> <int>
# 1 1 5
# 2 2 4
# 3 3 5
# 4 4 4
# 5 5 6
# 6 6 6
# 7 7 4
Since you are already using the tidyverse, you can use lag available as part of dplyr. This checks whether the value of AOI1 is the same as the previous value, and if not, sets a flag to 1. For the first record of each participant, the value is automatically set to NA. Note that the group_by is required, otherwise the flag won't get "reset" every time a new participant is encountered. Also it is assumed that the data is sorted by Participant and Time; if not, pipe arrange(Participant, Time) before the group_by.
df <- tibble(Participant = rep(1:7, times = 1, each = 10),
Time = rep(1:10, 7),
AOI1 = rbinom(70, 1, .5))
df2 <- df %>%
group_by(Participant) %>%
mutate(switch = ifelse(AOI1 != lag(AOI1), 1, 0)) %>%
summarise(num_switches = sum(switch, na.rm = TRUE))
I have the following data:
id <- rep(c(1, 2, 3, 4, 5), each = 9)
wrc <- round(runif(36, 20, 100))
wrc <- c(wrc, wrc[10:18])
x <- rep(1:9, 5)
dat <- data.frame(id, wrc, x)
In this data set, id 2 and id 5 contain the exact same data but with different IDs. This can be verified by running,
dat[dat$id == 2, ]
dat[dat$id == 5, ]
I have a much larger data set, with 4321 IDs, and I want to remove these duplicates because even though they have different IDs, they really are duplicates.
Presently I am do a combo of really awful and extremely slow for() and while() loops. In English, what the code is doing is subsetting an id and then comparing that id to every other id that I have subsetted within a while loop. When I find a duplicate, meaning all the rows of data are identical, it should throw away the first id that is a duplicate. The resulting cleaned_data is what I want, it is just unbearable slow to get there. Because it takes roughly 1 minute to do a comparison when I have 4321 ids, so that's about 4321 minutes to run this awful loop. Can someone help?
id_check = 1:5
cleaned_data <- data.frame()
for(i in id_check){
compare_tmp <- dat %>% filter(id == i)
compare_check <- compare_tmp %>% select(wrc, x)
duplicate = FALSE
if(i == length(id_check)){
cleaned_data <- rbind(cleaned_data, compare_tmp)
} else {
id_tmp = i + 1
while(duplicate == FALSE){
check <- dat %>% filter(id == id_tmp) %>% select(wrc, x)
if(nrow(check) == 0) break
duplicate = identical(compare_check, check)
id_tmp = id_tmp + 1
if(id_tmp == (length(id_check) + 1)) {
if(duplicate == FALSE){
cleaned_data <- rbind(cleaned_data, compare_tmp)
This is in response to why duplicated won't work. Below ids 2 and 5 are not the same subjects because there data aren't always identical.
id <- rep(c(1, 2, 3, 4, 5), each = 9)
wrc <- round(runif(36, 20, 100))
wrc <- c(wrc, wrc[c(1, 11:18)])
x <- rep(1:9, 5)
dat <- data.frame(id, wrc, x)
dat[dat$id == 2,]
dat[dat$id == 5,]
If I run dat[!duplicated(dat[2:3]),] it removes id 5, when it shouldn't.
If the column structure is accurate, you could convert to wide format for duplicate detection:
dat_wide = reshape2::dcast(dat, id ~ x, value.var = "wrc")
dupes = dat_wide$id[duplicated(dat_wide[-1], fromLast = T)]
no_dupes = dat[!dat$id %in% dupes, ]
Maybe something along the lines of:
split(dat, dat$id)[!duplicated(lapply(split(dat[2:3], dat$id), `rownames<-`, NULL), fromLast = TRUE)]
This splits by id, identifies duplicates, then binds again the non-duplicates.
Since time is of the essence here, I ran a benchmark of the solutions so far:
p <- 4321
id <- rep(1:p, each = 9)
dats <- replicate(p %/% 2, round(runif(9, 20, 100)), simplify = FALSE)
wrc <- unlist(sample(dats, p, replace = TRUE))
x <- rep(1:9, times = p)
dat <- data.frame(id, wrc, x)
base = {
split(dat, dat$id)[!duplicated(lapply(split(dat[2:3], dat$id), `rownames<-`, NULL), fromLast = TRUE)]
tidyr = {
as_tibble(dat) %>%
nest(-id) %>%
filter(!duplicated(data, fromLast = TRUE)) %>%
reshape = {
dat_wide = reshape2::dcast(dat, id ~ x, value.var = "wrc")
dupes = dat_wide$id[duplicated(dat_wide[-1], fromLast = T)]
no_dupes = dat[!dat$id %in% dupes, ]
times = 10L
# Unit: milliseconds
# expr min lq mean median uq max neval cld
# base 892.8239 980.36553 1090.87505 1096.12514 1187.98810 1232.47244 10 c
# tidyr 944.8156 953.10558 977.71756 976.83703 990.58672 1033.27664 10 b
# reshape 49.9955 50.13347 52.20539 51.91833 53.91568 55.64506 10 a
With tidyr:
as_tibble(dat) %>%
nest(-id) %>%
filter(!duplicated(data, fromLast = TRUE)) %>%
# # A tibble: 36 x 3
# id wrc x
# <dbl> <dbl> <int>
# 1 1 53 1
# 2 1 44 2
# 3 1 70 3
# 4 1 31 4
# 5 1 67 5
# 6 1 50 6
# 7 1 70 7
# 8 1 40 8
# 9 1 52 9
# 10 3 95 1
# # ... with 26 more rows
(Note: not sure about the Stackoverflow policy about multiple answers, but this one is different enough to deserve a separate answer IMHO (if it's not, please say so and I'll edit my initial answer and delete this one).
Starting with data containing multiple observations for each group, like this:
my.df <- data.frame(
timepoint = rep(c(0, 1, 2), each= 3),
counts = round(rnorm(9, 50, 10), 0)
> my.df
timepoint counts
1 0 44
2 0 52
3 0 42
4 1 66
5 1 53
6 1 42
7 2 55
8 2 57
9 2 56
To perform a summary calculation at each timepoint relative to timepoint == 0, for each group I need to pass a vector of counts for timepoint == 0 and a vector of counts for the group (e.g. timepoint == 0) to an arbitrary function, e.g.
NonsenseFunction <- function(x, y){
(mean(x) - mean(y)) / (1 - mean(y))
I can get the required output from this table, either with dplyr:
my.df %>%
group_by(timepoint) %>%
mutate(rep = paste0("r", 1:n())) %>%
left_join(x = ., y = filter(., timepoint == 0), by = "rep") %>%
group_by(timepoint.x) %>%
summarise(result = NonsenseFunction(counts.x, counts.y))
or data.table:
my.dt <- data.table(my.df)
my.dt[, rep := paste0("r", 1:length(counts)), by = timepoint]
merge(my.dt, my.dt[timepoint == 0], by = "rep", all = TRUE)[
, NonsenseFunction(counts.x, counts.y), by = timepoint.x]
This only works if the number of observations between groups is the same. Anyway, the observations aren't matched, so using the temporary rep variable seems hacky.
For a more general case, where I need to pass vectors of the baseline values and the group's values to an arbitrary (more complicated) function, is there an idiomatic data.table or dplyr way of doing so with a grouped operation for all groups?
Here's the straightforward data.table approach:
my.dt[, f(counts, my.dt[timepoint==0, counts]), by=timepoint]
This probably grabs my.dt[timepoint==0, counts] again and again, for each group. You could instead save that value ahead of time:
v = my.dt[timepoint==0, counts]
my.dt[, f(counts, v), by=timepoint]
... or if you don't want to add v to the environment, maybe
with(list(v = my.dt[timepoint==0, counts]),
my.dt[, f(counts, v), by=timepoint]
You could give the second argument to use the vector from your group of interest as a constant.
my.df %>%
group_by(timepoint) %>%
mutate(response = NonsenseFunction(counts, my.df$counts[my.df$timepoint == 0]))
Or if you want to make it beforehand:
constant = = my.df$counts[my.df$timepoint == 0]
my.df %>%
group_by(timepoint) %>%
mutate(response = NonsenseFunction(counts, constant))
You can try,
my.df %>%
mutate(new = mean(counts[timepoint == 0])) %>%
group_by(timepoint) %>%
summarise(result = NonsenseFunction(counts, new))
# A tibble: 3 × 2
# timepoint result
# <dbl> <dbl>
#1 0 0.0000000
#2 1 0.1398601
#3 2 0.2097902