1&1 Hosting - Compilation error for different page.. Fault? - asp.net

I was just about finished a new website I've created but as I was fixing an error on a page I've called view-items.aspx I got a compilation error saying a variable is not declared but I haven't touched that part of the code and it WAS working. I now can't even bring the homepage up (default.aspx) as it still gives me the compilation error for view-items.aspx !! Out of desperation I deleted view-items.aspx and I'm STILL getting the same error regarding a variable not declared for a page that now does not exist !! I am using 1&1 hosting with Asp.Net and VB. Any suggestions please ?

Ah.. Stupidity !! I had accidentally uploaded the file to the APP CODE folder causing all sorts of problems, when I deleted that it works fine. Thank you


Wordpress website Cannot redeclare noindex

My website https://www.greengo.uk/ stopped working and I just can't figure out why. The error message is:
Fatal error: Cannot redeclare noindex() (previously declared in /var/sites/g/greengo.uk/public_html/wp-includes/general-template.php:3206) in /var/sites/g/greengo.uk/public_html/wp-includes/deprecated.php on line 4155
It looks like something happened after an update.
deprecated.php on line 4155
I have deleted the .maintenance file but no luck. I have some important content on this website. Could you help me out how to make it work and recover it?
Thank you
I had the exactly same problem yesterday with one of the sites I've done for a client. I managed to restore the site by updating my local development version to Wordpress 5.7. and then manually replacing the general-template.php and deprecated.php on the server.
The site works now but unfortunately login screen still gives critical error.

resource cannot be found error when launching an asp application

So I am just in utter disgust at what happened. i was working on an asp.net in TFS application and all of the sudden it literally just stopped working. Every time I tried to launch it in a browser it would display this error:
The entire DESCRIPTION states:
Description: HTTP 404. The resource you are looking for (or one of its
dependencies) could have been removed, had its name changed, or is
temporarily unavailable. Please review the following URL and make
sure that it is spelled correctly
I haven't the slightest clue what happened. I have not to my best recollection done anything to jeopardize it.
This is what I've done. since I have two different logins to my computer, I took the solution and tried to launch it in my 2nd login and it worked perfectly. I took that same solution file and tried to launch it in my current login and it's causing this issue.
I reset all my Visual studio settings and tried to launch the solution and again - get the same error.
It is showing the SERVIER ERROR in /HOME.aspx - but this error does not show up in my other login.
Does anyone have any idea what could cause this? I'm basically looking at creating a new user profile for myself to get this resolved. Any help will be much appreciated.
Could it be my user profile or would simply re-installing VS could resolve it?

Lucee not showing run-time errors

Running Lucee server (hosted at Vivio), and I'm unable to get it to show any run-time errors.
I have debugging enabled
I have enabled all debug info types
I've set a debug template (for all IPs); currently set to "Classic", but I've tried "Comment" and "Modern" as well.
When an error occurs, I get an empty page. If a debug template set, I get dumps of all the appropriate scopes and DB activity, as well as execution times... but no error message/details or stack trace.
Is there a setting I'm missing?
How do I insure Lucee displays my run-time errors during development?
I'm not sure if you every figured this out (kind of a necro). If you are in Dev disect your application.cfc. I had an issue in my onRequest section. Someone threw a cftry around the target page include. This ran Lucee into the catch and it showed a blank page.
If that doesn't help try removing your OnError function in there. There might be something in there that is trying to serve up a friendly error page which could prevent error output.
Also, look in Lucee server administrator and check that it is pointing to the native error.cfm that comes with the Lucee package.
I have to add it even though it isn't likely the cause. Search your code for any abort. It could be someone was testing a routine and was aborting to see how far Lucee was processing.
Hope these suggestions help.

404 inside application.cfm - yet page loads and cgi variables change?

I'm having a few issues with my site where certain pieces of script were failing within the application that involved checks on things such as the cgi.script_name. I've managed to trace this back to an issue which is caused by my web.config file. I ran a cfdump inside a cfsavecontent file within the application.cfm and then wrote the file into my stucture and loaded up the HTML page.
I found that at the time the dump was performed, the cgi.script_name value was /errorpages/404.cfm yet the page loaded normally and the cgi.script_name reads /cart.cfm? I'm very confused. I've currently disabled ANY error setup and it works fine, but within Error Pages on IIS7, i had originally set up the 404 to execute /errorpages/404.cfm and under the error feature settings to throw a custom error page when it encountered an error. Does anybody know where the hell i am going wrong?

Getting Error CS0433

error CS0433: The type 'ucTerms' exists in both 'c:\Users\satyajit.singh\AppData\Local\Temp\Temporary ASP.NET Files\eoc\f63b2378\43228109\App_Web_cez09cff.dll' and 'c:\Users\satyajit.singh\AppData\Local\Temp\Temporary ASP.NET Files\eoc\f63b2378\43228109\App_Web_frn_iozf.dll'
I can see that theere is a User Control "ucTerms" which is contained in the "User Control" folder under also under the root (main solution) . I researched a lot and tried different solutions like setting the "batch = false", deleting the temporary folder but none have worked.
The web site builds successfully but this error pops up when I try to publish the website.
can anyone help me on this. I have been working on this error for last 3 days.
Thanks in advance,
have you tried these?
Error: The type exists in both directories,
if none of these help, try to isolate the issue:
remove your user control from the project (make sure you save it somehwere else) to see if its only this one user control that has the issue, or every other one as well, this information may be helpful
