Adding Dummy/Blank Member to Report Script in Essbase - report

Right off the bat, I'll say I'm new to essbase and am far from an expert on report scripts so I'm sure I'm messing up the terminology here, so let me know and I can edit the post.
I'm creating 2 simple report scripts that pull from separate databases and want to combine the output into one file for a load into a new database. However, the two databases do not have the same dimensions but I'd like to add some dummy members to one report script so that everything lines up correctly for an easy merge later.
I'll try and provide some code to paint a picture of this, but it just boils down to whether or not I can add a blank member or not.
<ROW ("A","B","C","D","E","F","G")
I tried using the Duplicate function, but this duplicates the entire row and not just the member. It is also worth mentioning that while I could do this after the scripts have ran using a unix script, I'd like to avoid the route if there's something I can do within the essbase script itself.
I've done quite a bit of research on this but haven't been able to find anything, so let me know what you guys think.


Is there any profiler able to identify the name of variables being copied in and out GPU with openacc program

I'm trying to accelerate a legacy MPI Fortran program with GPU and OpenACC. And after I compile and profile the program with Nsight system, I found some unexpected data copy from HtoD and DtoH. I want to mitigate those data transfers by copy them in advance, but I could not find out what exactly was copied in and out. The program is quite large with many many source files, is there any ways to quickly identify the variable name corresponding to memcpy HtoD and DtoH shown on the profiler.
I also tried with PGI_ACC_DEBUG mode, but the information is overwhelming and I could not identify which is actually the data transfer I'm looking for. Is there some good practices to do that?
Unfortunately, I don't know a way to get this association from Nsight-systems. You might try using the environment variable "PGI_ACC_NOTIFY=2". This displays a more concise debug output, showing the file line, variable name, and size in bytes. Note that PGI_ACC_NOTIFY uses a bit mask to control what's being displayed with "1" being the kernel launches, "2" being the data transfers, and "3" being both.

How can I extract all the data from the Cancer Types Summary Page on CBioPortal at once?

I would really like to take the data that would normally be seen by hovering over each column at once. The graph is an interactive one so its hard to extract all the data at once. I would really like it.
I suggest that you pick a programming language that you know fairly well.
Then load the web pages, use a selector to select the desired elements, and output the data in the format you like.
Please begin writing the code, and update your question when you have something working at least partially, so you can ask precisely where you need help

how access specific part of data as an input of AWK

Suppose I want to access an online dictionary and need to look for a specific word. I just like to have the specific part of data, which is those related to word and its translation as input of AWK,any idea?
In other words, I just want to have on my machine a margin of data, How can I prevent downloading all the data and hopefully save space and time. Is there any way to do so without downloading all the data to local machine?
This question is related to my last question here.
Edit 1:
I select dictionary as an example because when you want to look up for a word, it is enough to access a specific part of data and there is no need to process whole of it.
I am not an expert in programming so i was thinking I can modify this answer to make it work(that is why I add AWK tag again). I dont use any specific OS or tool. this is just a basic idea to see what are the possibilities so I dont know how can I improve the tags.
awk cannot download. You must download the file and pipe it into a command that terminates as soon as it finds a result:
wget -qqO- |grep -wim1 "word"
wget -qqO- URL will have no output other than the content of the given URL, which is placed on standard out so you can then parse it. grep -wim1 "word" will find the first bounded word matching "word" and then terminate. If you don't need it outputted, you can use -wiq instead. If the dictionary has one word per line (and nothing else), you're better off with -x instead of -w so that you can match "can" in its entirety rather than "can't" (' is a word boundary). Remove the -i if you want to match case.
In the comments, you asked:
it may improve to jumpt to start of "w" character maybe so not to download whole data from "a" to "w". is it possible? I guess not
Some programs can "resume" downloads and you may be able to play with that, but you'd have to guess where to start. This would be a lot of work and you might seek too far and therefore fail to get a match.
If you are querying this dictionary more than once, I'd recommend downloading it and saving it so you can query it locally. Even the largest dictionary I know of is only 213MB (compressed, search with zgrep), though I am assuming you're talking about a traditional word list rather than a hash table or other arbitrary data form. Of course, anything longer would take such a long time to download that you'd only want to do it once.
If you really don't want to store it locally, you should probably consider a database rather than a flat file.

How to avoid code duplication for non-data structures (views, stored procedures etc)

My project contains a lot of objects like views and stored procedures which are being changed quite frequently. Now I have to create new SQL script on every update which contains complete source code of changed objects despite I've actually changed only few rows. It leads to massive code duplication and I also found it difficult to review these changes.
I'd like to have only one actual version of SQL script for every object like view or procedure and recreate these objects every time I redeploy the database. As result I could change existing source file (like in Java or C programming) instead of creating a new update every time I need to alter view or procedure.
Is there a possibility to execute some scripts every time I migrate the database with Flyway?
I'm not sure why that got so many downvotes, it's a perfectly understandable and valid question. Perhaps it's because it closely resembles this open question:
Migrating Stored Procedures with Flyway
We are actually starting to push against this issue now. We've been using flyway for development and testing (and love it). But we've come to a point where we're starting to have to use procs/triggers/views (p/t/v's) and the fundamental disconnect between how we did it before, and how we must use flyway, is starting to be a strain.
Before, for a given database object (let's say it's a procedure), there'd be one source file. And if you needed to change the proc 'n' times, there would be 'n' versions of the same file in your VCS. Diff tools work great, IDE's all understand this, merges detect when two developers working in separate branches make changes to the proc, etc, etc. You know, old school.
But with flyway, any one proc with 'n' changes is now scattered across 'n' files. Instead of "one object in one file with 'n' versions", you have "one objecct in 'n' files with one change each". I now need to do a text search in my IDE for any instance of "proc_name" if I want to know the history of changes to the proc. The VCS knows nothing about it. Devs can each make a migration in their own branches that succeed when each is deployed, but leave the proc with a missing update.
I'm not saying any of this to complain about flyway, and I fully realize it's not a simple area. I'd almost say it's unsolveable (by flyway).
We're scheming how to handle this problem, and I'd be very interested to know how others have handled it.
Repeatable migrations are supported by Flyway 4.0, now.
Just add sql files starting with "R" without any version information to your migration folder:
You have to ensure, that the script could be repeatable migrated.
This is usually done by "CREATE OR REPLACE" clauses in your DDL statements.

R workflow: How to handle hand-cleaning data

Let me first say that I assiduously avoid hand-cleaning data in favor of regular expressions and the like. However, occasionally it is inevitable.
I use something like the Load-Clean-Func-Do workflow normally, so this obviously fits into the cleaning phase. However, any hand-editing breaks the ability to run the stuff before the hand-cleaning if it needs updating.
I can think of at least three ways to handle this:
Put the by-hand changes as early in the workflow as possible, so that everything after that remains runnable.
Write out regexes or assignment operations for every single change.
Use a tool that generates (2) for you after you close the spreadsheet where you've made the changes.
The problem with 2 is that it can be extremely unweildy. The problem with 3 is that I'm unaware of any such tool existing for R. Stata has an extremely good implementation of this.
So the questions are:
Which results in the most replicable code with the least-frustrating code writing?
Does a tool as in (3) exist?
I agree that hand-cleaning is generally a rather bad idea. However, sometimes it is unavoidable. I'd suggest one of the two, or both:
Keep a separate data file with "data fixing" containing three variables "case_id", "variable_name", "value". Use it to store information about which values in the original data need to be replaced. You may add some additional variables to extra information about cleaning (e.g. why value on variable "variable_name" need to be replaced with "value" for case "case_id", etc.). Then have a short piece of R code, which loads your original data and then cleans it with the additional information in the "fixing" file.
Perhaps you should start using some version control system like git or subversion (there are other progs also). Every hand-made change to the data could be recorded in the system as a separate commit. By the end of the day, you will be able to easily check the log for what change you made to the data and when. Moreover, you will be able to generate patch files that transform original data files to the cleaned ones. It is also beneficial to have your R code files version-controlled.
