Is this possible on wordpress newsletter - wordpress

Good day,
I need some advice if this is possible on wordpress? I have a classified site and I want to create a newsletter that would have multiple categories each category would just have a list of title that has links to the item page.
The hard part is I need a check box on the registration and user profile page that will enable them to select which category they want on their newsletter and uncheck which one they don’t need. The reason for this is the list on each category can be too many and users might not want to see listing about ex. community or announcement etc.
Another feature that I need is for paid listing to stay on the newsletter for the duration of its package and for free listing to only show the day it was posted even though it has 5 days to stay on the site
I am open to use any options like mailchimp, awebber etc. as long as it works
Hot Deal <-Category
1.) New Arrival comfort footwear
Forsale <-Category
1.) Xbox one fresh inbox
2.) Ps4 brand new
Many thanks

There is a plugin
which will help you to make users subscribing to category.
That plugin lets a user subscribe and unsubscribe to posts within a certain category or categories.
Subscribers will recieve an e-mail with a link to the actual post.
And the post type may be anything like product or news etc ;)
But you may endup doing some customize coding to get what exactly you are looking for.


How to link pricing table with affiliate product?

I have a pricing table on my home page that lists 3 nutrition plans. Each of these plans is actually an affiliate product. Currently, I've manually added the affiliate link to each of the buttons (which redirects to the affiliate website by clicking a button), without using woocomerce products.
I have another page called Plans in which I use the product grid widget from Elementor, which automatically adds my external products that are added to Woocomerce product list (links are the same as in the pricing table product list).
So here I got totally confused due to lack of my experience. Here are the problems:
I can't use some kind of grid on my homepage as well (for additional widget cost and design reasons), but I will need to edit 2 places if an affiliate link would change.
In addition to that, I'm not sure if WooCommerce will be able to
track which products sell the best because it's not actually
directly coupled, it's just a link. Or I'm wrong here and Woocomerce
will only look into the affiliate link?
I would be able to live with changing 2 places in the future, but I'm totally not sure about the second one.I tried to dig deep into that, but only found information with an actual products and not affiliate ones, which is not the case in my scenario.

How do I create a catalogue-based website in ix or Wordpress?

I'm not sure if this is the right place to ask. I'm also currently in my last semester of studies for web development.
Id like to create a website similar to an ecommerce site, except instead of checking out and going to pay and place an order, an email gets sent through to me with the product information and also any other added messages the user has. I still need to be able to add products to a cart section so that I don't have to send multiple emails for multiple products.
I wanna do this in Wordpress or Wix because I have to create the entire site in a month, or just get it functional in that time.
Any help would be appreciated!

Blog post not showing in specific categories - BeTheme

I have categorized every blogpost into specific category on my blog, yet whenever I try to access a particular category page, I am not able to see posts specific to it.
I am having the following 6 categories:
Health and Lifestyle
Now, let us assume I try to open Relationships category, so my URL will be something like: An example of my URL while opening a particular category page
In here, I want only the posts which belong to 'Relationships' to get visible to my users, however it is not happening.
What the users see is - a complete list of blog posts
Any way to resolve this issue? Is there any way wherein I can simply call blog posts as per the category chosen?
Looking forward to some assistance on this issue.

Symfony2 - Add a most viewed post to the sidebar

I've noticed some websites that have a most viewed posts section. I am looking to add this functionality to the side bar.
How can you setup a method that determines how many posts have been selected by a user then add in the top 3 or so viewed posts?
For example here (towards the middle of the page in the sidebar, the most viewed):
Is there a bundle that incorporates this?
Or is there an easier method by using a count based on how many times a user clicks on a post?
No, I don't know anyBundle doing that.
To have the 3 most viewed article you need to add a field in your database which save how much the article is important.
You have severals ways of doing it, this is what comes to my mind:
First: You add an relation ViewedByWeek -> Post.
Foreach post, this entity keep how much it have been visited.
Everytime an user visit the page, you improve the number of visits of the post for the current week.
Then, you can find the most popular post in the week, in the month, in the year.
If you don't use anything related to the time, the information will not be changing much

How to display all topics under a group's forum in buddypress?

I have building buddypress site where user able to discuss under a group. I have installed bbpress with buddypress. So, when user go to detail view of a group, they can see the all topics of forum if they click on the forum section. But I want to do something like that when user go to detail view of a group, all topics of group's forum will be displayed underneath of the description of group. I do not understand which template should I edit or which loop or query should I add into buddypress/groups/single/home file.
If you want all the topics to appear right below the description you'll have to edit the groups/single/group-header.php file. That way the topics appear on every group page.
You probably could copy a lot of code from /plugins/buddypress/bp-templates/bp-legacy/buddypress/groups/single/forum.php
