Blog post not showing in specific categories - BeTheme - wordpress

I have categorized every blogpost into specific category on my blog, yet whenever I try to access a particular category page, I am not able to see posts specific to it.
I am having the following 6 categories:
Health and Lifestyle
Now, let us assume I try to open Relationships category, so my URL will be something like: An example of my URL while opening a particular category page
In here, I want only the posts which belong to 'Relationships' to get visible to my users, however it is not happening.
What the users see is - a complete list of blog posts
Any way to resolve this issue? Is there any way wherein I can simply call blog posts as per the category chosen?
Looking forward to some assistance on this issue.


Is this possible on wordpress newsletter

Good day,
I need some advice if this is possible on wordpress? I have a classified site and I want to create a newsletter that would have multiple categories each category would just have a list of title that has links to the item page.
The hard part is I need a check box on the registration and user profile page that will enable them to select which category they want on their newsletter and uncheck which one they don’t need. The reason for this is the list on each category can be too many and users might not want to see listing about ex. community or announcement etc.
Another feature that I need is for paid listing to stay on the newsletter for the duration of its package and for free listing to only show the day it was posted even though it has 5 days to stay on the site
I am open to use any options like mailchimp, awebber etc. as long as it works
Hot Deal <-Category
1.) New Arrival comfort footwear
Forsale <-Category
1.) Xbox one fresh inbox
2.) Ps4 brand new
Many thanks
There is a plugin
which will help you to make users subscribing to category.
That plugin lets a user subscribe and unsubscribe to posts within a certain category or categories.
Subscribers will recieve an e-mail with a link to the actual post.
And the post type may be anything like product or news etc ;)
But you may endup doing some customize coding to get what exactly you are looking for.

Different posts content on different pages with Wordpress

I am making a simple info web-site based on wordpress, but I dont have any experience. In the menu I have "Projects", "Partners" and "News". I need to make so, that the person that I make the site for, can add more partners for example in future or adding projects (And almost every day news). So I was told that I should use categories and for example if my "client" want to add anything, he creates a new post with the apropriate category. If he want to add new partner he creates a post with category "Partner", and it visualises in the Partners page.
p.s.: Sorry if you get confused by my explanation Im very tired but I need to finish that quick.
Yes, they can categorize posts by the categories you create and you can link to the categories using menus. See and you'll get a better understanding.

Excluding a single category from Wordpress all posts results

I'm looking for a bit of help as I struggle to create a page that has a list of all of my clients' products. Currently I'm using this URL, which works great (with a caveat):*
(note: on her site, both products and blogs are created as posts, but in separate categories)
As you can see, all the products show up nicely, but also included in the mix are blog posts, which I need to hide from that page.
My real problem is that I'm confused by the /?p=* and what that's doing. Since it's a page being created on the fly, I don't know where to look to get a glimpse behind the scenes.
2 questions:
Where is the /?p=* getting its theme from? Could I copy that theme and edit it to exclude the blog category?
Could I exclude the blog category with some kind of fancy URL work?
This plugin should be able to exclude blog categories: Simply Exclude

Wordpress - Best way to differentiate between Blog Posts and News Posts

I am implementing a clients website in wordpress that has both news and blog posts. The homepage is satic page but the nav bar has the links to two different types of posts - NEWS AND BLOGS. Though both are exactly same however they are to be made accessible entirely separate from each other through the navigation bar.
Now I would like to know what is the best possible way to differentiate between the two in the admin panel:
I mean i can create custom post types for either one or for both the types or on the other hand create no custom post type but just a taxonomy to divide the two into different parts as news posts and blog posts. Also I think I can use the custom field option to differentiate between the two...
Kindly keep in mind that the news and blog posts will be made by the client himself...
Going with this train of thought
Kindly keep in mind that the news and blog posts will be made by the client himself
I think that the best option would be to create a custom post type for "news" and leave the standard blog posts unchanged.
As you can see in the official documentation. Once you create a custom post type, a new top-level option will be created in the admin panel.
Which would allow for the following use scenarios:
Posts > Add New
Posts > All Posts
News > Add New
News > All News
Keeping the taxonomies out of this is also a good idea. Because that would allow you to keep them meaningful and share them among different post types.
e.g: clicking on "open source" category would show a list of "posts" and "news" related to that particular topic.
This yoast article covers a few more advanced scenarios and how to manage them.
Using custom-fields would probably confuse the end user. Especially because there will be times where they forget to add the field altogether, and wonder why the post is not showing on the page at all.
hope this helps

Own domain for each category

I'm running an existing Wordpress blog about a single topic with cleary distinguishable subtopics. Those subtopics generate enough interest and content that they could easily be a blog by themselves.
As I'm just running this one blog, each of this subtopics represents a category. For SEO reasons I now would like to run each category on its own domain. For better understanding: displays content of displays content of displays content of
The navigation and links within the blog to other posts in different categories should always end up in the correct domain.
Is there any plugin or any different way to accomplish a behaviour like this?
Thanks & Cheers!
Could you not just map the document root of each domain to
