Why Is My Wordpress Theme Losing CSS On Mobile? - css

I'm working on a Wordpress theme over at http://mbgb.co.uk/blog
Up in-till an hour ago all was OK, now however whenever accessing the site with mobile dimensions, the previous CSS has disappeared. I've tried going back to previous CSS but that's not working and to my knowledge I've not touched any other part of the build.
Any advice?
Thanks in advance.

I have checked the url you mentioned.
Found some weird tags.
Please open your website and view your page source(Ctrl + U).
Preferably in Mozilla Firfox. As there the errors will be highlighted.
Please see the attached screenshots.
Go through the page source and resolve the things that are making these occur.
Please check
Please check

Did you checked if there are css rules that make your CSS appear only for desktop screens? This could be only explainable reason.

I'd just left a tag out - one day I'll learn not to panic. Sorry guys.


Magento skin and js missing from url

I have a site on magento, before it's working fine after yesterday night on words css and js not loading. full site and admin also messed up.
Actually css url like this. http://siteurl.com/skin/frontend/default/town/css/styles.css
but for me it's showing
From above skin missing. likewise js also showing, please any one help me !!!
Please contact your host provider, they will help to solve this issue.
Thank you!

Horizontal scroll - syntaxhighlighter

I was googling to find a solution for this forever, I was so close but still can't find the problem...
The closest solution I found was at this site But:
I want exactly the opposite of what this guy posted: Automatic line break in js SyntaxHighlighter
He wants instead of horizontal bar to break the code down, but what do I want is instead of breaking the code down, to display a horizontal bar.
I've used SH on multiple projects and never actually had this issue till now.
I've installed it in wordpress as a plugin in a custom theme, I modified the theme css file(s) and the syntax highlighter's file(s) (.css), but still nothing's going on.
Here's a screenshot
If you have any suggestion what the problem might be, please tell me - any help is appreciated.
I think what you are looking for is a combination of overflow and white-space css properties.
pre {overflow:scroll;}
.pre-wrap {white-space:pre-wrap;}
Please see the footle here

Sidebar pushed below content in an individual post (WordPress)

Everything is fine on the main page, but when I go into any individual post, the side bar is getting pushed off and showing up right down the button of the page (below the comments).
It's pretty obvious that there is some kind of sizing/width issue and I've played around with a lot of the widths in firebug but just can't seem to find where it's going wrong.
I'm new yo wordpress so clear steps to solve this problem are high appreciated
Thanks in advance for any help!
Link to single post: http://www.misslittletouch.com/2013/08/27/temporada-deco/E
I've just solved it.
Downloaded this plugin that fixed everything alone.

Wordpress.com - after saving custom CSS all widths are removed

I'm working with wordpress.com along with the custom design upgrade to be able to change the CSS. Everything was working fine yesterday, and suddenly today I have an issue with the stylesheet: when I hit the 'save' button all the widths are removed from the CSS, which causes some elements to overlap or be misplaced. It's such a strange behaviour that I don't think I could have accidentally caused it. Only the widths disappear, every other element/rule is there.
I posted this question at the WP forums but no luck yet. Hopefully someone here has an idea about what could be wrong.
Thank you in advance :)
Apparently is a WP issue. I 'fixed' it with a workaround that someone suggested me by replacing 'width' with 'min-width' and 'max-width'.
This was confirmed as a bug, the staff at WP already fixed it and everything is back to normal. Here's a link to the thread in case you were affected.

WordPress theme blog not displaying well in FireFox-how to fix?

I have recently made a new WordPress theme (named {cssgroundup}) which I am using on my blog at www.richard-dickinson.com
It is only a basic WP theme for my personal use as I am quite new to the WordPress platform (?). It is a work in progress (as is the blog content!) however it displays alright in IE browser but not so well in FireFox.
Can someone help me edit it so it displays properly in most browsers or advise me how I can fix this please? I have asked for help at wordpress.org forums but haven't yet had any help!
I can post stylesheet code & theme.php code here if required.
I look forward to helpful replies, many thanks
First thing to do is fix your code errors: Markup Validation of richard-dickinson.com - W3C Markup Validator. Fix the bad code on line 628, and then revaldiate and see what else is wrong.
rpd, it would be useful for those of us who want to help you if you spelled out specific problems that you are trying to find answers to. An example might look like "In IE my top level navigation is working the way I want. In Firefox, the sitemap link is on the next line. How do I fix this?"
There are a lot of cool, generous people here who are happy to share their knowledge with you, but very few people have time to just sit down and review your site from top to bottom.
