WordPress theme blog not displaying well in FireFox-how to fix? - wordpress

I have recently made a new WordPress theme (named {cssgroundup}) which I am using on my blog at www.richard-dickinson.com
It is only a basic WP theme for my personal use as I am quite new to the WordPress platform (?). It is a work in progress (as is the blog content!) however it displays alright in IE browser but not so well in FireFox.
Can someone help me edit it so it displays properly in most browsers or advise me how I can fix this please? I have asked for help at wordpress.org forums but haven't yet had any help!
I can post stylesheet code & theme.php code here if required.
I look forward to helpful replies, many thanks

First thing to do is fix your code errors: Markup Validation of richard-dickinson.com - W3C Markup Validator. Fix the bad code on line 628, and then revaldiate and see what else is wrong.

rpd, it would be useful for those of us who want to help you if you spelled out specific problems that you are trying to find answers to. An example might look like "In IE my top level navigation is working the way I want. In Firefox, the sitemap link is on the next line. How do I fix this?"
There are a lot of cool, generous people here who are happy to share their knowledge with you, but very few people have time to just sit down and review your site from top to bottom.


Display Optional Content for AdBlock Users on WordPress

I am trying to set up some sort of conditional, non-intrusive text box that shows up only for people using AdBlock. I am adamantly and emphatically opposed to popups or locking the content of my website to AdBlock users. I simply want to have a small section of plain text show up that says, “Hey, you! Before you read on, we ask that you consider whitelisting us on AdBlock. (etc. etc. etc.)”. I want people to be able to scroll past it without issue and not have their experience with my website be impacted if they choose not to whitelist me; I'm not out to coerce anyone or annoy anyone, I just want to make my case, in brief, that I don't run obstructive, malware-filled ads and it would be great if they supported me. And I don't want it to show up if someone doesn't have Adblock enabled.
I'm not very savvy with HTML, but if someone can clearly instruct me where exactly to put some code in to my website, I would be open to an option that involves editing my website's code. Otherwise, a plugin that I've overlooked would be really helpful. I've looked around but most of what I've found is something that puts a giant sticky on the page to obstruct peoples' view until they whitelist. Again, I don't want that. That is exactly the reason people got AdBlock to begin with. People who use such countermeasures are fundamentally missing the point. (/rant)
Thanks in advance!
Use this plugin.
Read this article:- https://www.wpbeginner.com/plugins/how-to-detect-and-stop-adblock-in-wordpress/
Hope its working for you. try this and let me know

Why Is My Wordpress Theme Losing CSS On Mobile?

I'm working on a Wordpress theme over at http://mbgb.co.uk/blog
Up in-till an hour ago all was OK, now however whenever accessing the site with mobile dimensions, the previous CSS has disappeared. I've tried going back to previous CSS but that's not working and to my knowledge I've not touched any other part of the build.
Any advice?
Thanks in advance.
I have checked the url you mentioned.
Found some weird tags.
Please open your website and view your page source(Ctrl + U).
Preferably in Mozilla Firfox. As there the errors will be highlighted.
Please see the attached screenshots.
Go through the page source and resolve the things that are making these occur.
Please check
Please check
Did you checked if there are css rules that make your CSS appear only for desktop screens? This could be only explainable reason.
I'd just left a tag out - one day I'll learn not to panic. Sorry guys.

Lines of nonsense code where wordpress pages should be: Avada

A few of the pages on my organisation's website are displaying code - not real code - just nonsense code, like this:
���ْG�(�,��?���fUH쵲اDQj�������he $�#B�.
Go to http://www.eavi.eu/about-us/ for an example or check the image here:
I have emailed Avada's support, but I was wondering if anyone has encountered anything similar in the past and might be able to help.
I removed the Tiny MCE editor plugin and this fixed everything.
It seems there is an issue with the Avada theme and this plugin which I confirmed with someone else.

Buddypress - Adding friends breaks layout

I am pretty new to Buddypress (this is my first install) and not so new to WP. I have a custom theme with Buddypress installed and all works great with the exception of adding/canceling friend requests. Whenever someone hits Add/Cancel Friend then for some reason it breaks the layout of the page by displaying what looks like a iframe of our site.
I have looked around the forums and google to see if I maybe forgot to add something in my theme but cant get it right.
The only way I have been able to (temporarily) fix this is by display:none on the .pending_friend selector but I know it will still display in the markup and is not the best solution.
Has anyone encountered this yet, or can suggest a fix? I feel like it is probably something really simple and my over complicated thought process just isnt seeing it.
Attached is a screen shot of what happens when you add/cancel friends??
Found out the starter theme I was using had deregistered the default version of JQuery to load its own, so after troubleshooting I just removed their call to deregister and enqueue scripts and just let Wordpress do its thing, all is working perfectly now.

Easy Mailchimp Extender & easy fancy box plugin for Wordpress-Conflicting

I'm new to these forums, I actually found them because I've been having a problem with my wordpress website, as two of my plugins are conflicting and I can't resolve the issue.
I'm using the Easy Mailchimp Extender plugin and the easy fancy box plugin, though there is a conflict between the two. Basically my images open fine with the easy fancybox plugin, but only if mailchimp is not active. If mailchimp is active, fancybox is disabled, and my homepage media slider doesn't display properly.
You can view my website (and see the homepage issue here):
I found the forum through a google search because hugegoudaface had the same problem as me (which is mentioned as the 4th answer on this thread) - though he doesn't explain how he resolved the issue in a way I understand...
MailChimp jQuery Conflict
I'd massively appreciate any help to resolve this issue. I'm not an experienced programmer though, so will probably need things explained in quite a basic way.
Thanks very much!
