Removing Airflow task logs - airflow

I'm running 5 DAG's which have generated a total of about 6GB of log data in the base_log_folder over a months period. I just added a remote_base_log_folder but it seems it does not exclude logging to the base_log_folder.
Is there anyway to automatically remove old log files, rotate them or force airflow to not log on disk (base_log_folder) only in remote storage?

Please refer
This plugin has DAGs that can kill halted tasks and log-cleanups.
You can grab the concepts and can come up with a new DAG that can cleanup as per your requirement.

We remove the Task logs by implementing our own FileTaskHandler, and then pointing to it in the airflow.cfg. So, we overwrite the default LogHandler to keep only N task logs, without scheduling additional DAGs.
We are using Airflow==1.10.1.
logging_config_class = log_config.LOGGING_CONFIG
BASE_LOG_FOLDER = conf.get('core', 'BASE_LOG_FOLDER')
FOLDER_TASK_TEMPLATE = '{{ ti.dag_id }}/{{ ti.task_id }}'
FILENAME_TEMPLATE = '{{ ti.dag_id }}/{{ ti.task_id }}/{{ ts }}/{{ try_number }}.log'
'formatters': {},
'handlers': {
'...': {},
'task': {
'class': 'file_task_handler.FileTaskRotationHandler',
'formatter': 'airflow.job',
'base_log_folder': os.path.expanduser(BASE_LOG_FOLDER),
'filename_template': FILENAME_TEMPLATE,
'folder_task_template': FOLDER_TASK_TEMPLATE,
'retention': 20
'...': {}
'loggers': {
'airflow.task': {
'handlers': ['task'],
'level': JOB_LOG_LEVEL,
'propagate': False,
'airflow.task_runner': {
'handlers': ['task'],
'level': LOG_LEVEL,
'propagate': True,
'...': {}
import os
import shutil
from airflow.utils.helpers import parse_template_string
from airflow.utils.log.file_task_handler import FileTaskHandler
class FileTaskRotationHandler(FileTaskHandler):
def __init__(self, base_log_folder, filename_template, folder_task_template, retention):
:param base_log_folder: Base log folder to place logs.
:param filename_template: template filename string.
:param folder_task_template: template folder task path.
:param retention: Number of folder logs to keep
super(FileTaskRotationHandler, self).__init__(base_log_folder, filename_template)
self.retention = retention
self.folder_task_template, self.folder_task_template_jinja_template = \
def _get_directories(path='.'):
return next(os.walk(path))[1]
def _render_folder_task_path(self, ti):
if self.folder_task_template_jinja_template:
jinja_context = ti.get_template_context()
return self.folder_task_template_jinja_template.render(**jinja_context)
return self.folder_task_template.format(dag_id=ti.dag_id, task_id=ti.task_id)
def _init_file(self, ti):
relative_path = self._render_folder_task_path(ti)
folder_task_path = os.path.join(self.local_base, relative_path)
subfolders = self._get_directories(folder_task_path)
to_remove = set(subfolders) - set(subfolders[-self.retention:])
for dir_to_remove in to_remove:
full_dir_to_remove = os.path.join(folder_task_path, dir_to_remove)
print('Removing', full_dir_to_remove)
return FileTaskHandler._init_file(self, ti)

Airflow maintainers don't think truncating logs is a part of airflow core logic, to see this, and then in this issue, maintainers suggest to change LOG_LEVEL avoid too many log data.
And in this PR, we can learn how to change log level in airflow.cfg.
good luck.

I know it sounds savage, but have you tried pointing base_log_folder to /dev/null? I use Airflow as a part of a container, so I don't care about the files either, as long as the logger pipe to STDOUT as well.
Not sure how well this plays with S3 though.

For your concrete problems, I have some suggestions.
For those, you would always need a specialized logging config as described in this answer:
automatically remove old log files and rotate them
I don't have any practical experience with the TimedRotatingFileHandler from the Python standard library yet, but you might give it a try:
It not only offers to rotate your files based on a time interval, but if you specify the backupCount parameter, it even deletes your old log files:
If backupCount is nonzero, at most backupCount files will be kept, and if more would be created when rollover occurs, the oldest one is deleted. The deletion logic uses the interval to determine which files to delete, so changing the interval may leave old files lying around.
Which sounds pretty much like the best solution for your first problem.
force airflow to not log on disk (base_log_folder), but only in remote storage?
In this case you should specify the logging config in such a way that you do not have any logging handlers that write to a file, i.e. remove all FileHandlers.
Rather, try to find logging handlers that send the output directly to a remote address.
E.g. CMRESHandler which logs directly to ElasticSearch but needs some extra fields in the log calls.
Alternatively, write your own handler class and let it inherit from the Python standard library's HTTPHandler.
A final suggestion would be to combine both the TimedRotatingFileHandler and setup ElasticSearch together with FileBeat, so you would be able to store your logs inside ElasticSearch (i.e. remote), but you wouldn't store a huge amount of logs on your Airflow disk since they will be removed by the backupCount retention policy of your TimedRotatingFileHandler.

Usually apache airflow grab the disk space due to 3 reasons
1. airflow scheduler logs files
2. mysql binaly logs [Major]
3. xcom table records.
To make it clean up on regular basis I have set up a dag which run on daily basis and cleans the binary logs and truncate the xcom table to make the disk space free
You also might need to install [pip install mysql-connector-python].
To clean up scheduler log files I do delete them manually two times in a week to avoid the risk of logs deleted which needs to be required for some reasons.
I clean the logs files by [sudo rm -rd airflow/logs/] command.
Below is my python code for reference
"""Example DAG demonstrating the usage of the PythonOperator."""
from airflow import DAG
from airflow.operators.python import PythonOperator
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
from airflow.utils.dates import days_ago
from airflow.operators.bash import BashOperator
from airflow.providers.postgres.operators.postgres import PostgresOperator
args = {
'owner': 'airflow',
'retries': 1,
'email':['Your Email Id'],
'retry_delay': timedelta(minutes=5)
dag = DAG(
def truncate_table():
import mysql.connector
connection = mysql.connector.connect(host='localhost',
password='your password',
cursor = connection.cursor()
sql_select_query = """TRUNCATE TABLE xcom"""
print("XCOM Table truncated successfully")
def delete_binary_logs():
import mysql.connector
from datetime import datetime
date ='%Y-%m-%d')
connection = mysql.connector.connect(host='localhost',
cursor = connection.cursor()
query = 'PURGE BINARY LOGS BEFORE ' + "'" + str(date) + "'"
sql_select_query = query
print("Binary logs deleted successfully")
t1 = PythonOperator(
python_callable=truncate_table, dag=dag
t2 = PythonOperator(
python_callable=delete_binary_logs, dag=dag
t2 << t1

I am surprized but it worked for me. Update your config as below:
It is test in minio and in s3.

Our solution looks a lot like Franzi's:
Running on Airflow 2.0.1 (py3.8)
Override default logging configuration
Since we use a helm chart for airflow deployment it was easiest to push an env there, but it can also be done in the airflow.cfg or using ENV in dockerfile.
# Set custom logging configuration to enable log rotation for task logging
AIRFLOW__LOGGING__LOGGING_CONFIG_CLASS: "airflow_plugins.settings.airflow_local_settings.DEFAULT_LOGGING_CONFIG"
Then we added the logging configuration together with the custom log handler to a python module we build and install in the docker image. As described here:
Logging configuration snippet
This is only a copy on the default from the airflow codebase, but then the task logger gets a different handler.
'version': 1,
'disable_existing_loggers': False,
'formatters': {
'airflow': {'format': LOG_FORMAT},
'airflow_coloured': {
'class': COLORED_FORMATTER_CLASS if COLORED_LOG else 'logging.Formatter',
'handlers': {
'console': {
'class': 'airflow.utils.log.logging_mixin.RedirectStdHandler',
'formatter': 'airflow_coloured',
'stream': 'sys.stdout',
'task': {
'class': 'airflow_plugins.log.rotating_file_task_handler.RotatingFileTaskHandler',
'formatter': 'airflow',
'base_log_folder': os.path.expanduser(BASE_LOG_FOLDER),
'filename_template': FILENAME_TEMPLATE,
'maxBytes': 10485760, # 10MB
'backupCount': 6,
And finally the custom handler which is just a merge of the logging.handlers.RotatingFileHandler and the FileTaskHandler.
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
# or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
# distributed with this work for additional information
# regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
# with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
# software distributed under the License is distributed on an
# KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
# specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
"""File logging handler for tasks."""
import logging
import os
from pathlib import Path
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Optional
import requests
from airflow.configuration import AirflowConfigException, conf
from airflow.utils.helpers import parse_template_string
from airflow.models import TaskInstance
class RotatingFileTaskHandler(logging.Handler):
FileTaskHandler is a python log handler that handles and reads
task instance logs. It creates and delegates log handling
to `logging.FileHandler` after receiving task instance context.
It reads logs from task instance's host machine.
:param base_log_folder: Base log folder to place logs.
:param filename_template: template filename string
def __init__(self, base_log_folder: str, filename_template: str, maxBytes=0, backupCount=0):
self.max_bytes = maxBytes
self.backup_count = backupCount
self.handler = None # type: Optional[logging.FileHandler]
self.local_base = base_log_folder
self.filename_template, self.filename_jinja_template = parse_template_string(filename_template)
def set_context(self, ti: "TaskInstance"):
Provide task_instance context to airflow task handler.
:param ti: task instance object
local_loc = self._init_file(ti)
self.handler = logging.handlers.RotatingFileHandler(
if self.formatter:
def emit(self, record):
if self.handler:
def flush(self):
if self.handler:
def close(self):
if self.handler:
def _render_filename(self, ti, try_number):
if self.filename_jinja_template:
if hasattr(ti, 'task'):
jinja_context = ti.get_template_context()
jinja_context['try_number'] = try_number
jinja_context = {
'ti': ti,
'ts': ti.execution_date.isoformat(),
'try_number': try_number,
return self.filename_jinja_template.render(**jinja_context)
return self.filename_template.format(
def _read_grouped_logs(self):
return False
def _read(self, ti, try_number, metadata=None): # pylint: disable=unused-argument
Template method that contains custom logic of reading
logs given the try_number.
:param ti: task instance record
:param try_number: current try_number to read log from
:param metadata: log metadata,
can be used for steaming log reading and auto-tailing.
:return: log message as a string and metadata.
# Task instance here might be different from task instance when
# initializing the handler. Thus explicitly getting log location
# is needed to get correct log path.
log_relative_path = self._render_filename(ti, try_number)
location = os.path.join(self.local_base, log_relative_path)
log = ""
if os.path.exists(location):
with open(location) as file:
log += f"*** Reading local file: {location}\n"
log += "".join(file.readlines())
except Exception as e: # pylint: disable=broad-except
log = f"*** Failed to load local log file: {location}\n"
log += "*** {}\n".format(str(e))
elif conf.get('core', 'executor') == 'KubernetesExecutor': # pylint: disable=too-many-nested-blocks
from airflow.kubernetes.kube_client import get_kube_client
kube_client = get_kube_client()
if len(ti.hostname) >= 63:
# Kubernetes takes the pod name and truncates it for the hostname. This truncated hostname
# is returned for the fqdn to comply with the 63 character limit imposed by DNS standards
# on any label of a FQDN.
pod_list = kube_client.list_namespaced_pod(conf.get('kubernetes', 'namespace'))
matches = [
for pod in pod_list.items
if len(matches) == 1:
if len(matches[0]) > len(ti.hostname):
ti.hostname = matches[0]
log += '*** Trying to get logs (last 100 lines) from worker pod {} ***\n\n'.format(
res = kube_client.read_namespaced_pod_log(
namespace=conf.get('kubernetes', 'namespace'),
for line in res:
log += line.decode()
except Exception as f: # pylint: disable=broad-except
log += '*** Unable to fetch logs from worker pod {} ***\n{}\n\n'.format(ti.hostname, str(f))
url = os.path.join("http://{ti.hostname}:{worker_log_server_port}/log", log_relative_path).format(
ti=ti, worker_log_server_port=conf.get('celery', 'WORKER_LOG_SERVER_PORT')
log += f"*** Log file does not exist: {location}\n"
log += f"*** Fetching from: {url}\n"
timeout = None # No timeout
timeout = conf.getint('webserver', 'log_fetch_timeout_sec')
except (AirflowConfigException, ValueError):
response = requests.get(url, timeout=timeout)
response.encoding = "utf-8"
# Check if the resource was properly fetched
log += '\n' + response.text
except Exception as e: # pylint: disable=broad-except
log += "*** Failed to fetch log file from worker. {}\n".format(str(e))
return log, {'end_of_log': True}
def read(self, task_instance, try_number=None, metadata=None):
Read logs of given task instance from local machine.
:param task_instance: task instance object
:param try_number: task instance try_number to read logs from. If None
it returns all logs separated by try_number
:param metadata: log metadata,
can be used for steaming log reading and auto-tailing.
:return: a list of listed tuples which order log string by host
# Task instance increments its try number when it starts to run.
# So the log for a particular task try will only show up when
# try number gets incremented in DB, i.e logs produced the time
# after cli run and before try_number + 1 in DB will not be displayed.
if try_number is None:
next_try = task_instance.next_try_number
try_numbers = list(range(1, next_try))
elif try_number < 1:
logs = [
[('default_host', f'Error fetching the logs. Try number {try_number} is invalid.')],
return logs, [{'end_of_log': True}]
try_numbers = [try_number]
logs = [''] * len(try_numbers)
metadata_array = [{}] * len(try_numbers)
for i, try_number_element in enumerate(try_numbers):
log, metadata = self._read(task_instance, try_number_element, metadata)
# es_task_handler return logs grouped by host. wrap other handler returning log string
# with default/ empty host so that UI can render the response in the same way
logs[i] = log if self._read_grouped_logs() else [(task_instance.hostname, log)]
metadata_array[i] = metadata
return logs, metadata_array
def _init_file(self, ti):
Create log directory and give it correct permissions.
:param ti: task instance object
:return: relative log path of the given task instance
# To handle log writing when tasks are impersonated, the log files need to
# be writable by the user that runs the Airflow command and the user
# that is impersonated. This is mainly to handle corner cases with the
# SubDagOperator. When the SubDagOperator is run, all of the operators
# run under the impersonated user and create appropriate log files
# as the impersonated user. However, if the user manually runs tasks
# of the SubDagOperator through the UI, then the log files are created
# by the user that runs the Airflow command. For example, the Airflow
# run command may be run by the `airflow_sudoable` user, but the Airflow
# tasks may be run by the `airflow` user. If the log files are not
# writable by both users, then it's possible that re-running a task
# via the UI (or vice versa) results in a permission error as the task
# tries to write to a log file created by the other user.
relative_path = self._render_filename(ti, ti.try_number)
full_path = os.path.join(self.local_base, relative_path)
directory = os.path.dirname(full_path)
# Create the log file and give it group writable permissions
# TODO(aoen): Make log dirs and logs globally readable for now since the SubDag
# operator is not compatible with impersonation (e.g. if a Celery executor is used
# for a SubDag operator and the SubDag operator has a different owner than the
# parent DAG)
Path(directory).mkdir(mode=0o777, parents=True, exist_ok=True)
if not os.path.exists(full_path):
open(full_path, "a").close()
# TODO: Investigate using 444 instead of 666.
os.chmod(full_path, 0o666)
return full_path
Maybe a final note; the links in the airflow UI to the logging will now only open the latest logfile, not the older rotated files which are only accessible by means of SSH or any other interface to access the airflow logging path.

I don't think that there is a rotation mechanism but you can store them in S3 or google cloud storage as describe here :


Apache Airflow unit and integration test

I am new to Apache Airflow and I am trying to figure out how to unit/integration test my dags/tasks
Here is my directory structure
I created a simple DAG which has a task to reads data from a Postgres table
def read_files(ti):
sql = "select id from files where status='NEW'"
pg_hook = PostgresHook(postgres_conn_id="metadata")
connection = pg_hook.get_conn()
cursor = connection.cursor()
files = cursor.fetchall()
ti.xcom_push(key="files_to_process", value=files)
with DAG(dag_id="check_for_new_files", schedule_interval=timedelta(minutes=30),
start_date=datetime(2022, 9, 1), catchup=False) as dag:
check_files = PythonOperator(task_id="read_files",
Is it possible to test this by mocking Airflow/Postgres connection etc
yes it is possible to do test in dags, here is an example of basic things you can do:
import unittest
from airflow.models import DagBag
class TestCheckForNewFilesDAG(unittest.TestCase):
"""Check Dag"""
def setUp(self):
self.dagbag = DagBag()
def test_task_count(self):
"""Check task count for a dag"""
dag = self.dagbag.get_dag(dag_id)
self.assertEqual(len(dag.tasks), 1)
def test_contain_tasks(self):
"""Check task contains in hello_world dag"""
dag = self.dagbag.get_dag(dag_id)
tasks = dag.tasks
task_ids = list(map(lambda task: task.task_id, tasks))
self.assertListEqual(task_ids, ['read_files'])
def test_dependencies_of_read_files_task(self):
"""Check the task dependencies of a taskin hello_world dag"""
dag = self.dagbag.get_dag(dag_id)
read_files_task = dag.get_task('read_files')
# to be use in case you have upstream task
upstream_task_ids = list(map(lambda task: task.task_id,
self.assertListEqual(upstream_task_ids, [])
downstream_task_ids = list(map(lambda task: task.task_id,
self.assertListEqual(downstream_task_ids, [])
suite = unittest.TestLoader().loadTestsFromTestCase(TestHelloWorldDAG)
In case of verifying that manipulated data of files are moved correctly the documentations suggest:
You can also implement checks in a DAG to make sure the tasks are producing the results as expected. As an example, if you have a task that pushes data to S3, you can implement a check in the next task. For example, the check could make sure that the partition is created in S3 and perform some simple checks to determine if the data is correct.
I think this is an excellent and straightforward way to verify a specific task.
Here there are other useful links you can use:
In the next ones, they talk about mock

dagster solid Parallel Run Test exmaple

I tried to run parallel, but it didn't work as I expected
The progress bar doesn't work the way I thought it would.
I think that both operations should be executed at the same time.
but first run find_highest_calorie_cereal after find_highest_protein_cereal
import csv
import time
import requests
from dagster import pipeline, solid
# start_complex_pipeline_marker_0
def download_cereals():
response = requests.get("")
lines = response.text.split("\n")
return [row for row in csv.DictReader(lines)]
def find_highest_calorie_cereal(cereals):
sorted_cereals = list(
sorted(cereals, key=lambda cereal: cereal["calories"])
return sorted_cereals[-1]["name"]
def find_highest_protein_cereal(context, cereals):
sorted_cereals = list(
sorted(cereals, key=lambda cereal: cereal["protein"])
# for i in range(1, 11):
# + '~~~~~~~~')
# time.sleep(1)
return sorted_cereals[-1]["name"]
def display_results(context, most_calories, most_protein):"Most caloric cereal 테스트: {most_calories}")"Most protein-rich cereal: {most_protein}")
def complex_pipeline():
cereals = download_cereals()
I am not sure but I think you should set up a executor with parallelism available. You could use multiprocess_executor.
"Executors are responsible for executing steps within a pipeline run.
Once a run has launched and the process for the run, or run worker,
has been allocated and started, the executor assumes responsibility
for execution."
modes provide the possible set of executors one can use. Use the executor_defs property on ModeDefinition.
MODE_DEV = ModeDefinition(name="dev", executor_defs=[multiprocess_executor])
#pipeline(mode_defs=[MODE_DEV], preset_defs=[Preset_test])
the execution config section of the run config determines the actual executor.
in the yml file or run_config, set:
max_concurrent: 4
retrieved from :

How to access Xcom value in a non airflow operator python function

I have a stored XCom value that I wanted to pass to another python function which is not called using PythonOperator.
def sql_file_template():
<some code which uses xcom variable>
def call_stored_proc(**kwargs):
#project = kwargs['row_id']
print("INSIDE CALL STORE PROC ------------")
query = """CALL `{0}.dataset_name.store_proc`(
'{1}' # source table
, ['{2}'] # row_ids
, '{3}' # pivot_col_name
, '{4}' # pivot_col_value
, 100 # max_columns
, 'MAX' # aggregation
query = query.format(kwargs['project'],kwargs['source_tbl'] ,kwargs['row_id'],kwargs['pivot_col'],kwargs['pivot_val'])
job = client.query(query, location="US")
for result in job.result():
task_instance = kwargs['task_instance']
task_instance.xcom_push(key='query_string', value=result)
print result
return result
bq_cmd = PythonOperator (
task_id= 'task1'
provide_context= True,
python_callable= call_stored_proc,
op_kwargs= {'project' : project,
'source_tbl' : source_tbl,
'row_id' : row_id,
'pivot_col' : pivot_col,
'pivot_val' : pivot_val
dag= dag
dummy_operator >> bq_cmd
The output of stored proc is a string which is captured using xcom.
Now I would like to pass this value to some python function sql_file_template without using PythonOperator.
As per Airflow documentation xcom can be accessed only between tasks.
Can anyone help on this?
If you have access to the Airflow installation you'd like to query (configuration, database access, and code) you can use Airflow's airflow.models.XCom:get_one class method:
from datetime import datetime
from airflow.models import XCom
execution_date = datetime(2020, 8, 28)
xcom_value = XCom.get_one(execution_date=execution_date,
So you want to access XCOM outside Airflow (probably a different project / module, without creating any Airflow DAGs / tasks)?
Airflow uses SQLAlchemy for mapping all it's models (including XCOM) to corresponding SQLAlchemy backend (meta-db) tables
Therefore this can be done in two ways
Leverage Airflow's SQLAlchemy model
(without having to create a task or DAG). Here's an untested code snippet for reference
from typing import List
from airflow.models import XCom
from airflow.settings import Session
from airflow.utils.db import provide_session
from pendulum import Pendulum
def read_xcom_values(dag_id: str,
task_id: str,
execution_date: Pendulum,
session: Optional[Session]) -> List[str]:
Function that reads and returns 'values' of XCOMs with given filters
:param dag_id:
:param task_id:
:param execution_date: datetime object
:param session: Airflow's SQLAlchemy Session (this param must not be passed, it will be automatically supplied by
'#provide_session' decorator)
# read XCOMs
xcoms: List[XCom] = session.query(XCom).filter(
XCom.dag_id == dag_id, XCom.task_id == task_id,
XCom.execution_date == execution_date).all()
# retrive 'value' fields from XCOMs
xcom_values: List[str] = list(map(lambda xcom: xcom.value, xcoms))
return xcom_values
Do note that since it is importing airflow packages, it still requires working airflow installation on python classpath (as well as connection to backend-db), but here we are not creating any tasks or dags (this snippet can be run in a standalone python file)
For this snippet, I have referred to which is my favorite place to peek into Airflow's SQLAlchemy magic
Directly query Airflow's SQLAlchemy backend meta-db
Connect to meta db and run this query
SELECT value FROM xcom WHERE dag_id='' AND task_id='' AND ..

Create a portal_user_catalog and have it used (Plone)

I'm creating a fork of my Plone site (which has not been forked for a long time). This site has a special catalog object for user profiles (a special Archetypes-based object type) which is called portal_user_catalog:
$ bin/instance debug
>>> portal = app.Plone
>>> print [d for d in portal.objectMap() if d['meta_type'] == 'Plone Catalog Tool']
[{'meta_type': 'Plone Catalog Tool', 'id': 'portal_catalog'},
{'meta_type': 'Plone Catalog Tool', 'id': 'portal_user_catalog'}]
This looks reasonable because the user profiles don't have most of the indexes of the "normal" objects, but have a small set of own indexes.
Since I found no way how to create this object from scratch, I exported it from the old site (as portal_user_catalog.zexp) and imported it in the new site. This seemed to work, but I can't add objects to the imported catalog, not even by explicitly calling the catalog_object method. Instead, the user profiles are added to the standard portal_catalog.
Now I found a module in my product which seems to serve the purpose (Products/myproduct/exportimport/
"""Catalog tool setup handlers.
$Id: 77004 2007-06-24 08:57:54Z yuppie $
from Products.GenericSetup.utils import exportObjects
from Products.GenericSetup.utils import importObjects
from Products.CMFCore.utils import getToolByName
from zope.component import queryMultiAdapter
from Products.GenericSetup.interfaces import IBody
def importCatalogTool(context):
"""Import catalog tool.
site = context.getSite()
obj = getToolByName(site, 'portal_user_catalog')
if obj and not obj():
importer = queryMultiAdapter((obj, context), IBody)
path = '%s%s' % (parent_path, obj.getId().replace(' ', '_'))
__traceback_info__ = path
print [importer]
if importer:
path = '%s%s' % (parent_path, 'usercatalog')
print path
filename = '%s%s' % (path, importer.suffix)
print filename
body = context.readDataFile(filename)
if body is not None:
importer.filename = filename # for error reporting
importer.body = body
if getattr(obj, 'objectValues', False):
for sub in obj.objectValues():
importObjects(sub, path+'/', context)
def exportCatalogTool(context):
"""Export catalog tool.
site = context.getSite()
obj = getToolByName(site, 'portal_user_catalog', None)
if tool is None:
logger = context.getLogger('catalog')'Nothing to export.')
exporter = queryMultiAdapter((obj, context), IBody)
path = '%s%s' % (parent_path, obj.getId().replace(' ', '_'))
if exporter:
path = '%s%s' % (parent_path, 'usercatalog')
filename = '%s%s' % (path, exporter.suffix)
body = exporter.body
if body is not None:
context.writeDataFile(filename, body, exporter.mime_type)
if getattr(obj, 'objectValues', False):
for sub in obj.objectValues():
exportObjects(sub, path+'/', context)
I tried to use it, but I have no idea how it is supposed to be done;
I can't call it TTW (should I try to publish the methods?!).
I tried it in a debug session:
$ bin/instance debug
>>> portal = app.Plone
>>> from Products.myproduct.exportimport.catalog import exportCatalogTool
>>> exportCatalogTool(portal)
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<console>", line 1, in <module>
File ".../Products/myproduct/exportimport/", line 58, in exportCatalogTool
site = context.getSite()
AttributeError: getSite
So, if this is the way to go, it looks like I need a "real" context.
Update: To get this context, I tried an External Method:
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from Products.myproduct.exportimport.catalog import exportCatalogTool
from pdb import set_trace
def p(dt, dd):
print '%-16s%s' % (dt+':', dd)
def main(self):
Export the portal_user_catalog
g = globals()
print '#' * 79
for a in ('__package__', '__module__'):
if a in g:
p(a, g[a])
p('self', self)
However, wenn I called it, I got the same <PloneSite at /Plone> object as the argument to the main function, which didn't have the getSite attribute. Perhaps my site doesn't call such External Methods correctly?
Or would I need to mention this module somehow in my configure.zcml, but how? I searched my directory tree (especially below Products/myproduct/profiles) for exportimport, the module name, and several other strings, but I couldn't find anything; perhaps there has been an integration once but was broken ...
So how do I make this portal_user_catalog work?
Thank you!
Update: Another debug session suggests the source of the problem to be some transaction matter:
>>> portal = app.Plone
>>> puc = portal.portal_user_catalog
>>> puc._catalog()
>>> profiles_folder = portal.some_folder_with_profiles
>>> for o in profiles_folder.objectValues():
... puc.catalog_object(o)
>>> puc._catalog()
[<Products.ZCatalog.Catalog.mybrains object at 0x69ff8d8>, ...]
This population of the portal_user_catalog doesn't persist; after termination of the debug session and starting fg, the brains are gone.
It looks like the problem was indeed related with transactions.
I had
import transaction
class Browser(BrowserView):
def processNewUser(self):
before, but apparently this was not good enough (and/or perhaps not done correctly).
Now I start the transaction explicitly with transaction.begin(), save intermediate results with transaction.savepoint(), abort the transaction explicitly with transaction.abort() in case of errors (try / except), and have exactly one transaction.commit() at the end, in the case of success. Everything seems to work.
Of course, Plone still doesn't take this non-standard catalog into account; when I "clear and rebuild" it, it is empty afterwards. But for my application it works well enough.

Development Mode For uWSGI/Pylons (Reload new code)

I have a setup such that an nginx server passes control off to uWsgi, which launches a pylons app using the following in my xml configuration file:
Everything is working nicely, and I was able to set it to debug mode using the following in the associated ini file, like:
debug = true
Except debug mode only prints out errors, and doesn't reload the code everytime a file has been touched. If I was running directly through paste, I could use the --reload option, but going through uWsgi complicates things.
Does anybody know of a way to tell uWsgi to tell paste to set the --reload option, or to do this directly in the paste .ini file?
I used something like the following code to solve this, the monitorFiles(...) method is called on application initialization, and it monitors the files, sending the TERM signal when it sees a change.
I'd still much prefer a solution using paster's --reload argument, as I imagine this solution has bugs:
import os
import time
import signal
from deepthought.system import deployment
from multiprocessing.process import Process
def monitorFiles():
if deployment.getDeployment().dev and not FileMonitor.isRunning:
monitor = FileMonitor(os.getpid())
try: monitor.start()
except: print "Something went wrong..."
class FileMonitor(Process):
isRunning = False
def __init__(self, masterPid):
self.updates = {}
self.rootDir = deployment.rootDir() + "/src/python"
self.skip = len(self.rootDir)
self.masterPid = masterPid
FileMonitor.isRunning = True
def run(self):
while True:
def _loop(self):
for root, _, files in os.walk(self.rootDir):
for file in files:
if file.endswith(".py"):
self._monitorFile(root, file)
def _monitorFile(self, root, file):
mtime = os.path.getmtime("%s/%s" % (root, file))
moduleName = "%s/%s" % (root[self.skip+1:], file[:-3])
moduleName = moduleName.replace("/",".")
if not moduleName in self.updates:
self.updates[moduleName] = mtime
elif self.updates[moduleName] < mtime:
print "Change detected in %s" % moduleName
self.updates[moduleName] = mtime
def _restartWorker(self):
os.kill(self.masterPid, signal.SIGTERM)
Use the signal framework in 0.9.7 tree
An example of auto-reloading:
import uwsgi
uwsgi.register_signal(1, "", uwsgi.reload)
uwsgi.add_file_monitor(1, '')
def application(env, start_response):
