IIS Wordpress Not accepting connections from internet - wordpress

I recently setup a wordpress website on IIS.
I configured the website and it is working on the local machine. I can browse pages and get to the wordpress admin.
I also configured IIS with the correct site binding, host name and ip address.
However from the internet I can not reach the website. It's as if the wordpress site is not listening to or IIS is not passing along traffic from the internet. And just to make sure it wasn't an issue with IIS. I setup a second website on that server that is accessible from the web. That one is working.
Any anyone has any ideas I'd appreciate it.

After doing some testing.
In this case. The wordpress site would not respond or map to the correct domain name on the main ip address of the server.
After adding a second IP address on the nic card and mapping that in IIS the website worked properly.
It was a very strange situation. It should of just worked on the main IP. But it didn't. shrug.


Cannot point the domain to the right Droplet

I setup a droplet on digitalocean and pointed the domain to it. I have installed wordpress on the droplet (express setup), but I cannot figure out how to get it up and running. I can access a page without graphics when I type in the ip address of the domain, but when I try to go to the webpage, I get an error from Cloudflare which I installed on the previous instance of wordpress.
These are some of the screens:
Never mind. Figured it out. I had to change the IP on cloudflare to get to the right page.

AWS EC2 instance showing IIS Page on Public IP even though localhost shows WAMP

I created a Windows 2016 Base EC2 Instance and installed IIS on it. But soon realized that I have to run WAMP to host PHP sites so I installed WAMP and stopped IIS service and everything was working fine.
Then I made a few changes to the site (It's a Wordpress site) and published it and since then the public IP is showing IIS page.
I have tried renamed iisstart.html to iisstart (to trick system into
thinking the file doesn't exist) from IIS folder but the public IP
is still showing IIS page.
I have tried restarting the instance machine. Localhost is showing my wordpress site but public/elastic IP shows IIS.
I have tried restarting WAMP, no luck.
I don't know how is it possible that IIS page is shown even when the file is renamed.
I have tried creating an Elastic IP as well but didn't worked.
Ok! So the issue is fixed! Now posting solution for anyone who will reach here (maybe my future self)
There was no issue with AWS EC2 or WAMP. The issue was in importing Wordpress.
When I imported Wordpress the Site Address and Wordpress Address changed to localhost. Due to which the IP was redirecting to localhost of destination machine.
After you import your Wordpress, goto wp-admin -> Settings (in Side Bar)
And change the Site Address and Wordpress Address to the public/elastic IP of your instance.
Then clear Cache/Cookie on your destination machine and revisit the IP. It should work. (It did in my case)

Google ads show on localhost but not on live web server

I have a wordpress website, which is approved by google adsense. However, I decided to move it to a home web server now. What i did so far:
I created a localhost using xampp on windows 7.
I opened a port and linked the localhost to my router external ip. (I have not linked the website to my domain yet, so i access the website by its ip)
The webiste is running well now except for the ads. They show up when the website is on localhost, but there is only a blank space when i change the website url from localhost to my router ip address.
Do you have any ideas whether this can be fixed since i could not find any info about this? Thank you very much in advance for any information shared!
When you just created a new ads in google adsense you must wait a few minutes before they will show correctly on web page.

Hosting domain emails on Windows and Wordpress on Linux

I am looking for some help here. I have configured my domain emails on Windows hosting and it is working fine. Next I want to deploy a Wordpress application on Linux hosting under the same domain.
It is possible to have the emails in Windows hosting and have the actual web application in Linux hosting?
I already have configured the dns of both hostings in my domain account. The emails are working fine but when I try to access to my domain name, it doesn't show up the Wordpress app (it shows up the default "Under construction" page of my Windows hosting)
Anyone can give me some advice? Thanks in advance.
make sure you are edit the A record to your linux server. A/#/www should pointed to your linux server IP Address. And keep the MX to your Windows server.
For example, this is how to configure it on Godaddy https://support.office.com/en-us/article/Create-DNS-records-at-GoDaddy-for-Office-365-f40a9185-b6d5-4a80-bb31-aa3bb0cab48a
Sure, just point your DNS MX record of your domain to the Windows server (you seem to have this figured out already) and point the DNS A resource record to the IP address of your Linux server.

How To Map IIS7 and HOST file to respond to any subdomain

I am working on a website LOCALLY running Win7 and IIS7. I want the website to respond to ANY subdomain request like "*.mysite.com".
How do I configure the IIS bindings and host file to allow for this? I can't seem to locate any good tutorials on this.
Thank you for your time.
If you don't enter host headers and your domain's dns records are set to point all subdomains to the website's IP address, the website will catch all requests.
I am not sure about your local setup, but i am running few websites on IIS7 where all subdomains go to the same site.
