Is it possible for unauthorized users to add some data into table? - backendless

I would like to allow for users to add some data that could be shared with other users. But I don't want users to register in order to do this. When they add some data,I just want user to type his name,I'll save it on backend and that's all. I've found at that registration could be turned off in Backendless. But seems like it is not so recommended and developers try to avoid this idea. This is relevant? Could there be some problems with publishing app in the future?


different types of user management on react-native

I'm new to react native. I am trying to develop an application that uses firebase user authentication. But there is something I can think of. For example, 2 users have registered to my application but I want to show extra information to the first user according to a condition.
How can I separate these two?
Where exactly should I manage this condition?
The question is not super clear as to what issue you are trying to tackle so I apologize if I am inferring incorrectly.
I use MongoDB personally with a Node/Express backend for user data and haven't used Firebase myself but I'm sure you can do the same things with it. I'll be speaking in Mongo terminology but again I'm sure you can do the same with Firebase and at the least this will give a good idea of the thought process.
I have a UserSchema that holds all the user information. When logged in the client app would get this information to be used on the frontend after authentication.
Assuming you are only displaying "extra" information that doesn't need additional privilege you can just pull in the users data stored in firebase and handle the display of this extra info with logic on your frontend client.
If its extra privilege you need to setup firebase to look at the user data that is authenticating and only serve back information if they have the proper privileges.
Also important to note, you should ensure that when you are updating user information from client -> firebase backend you should ensure that you can only update specific user fields via read/write authentication on firebase.
Hope this gives a little better idea on how this process might look. I'll let someone who has used firebase specifically add tech specifics.

Flutter: offline local storage syncing with online e.g. firebase

Is this a common/reasonable Use case?
An app allows a user to save favorites locally so that the user doesn't need to signup.
Then the user afterwards desires to share their favorites.
Therefore favorites data needs to be synced from local to remote. The usual local storage for flutter is sqflite, and firebase/store is the remote. However, this seems cumbersome, as sql to nosql conversion is necessary.
I thought that this would be a general issue for UX etc, but I can't find any discussion of this issue? Maybe forcing the user to create an account is the most general solution?
It's a common understanding that if you don't have user account then you can't have any user data associated with your name. You don't have to force the user to have an account or lock them out.
When they favourite something just show a dialog telling them "If you don't have an account your favourites are stored on the device only. If you want your favourites to be available everywhere please create an account" then show options for "Create account" or "No, Thanks"
Create account: Goes to account creation page
No, Thanks: Adds the device to the favourites list and lets the user continue to do what your app does.
There's no problem to solve here from what I'm seeing. If you don't have an account you don't get account functionality. If you track users without them entering anything it's also a little bit illegal and creepy so no need to push the limits on how you can track the same user.
Another way to think of it is to make signup so easy they don't mind and also guarantee that it's worth it. Won't be used for spam or information selling. Take what's app as an example, even though you need to mobile number to send the messages, it's just used as a unique identifier and has nothing to do with the device's number.
Ask for their phone number or email or just any email, you'll most likely get fake info.
And what does your analytics say? Are you getting requests from users saying they lost all their information on a different device? How many people are using your favourite functionality?
I may have come to the party a little late here but here's my 2 cents worth.
The Sql to NoSql conversion is not cumbersome. In fact, there is a reasonable use case for this. I have the same requirement for an app that I am about to build.
Anyway, to store data in RDMDB or NoSQLDB you will need a data model to ensure consistency in your app. If the user has been using the app offline, and they later choose to go online, you can allow them to create the Remote Account, then check if they have local favorites. If they do, you will HAVE to ask them if they'd like to import them into the remote storage. If they choose to do so, you will then have to read their favorites from the local storage and store them in a List<Model> then map() that back to the online storage.
NoSqlDB can accept the json type data, so your model should include the conversion fromMap() and toJson() for this purpose (and others).
When I have come around to doing this, I will share my code (if I remember to come back here).

Retrieving user's permissions for a given database ref rather than the data itself?

I'm building an app in javascript using react + redux that talks to firebase. Different users with different permissions (based on user roles) will use this app, and so I'd like to render different components depending on the user's permissions.
Now, since I already have all the permissions as rules in firebase, I don't want to duplicate that data in the client as well. I'd rather ask firebase what the current logged in user can and cannot do.
This seems impossible to do in firebase. What I'd like to be able to do is something like this:
var canReadBars = firebase.database().ref('foo/bar').hasPermission('read');
if (canReadBars){
// render the component
A (rather ugly) workaround is to simply fetch the data itself and determining what to render based on whether I get PERMISSION_DENIED or not, but that doesn't really work for writes.
I've googled this for hours trying to find an answer. Does anyone have any ideas?
Firebase intentionally exposes a generic error message to the client when the user doesn't have access permission to the data.
There is no way for a client to get a list of the permissions it has in the database. Nor is there a way to expose user-friendly error messages.

Merge Twitter and Facebook accounts in Meteor user doc

So I'm building out an app with Meteor and noticed when I log in with Twitter and then Facebook, I create two separate user accounts. Is there any built in way to make sure these are merged? I'm not seeing any email address in the twitter based user account, so I can see it might be difficult to figure out which accounts to link.
Suggestions? Thanks!
I've been in a similar situation so here's a good starting point for you:
You might want to do the merge at the Accounts.onCreateUser event. Basically, what you would do at this time is to:
Do a mandatory protocol / routine to save the email in some profile field in any authentication method as much as possible, so that you are able to do the next step, which is..
Whenever another authentication method is used (to create the user), you can compare the existing database of users (now confident that an email field would be present at all times to check against), and do the merge whenever an exact email match happens.
It's a shame I do not have the code now because I tried this protocol once, but I quickly decided that I'll just stick with one authentication method for some reason. Maybe I'll update this answer when I can get around to try and code that again.. or maybe not.

To use or not to use the user module

We are currently transitioning our website to Drupal 6.x from a non Drupal source. One of the first issues we need to deal with is that of authentication. We have a central database where we keep member information. We will create a module to authenticate against this database however a question of whether or not to create users in the drupal is needed.
I'm worried that if we do not add user to the user tables and have our module keep sync that with the other database, then we will not be able to take advantage of other modules that may use the user module
My colleague on the other hand believes that this is not an issue we can add all necessary attributes to the global $user at authentication with our module.
Is there a standard way of dealing with this problem?
Look at the LDAP_integration module, they do something similar. When logging in and a local user cannot be loaded, a user is searched for in another application and when user&pass are equal, the user is copied in the Drupal usertable.
If you want any Drupal functionality (read: core and modules) to be associated with that user account, then you will need to use that user table.
This is especially true for anything node-related, so if you want people to be able to create nodes with referenced data you will need it. uids are stored in the nodes table in order to show who authored the node. Storing a uid in the nodes table with a something that doesn't exist as a relational key to somewhere else will only return an empty object. For instance, if a person wants to see the author of X node they will get an empty user object. Keep it. There's no sense in working harder just to remove it. Besides, you can store as little or as much as you want in the user object for each account.
I'd also suggest looking at the LDAP module. I was able to use it as a jumping in point to interface with a custom WSAPI authentication method for an external database that we have at my company.
Do you need to have both sites running in parallel? If not, then you don't need to sync the user tables. A conversion will be enough then.
