only content part of master page in will change -

I am using Bootstrap for the website designing and while designing the master page
I just want only content part of master page should be reloaded,header and leftside bar remains same.(should not reload with content).Can any one suggest what to do in this case. and also the leftside bar of my web changes according to user and admin login.If user login then only limited option to be and when admin login all the option in left sidebar to be .So to do this dynamically .with latest technology.i am using dotnet fromework 4.5 and i am using web forms .My application is not in MVC.


How do I change the title in the navigation bar and the footer for Blazor Server Identity pages?

I need to change the title and the footer for the Identity pages in a Blazor Server App.
I've tried to scaffold Register and ManageIndex but I cannot find the section that needs to be changed. After scaffolding, no Layout.cshtml appears in the Shared folder.
This can be found in your server project _Layout.cshtml. For this project I just scaffolded the Login page only.

Customizing Asp .Net Identity External Authentication Buttons in Web Forms

I am working on a project where I am using the Asp .Net Identity External login functionality.
Using the
I have enabled the external login functionality and it shows the external login buttons on the login page. But they are plain white buttons.
I want to display these buttons instead of the above-displayed buttons.
The CSS file that I am using is available Zocial CSS file link.
I have looked into the contents available at Pretty social login buttons for ASP.NET MVC 5 but code here is being implemented in MVC and it's not working for me on the Asp.Net Web Form.

sharing menu between main site and sub site in

I have a site "" that is an MVC 5.2 application. To maintain separation of concerns I have implemented "" as a virtual application. It is the very cool MiniBlog by Mads Kristenson; a Razor Web Pages application in a virtual directory.
Correction: I'm actually employing an IIS virtual folder/application using "blog". So URL is "" as opposed to a sub-domain scenario using "".
I want to reuse/embed my html header section from the root site, (the menu from "", which is uses bootstrap 3 navbar), into the
blog web site at "". Is this possible? Is there a relatively clean or slick way of doing this sort of thing? I'm trying to avoid having to maintain a copy of my root menu system in the virtual app.
The main site uses a partial view in the _Layout.cshtml to render the the menu/navbar, (html header section) and uses both server and client-side dynamics.
There is an administration menu that is only sent to the browser if the user is authenticated. This is controlled server-side, in the partial view, by checking Request.IsAuthenticated.
Also, on the client-side, there are triggers that dynamically show/hide portions of the menu. I have a "Demo" sub-menu that can be toggled. The same button controls the visibility of a viewport size monitor to help demonstrate responsive design. The state of this "demo mode" is all controlled by a simple cookie via jquery.cookie.js.

Use of AJAX in content page when AJAX is already used in master page

I have an web application. I have used master page.In master page I have used a web user control as the right menu . The right menu uses the AJAX accordion. When I try to use AJAX in my content page, it does not allow to use it.
Error pops up: No script Manager found.
When I add script manager, there pops up an
error , more than 1 instance of script manager found.
how to add ajax in content page in such situation?

how to generate thumnail of my site's home page in

how could i dynamically generate few thumbnail of my site's home page and shows them in another page. please help
it can be done using WebBrowser control in .NET framework 2.0
here are some other links
Build A Self-Caching ASP.NET Web Site Thumbnail Control
Creating Website Thumbnails in ASP.NET
or a third party web service like WebShots or thumbalizr
