brackets, install extension failed - adobe-brackets

I download brackets icons zip and drop it to brackets to install it.
But brackets give me this error.
and this:
I' m in China.

Have you tried looking for the same extension in the extensions manager search field?
Try installing some other extension and install it so you can see if the extension you downloaded is not ok.
I checked right now and the extensions registry works fine.
or you can do it manually:
Help -> Show Extensions Folder
You should see a user folder. Unpack your zip file there and reload Brackets.


Mac OS 11.2.1 Big sur- git version control Rstudio path -unable to edit . Not able to link

I am new to Version control and this is my first attempt. I am also a novice in R. just did an online course. I have installed Git and was trying to add the Version control through Rstudio Global options. The Git executable file path shows "user/bin/git" But when I go to create a Project>version control>Git- I get an error "Git was not detected on the path" I dug deeper and ran cmd in the mac terminal- which git and got the location as "/usr/local/bin/git", I also did a $ git --exec-path and got the location as "/usr/local/Cellar/git/2.30.0/libexec/git-core" I understand the executable path is somewhere else. I understand that I need to change the path but Rstudio is not allowing the changing of the path, and I am unable to edit the path to "/usr/local/Cellar/git/2.30.0/libexec/git-core" from "user/bin/git". I tried manually entering but that doesnt work, I browsed through the file s and sub folders and selected the executable file location , but it still doesnt change. Please help.
Welcome to stackoverflow: You can find a step by step support on the official support site of rstudio. Here you get detailed instructions on how to use version control with RStudio:

Jupyterlab extension install offline

Can Jupyterlab extensions be downloaded and installed later on offline?
If so, how?
In the documentation it says:
You can also install an extension that is not uploaded to npm, i.e., my-extension can be a local directory containing the extension, a gzipped tarball, or a URL to a gzipped tarball.
However, I can't seem to figure out how to do this.
This github issue details the following solution. I tried it and it worked on the Bokeh jupyter lab extension.
outside, do a jupyter lab install of all extensions of interest
copy $PREFIX/share/jupyter/lab/static from the outside machine onto a shared/thumb drive
inside, overwrite/create that same folder
Make sure jupyterlab isn't running when you replace the static folder.
This is a temporary solution, and a more active discussion of the plans to make this process easier can be found here

Unable to find Github Atom editor after installation in Window 7

I have installed Github's latest Atom editor in Windows 7 and created a html file and all was good.
After that, I closed the Atom editor, and I can't find the editor anymore. I could NOT find it under "All Programs".
Later I checked in the C:\Users\home\.atom folder .
There are so many files in that folder, however I am not able to find the executable file.
Please suggest where the executable file shall be placed?
According to this (fairly old post), it's under or around:
If you can't find your AppData directory it may be hidden - just type the path into the Windows Explorer bar and hit enter, or follow the instructions here.
Edit: This official guide cites the same installation location, so if you can't find the program there it may be worth reinstalling. As a last-ditch, try opening the command prompt and entering "atom" - apparently it may have been added to your PATH variable.

How to install Atom packages offline or when the atom package manager doesn't work?

I have a computer behind a very restrictive proxy server it only allows me to surf the web and download programs it does not allow programs like the Atom text editor to download it's packages.
My question is how do I install them using only browser based downloads?
It is certainly possible:
Find the package you want to install, for example the activate-power-mode package.
Click on the Repo button to go to the GitHub repository.
Click Releases towards the top of the UI, then click on the most recent release, 0.4.1 in this case.
Download the source code release in either Zip or GZip depending on your platform.
Extract the content of the archive to a known permanent location, I have chosen:
Run the following command from your terminal / command prompt (make sure to include quotes around the path):
apm link "C:\Source\Atom\activate-power-mode-0.4.1"
Restart or Reload Ctrl-Alt-R Atom and the package will now be installed.
You can alternatively extract the package directly to your ~/.atom/packages folder however you will have to rename the folder to exactly match the name of the package, additionally uninstalling the package from Atom will delete the files which could be annoying if it is an accidental deletion.
Because of package dependencies a safest bet is this:
Install package normally on connected computer
Copy contents from your ~/.atom/packages
Paste contents to ~/.atom/packages on offline computer
Restart Atom
At least this worked for me like a charm.
The answer of Richard Slater is informative and the answer of Andriy Buday could look less professional. But, in my case, the answer of Andriy Buday was also very important.
I tried to install two packages atom-beautify and prettier-atom by following the answer of Richard Slater and had some problems of not being able to find some modules. It was not only me who had these problems. Consider checking the following links.
The issue of "cannot find module event-kit"
When I decompressed a file (atom-beautify-0.30.3.tar.gz) I received from GitHub respository, I could find out directories like appveyor, docs, and examples. But I could not find out a directory named node_modules which was present when I installed this package atom-beautify using Atom Editor online.
To check if the absence of directory node_modules is the only problem, I went through the following steps.
Start Atom Editor.
Install atom-beautify using Atom Editor online like the answer of Andriy Buday suggests.
Close Atom Editor.
Move atom-beautify directory from ~/.atom/packages (that was %HOMEDIRECTORY%%HOMEPATH%.atom\packages in my case because I used cmd on Windows 10) to somewhere else.
Decompress atom-beautify-0.30.3.tar.gz and move or copy atom-beautify-0.30.3 directory from this decompressed result into %HOMEDIRECTORY%%HOMEPATH%.atom\packages as the answer of Andriy Buday suggests.
Rename directory %HOMEDIRECTORY%%HOMEPATH%.atom\packages\atom-beautify-0.30.3 to %HOMEDIRECTORY%%HOMEPATH%.atom\packages\atom-beautify as the answer of Richard Slater suggests.
Move or copy node_modules directory from the directory moved at step 4 into %HOMEDIRECTORY%%HOMEPATH%.atom\packages\atom-beautify.
Start Atom Editor.
I found that no error message appeared and that package atom-beautify worked properly, thus I am thinking that absence of node_modules directory was the only problem of the file atom-beautify-0.30.3.tar.gz I received from GitHub repository.
I am afraid if it is normal that directory node_modules is not contained in the file atom-beautify-0.30.3.tar.gz downloaded from GitHub repository because of any rules I do not know yet, like placing directories like node_modules somewhere else. If there really are such rules and somebody tells me about such rules by adding an answer or a comment here, I will appreciate it a lot.
I am not sure if it is same with all other packages, but I found that it was same at least with package prettier-atom.
I wish it helps somebody.
I found why the directory node_modules was not contained in atom-beautify-0.30.3.tar.gz.
I checked answers of the following link.
How can I manually download packages for atom editor and install them (manually)?
Answer by D3181 included a link to a page of (I could get a helpful answer by Alchiadus from the link) and suggested running apm install in the package's directory. If it is necessary to use a file downloaded from GitHub repository like atom-beautify-0.30.3.tar.gz, it is necessary to run apm install in the package's directory before copying or moving into %HOMEDIRECTORY%%HOMEPATH%\.atom\package (~/.atom/package in case of *nix) of the offline computer.
Decompress the file downloaded from GitHub repository like atom-beautify-0.30.3.tar.gz.
Go into the directory like atom-beautify-0.30.3 of the decompressed result.
Run apm install on an online computer. (If the directory of apm.cmd is not in PATH, run {directory of apm.cmd}\apm.cmd install.)
Rename directory like atom-beautify-0.30.3 to the correct name of the package like atom-beautify.
Move directory with the correct name of the package like atom-beautify into %HOMEDIRECTORY%%HOMEPATH%\.atom\packages of the offline computer.
Run Atom Editor on the offline computer and check if the package works properly.
It seems normal that the directory node_modules is not included the the compressed file downloaded from GitHub repository.

What happened to the TOC extension for ipython notebook?

I'm trying to install the great table of contents extension in a new computer. but I cant find it anymore. the only page I do find does not explain how to install the extension on windows.
So.. How can I install it, and why is it not a part of the official Ipython notebook? I simply can't understand how people are getting along without it.
I've installed toc nbextension successfully with Jupyter 4 (ie. ipython notebook 4) recently.
In fact installing extension is easier than before :)
I post my solution here, may it help.
## download
mkdir toc
cd toc
## install and enable
cd ..
jupyter-nbextension install --user toc
jupyter-nbextension enable toc/toc
A bit more explain:
install will copy toc to ~/.local/share/jupyter/nbextensions/
enable will modify ~/.jupyter/nbconfig/notebook.json.
You can check these two place to see what happened.
Note: we use enable toc/toc here is because toc.js is in ~/.local/share/jupyter/nbextensions/toc/.
If you put toc.js and toc.css directly in ~/.local/share/jupyter/nbextensions/ then you should use enable toc here.
Sorry, I didn't notice the orginal problem is on windows. I'm not sure if it's same for windows jupyter, any report is welcome.
Now the toc nbextension has been added into this project which provide a collection of kinds of nbextensions. It's very easy to install and manage, worth to try!
I cannot tell you specific Windows advice, but think the key points should be platform independent:
Create a profile (either a default profile or a named one - you'll probably want default to start).
Locate where the profile is.
Add the custom.js file into the profile.
Edit the custom.js file to point to the notebook extension code.
In a bit more detail, setting up a profile is covered in detail here but for a default profile just go to the command line and enter
ipython profile
Next, locate where your profile is stored by typing at the command line
ipython locate
Call that <profile_dir>.
The rest follows the (Windows equivalent of!) the instructions on the link you have: underneath <profile_dir> navigate to (creating any directories that do not already exist)
and add the custom.js file as shown. Then edit the first line, where it has "nbextensions/toc" to point to the location where you have placed the toc.js file you have downloaded. This location is relative to the <profile_dir>; for me I have
and the first line of custom.js reads
require(["/static/custom/nbextensions/toc.js"], function (toc) {
Finally, note that this is with version 1.1.0 of the notebook - if you're using an earlier version I strongly suggest you upgrade before trying this.
You'll also find the official installation instructions at:
These instructions include curl commands for retrieving the toc.js and toc.css files from GitHub, which worked fine for me in a bash shell on linux Mint.
For Windows 7, I used a Git Shell (see to execute the curl commands
This IPython Notebook semi-automatically generates the files for minrk's table of contents in Windows. It does not use the 'curl'-commands or links, but writes the *.js and *.css files directly into your IPython Notebook-profile-directory.
There is a section in the notebook called 'What you need to do' - follow it and have a nice floating table of contents : )
Here is an html version which already shows it:
