python3 imaplib search function encoding - python-3.6

Can someone point me out how to properly search using imaplib in python. The email server is Microsoft Exchange - seems to have problems but I would want a solution from the python/imaplib side.
I so far use:
import imaplib
M = imaplib.IMAP4_SSL(host_name, port_name)
M.login(u, p)
s_str = 'hello'
And I get the following error:
('NO', [b'[BADCHARSET (US-ASCII)] The specified charset is not supported.'])

search takes two or more parameters, an encoding, and the search specifications. You can pass None as the encoding, to not specify one. hello is not a valid charset.
You also need to specify what you are searching: IMAP has a complex search language detailed in RFC3501§6.4.4; and imaplib does not provide a high level interface for it.
So, with both of those in mind, you need to do something like:
search(None, 'BODY', '"HELLO"')
search(None, 'FROM', '"HELLO"')


Tesseract use of number-dawg

I need to specify a numeric pattern. I already made training normally.
I created a config file that has the line
user_patterns_suffix user-patterns
and the file user-patterns contains my patterns, for example:
then I launch tesseract with the config file over a tif, and it tells me "Error: failed to insert pattern " message, for the first two patterns. It ultimately acts as if no pattern has been issued.
I need to recognize only and ever that patterns, and tried to train a language with a number-dawg file, but then, when using tesseract command, I got a segmentation fault.
I used in the number-dawg file its conversion of the above patterns:
: .
: ;
! }
The questions, as the google documentation is not clear, and I do not speak english:
the patterns file, where have to be used? I suppose number-dawg has to be used during training, but I got seg fault so couldn't try with it, and user-patterns during recognition phase, when launching Tesseract, but didn't work. Where am I doing errors?
do I need a dictionary, also, when training with number-dawg? I have a digit and punctiation only set of possible characters, and all the possible numbers in the digits, a dictionary is not possible. If I need to use dictionaries, how could I do?
Thanks in advance for help, any hint would be very appreciated

Scapy raw data manipulation

I am having troubles manipulating raw data. I am trying to change around a
resp_cookie in my ISAKMP header and when I do a sniff on the packet it is all in raw data format under Raw Load='\x00\x43\x01........... ' with about 3 lines like that. When I do a Wireshark capture I see the information I want to change but I cant seem to find a way to convert and change that raw data to find and replace the information I am looking for. Also, I can see the information I need when I do a hexdump(), but I can't store that in a variable. when I type i = hexdump(pkt) it spits out the hexdump but doesn't store the hexdump in i.
So this post is a little old, but I've come across it a dozen or so times trying to find the answer to a similar problem I'm having. I doubt OP has need for an answer anymore, but if anyone else is looking to do something you go!
I found the following code snippet somewhere in the deep, dark depths of google and it worked for my situation.
Hexdump(), show() and other methods of Scapy just output the packet to the terminal/console; they don't actually return a string or any other sort of object. So you need a way to intercept that data that it intends to write and put it in a variable to be manipulated.
import io
import scapy
#generic scapy sniff
sniff(iface=interface,prn=parsePacket, filter=filter)
With the above sniff method, you're going to want to do the following.
def parsePacket(packet):
outputPacket = ''
qsave = sys.stdout
q = io.StringIO()
sys.stdout = q
#Text you're capturing
#restore original stdout
sys.stdout = qsave
#release output
sout = q.getvalue()
#Add to string (format if need be)
outputPacket += sout + '\n'
#Close IOStream
#return your packet
return outputPacket
The string you return (outputPacket) can now be manipulated how you want.
Swap out .show() with whatever function you see fit.
P.S. Forgive me if this is a little rough from a Pythonic point of view...not a python dev by any stretch.

How to process and save HTTP body as-is in Haskell?

I have tried following code to download HTML but it actually transforms non-ASCII characters into series of decoded characters like < U+009B> and 0033200400\0031\0031.
openURL x = getResponseBody =<< simpleHTTP (getRequest x)
download url path = do src <- openURL url
writeFile path src
How to change the following code to write HTTP response exactly as received? How should one search and manipulate with strings in such content?
The string output like "\1234\5678" is actually only two characters long—the data is preserved, but you need to interpret it correctly. Probably the best way to do that is to use Text which, instead of being a list of Chars, is actually a byte array representing UTF-8 codepoints.
To do this, you need to use a slightly more general interface in HTTP mkRequest :: BufferType ty => RequestMethod -> URI -> Request ty. Text does not directly instantiate BufferType, so we'll go through ByteString, which represents binary chunks of data—it has no particular interpretation of the encoding of that data.
We can then use decodeUtf8 to convert the raw bytes to UTF-8 Text
import Data.Text
import Data.Text.Encoding
import Data.ByteString
\ uri -> do
rawData <- getResponseBody =<< simpleHTTP (mkRequest GET uri) :: IO Text
return (decodeUtf8 rawData)
Note that decodeUtf8 is partial—it may fail in a way that cannot be caught in pure code mandating a restart or handler all the way up in your IO stack. If this is undesirable, if there's a good chance that you're downloading text which isn't valid UTF-8, then you can use decodeUtf8' which returns an Either.

RCurl - Boolean Options

These Curl docs: list many boolean options.
How do I specify these options in a postForm call in RCurl? For example, how do I specify the --sslv3 flag?
I tried
postForm(url, .opts = list(sslv3=TRUE))
but received the error:
Warning message:
In mapCurlOptNames(names(.els), asNames = TRUE) :
Unrecognized CURL options: sslv3
Thanks in advance.
Through some trial and error, I found that this works:
options(RCurlOptions = list(sslversion=3))
If anyone could clarify how to translate the Curl options to the RCurl options, it would appreciated!
Curl stands for a few things The problem here is you are looking at what the curl command line tool does and instead want to ask how the libcurl library implements something.
RCurl use the libcurl library. This can be accessed via an api. The "symbols" used in the api are listed here We can compare them to the options listed by RCurl:
cInfo <- getURL("")
cInfo <- unlist(strsplit(cInfo, "\n"))
cInfo <- cInfo[grep("CURLOPT_", cInfo)]
cInfo <- gsub("([^[\\s]]*)\\s.*", "\\1", cInfo)
cInfo <- gsub("CURLOPT_", "", cInfo)
cInfo <- tolower(gsub("_", ".", cInfo))
From the above we can see that all RCurl options are derived from libcurl api symbols. The
CURLOPT_ is removed _ is replaced by . and the letters are demoted to lower case.
The question then arises as to what types the symbols represent. I usually just look at the
php library documentation to discover this. lists
CURLOPT_SSLVERSION The SSL version (2 or 3) to use. By default PHP will try to determine this itself, although in some cases this must be set manually.
as an integer type. expecting the value 2 or 3.
Alternatively you can look at the curl_easy_setopt manual page
Pass a long as parameter to control what version of SSL/TLS to attempt to use. The available options are:
The default action. This will attempt to figure out the remote SSL protocol version, i.e. either SSLv3 or TLSv1 (but not SSLv2, which became disabled by default with 7.18.1).
Force TLSv1
Force SSLv2
Force SSLv3
It says we would need to pass a long with value CURL_SSLVERSION_SSLv3 to stipulate sslv3.
What is the value of CURL_SSLVERSION_SSLv3? We can examine RCurl:::SSLVERSION_SSLv3
[1] 0 1 2 3
So in fact the permissible values for sslversion are 0,1,2 or 3.
So the confusion in this case arose from the curl program which presumably uses the libcurl api implementing this in a binary fashion.
So the correct way in this case to use this option would be:
postForm(url, .opts = list(sslversion = 3))
postForm(url, .opts = list(sslv = 3))
you can use the shorter sslv as .opts is passed to mapCurlOptNames which will use pmatch
to find sslversion.
To be fair to the author of RCurl this is all explained in also located in /RCurl/inst/doc/philosophy.html .An excerpt reads:
Each of these and what it controls is described in the libcurl
man(ual) page for curl_easy_setopt and that is the authoritative
documentation. Anything we provide here is merely repetition or
additional explanation.
The names of the options require a slight explanation. These
correspond to symbolic names in the C code of libcurl. For example,
the option url in R corresponds to CURLOPT_URL in C. Firstly,
uppercase letters are annoying to type and read, so we have mapped
them to lower case letters in R. We have also removed the prefix
"CURLOPT_" since we know the context in which they option names are
being used. And lastly, any option names that have a _ (after we have
removed the CURLOPT_ prefix) are changed to replace the '_' with a '.'
so we can type them in R without having to quote them. For example,
combining these three rules, "CURLOPT_URL" becomes url and
CURLOPT_NETRC_FILE becomes netrc.file. That is the mapping scheme.
Try this (after reviewing examples on ?curlOptions after being referred by ?postForm:)
myOpts = curlOptions(sslv3 = TRUE)
postForm(url, .opts = myOpts)
Although I admit I thought your code should work. You may need to also post you version numbers. There is also a curlSetOpt that might be more "assertive".

CF DESEDE encrypt() Key Length Issue

I am trying to encrypt a string using ColdFusion encrypt() with a 3rd party provided key like this:
encrypteded = encrypt('theString', 'FD52250E230D1CDFD5C2DF0D57E3E0FEFD52250E230D1CDF', 'DESEDE/CBC/NoPadding', 'BASE64', ToBase64('0'));
I get:
"The key specified is not a valid key for this encryption: Wrong key algorithm, expected DESede."
What do I have to do to this key in terms of encoding/decoding to get it into the right format?
Generally, when using provided keys from other languages, you have to do a little gymnastics on it to get it into Base64.
Try this for the key argument:
But, to make this work for me, the input string needed to be a multiple of 8 bytes (because you're specifying NoPadding), and the IV needed to also be a multiple of 8 bytes.
So, this ended up working for me - not sure if you'll be able to decrypt it on the other end, tho, if the IV they're specifying is really what you've got listed there.
encrypteded = encrypt('theStrin', ToBase64(BinaryDecode('FD52250E230D1CDFD5C2DF0D57E3E0FEFD52250E230D1CDF','hex')), 'DESEDE/CBC/NoPadding', 'BASE64', ToBase64('0000'));
No IV also worked as well (with different output, obviously):
encrypteded = encrypt('theStrin', ToBase64(BinaryDecode('FD52250E230D1CDFD5C2DF0D57E3E0FEFD52250E230D1CDF','hex')), 'DESEDE/CBC/NoPadding', 'BASE64');
If you've been given a Hex IV, then you can use it as such:
encrypteded = encrypt('theStrin', ToBase64(BinaryDecode('FD52250E230D1CDFD5C2DF0D57E3E0FEFD52250E230D1CDF','hex')), 'DESEDE/CBC/NoPadding', 'BASE64', BinaryDecode("7fe8585328e9ac7b","hex"));
Hopefully this is enough info to get you on your way!
The only thing that seems off to me is the algorithm value you're using. Maybe try this?
encrypteded = encrypt('theString', 'FD52250E230D1CDFD5C2DF0D57E3E0FEFD52250E230D1CDF', 'DESEDE', 'BASE64', ToBase64('0'));
I don't know if the /CBC/NoPadding settings will be what you want, but I don't think they will be allowed in the algorithm argument.
