Permalink Redirect from /%postname%/ to /%postname%.html in Wordpress Hosted Blog - wordpress

I've just changed my permalinks from /%postname%/ to /%postname%.html
So, links which are in /%postname%/ are showing 404 error.
I want to redirect those links to /%postname%.html in order to avoid 404 error page.

Changing the permalink settings with extension will effect only in posts, not in pages. In many instances like this I always use this plugin, it is a short plugin and editable, you can change the extension (.html) to many other like: .asp, .shtml, etc.
But please note: if you do an edit to your permalink setting please deactivate the plugin and activated it again when your done. Because if you change the permalink setting and didn't deactivate and activate this plugin all the page will appear as not found.
You can see the plugin stats to see how many people used the plugin.


How to redirect links from structure to another

My site Permalinks structure is: /%post_id%/%postname%/
are working correctly and showing the same content
I want to redirect every link with
/%post_id%/ structure
/%post_id%/%postname%/ structure without change Permalinks structure
Is there any way to do that using WordPress plugin or htaccess code?
The problem has been solved using Redirection plugin
permalink settings
Redirections plugin settings

changing permalink causes 404 on visiting blog in wordpress

I am changing permalink structure from
by going in settings>permalinks>change URL structure.
And on visiting to blog then it redirects me to 404 error page.
Please suggest how to achieve this
You can use SEO Redirection for the url's you have changed. You can use the plugin

Plugin overwrites Wordpress Page Permalinks

I've created a plugin that registers a custom taxonomy which can be used in the permalink structure. It's an issue management plugin. When it's active, all the posts can be displayed fine but pages all return a 404. I have the permalink set to /%issue%/%category%/%postname%/.
Again this works fine for posts but breaks pages. Here is the code:
I've reset the permalink multiple times and deletes .htaccess but nothing works. Could anyone offer suggestions of what hooks or functions might be breaking permalinks for pages?

Incorrect Buddypress Links

I recently installed Buddypress on a new Wordpress site. I'm having a problem getting Buddypress links to work. My site's permalinks are set to 'post-name' ( but when I click 'Register' for example (a Buddypress link) it goes to
Anyone know how I can change Buddypress link structure?
There should NOT be index.php/ in your permalinks.
Go to Permalinks admin page and remove it using input. And check that you have .htaccess file in the root of your WP install.
This codex article will be useful for you as well.

WordPermalink not working after server tran

I've transferred our website from powweb to godaddy. It's a wordpress based website.
The problem is the pretty permalink is not working. It shows 404 error. Interestingly, If I add new post or new page, the permalink work. But all old permalinks not working. I can edit old pages and change the permalink (from edit page). If I change the old permalink to new one, then it also work.
I disabled pretty permalink + deleted .htaccess file. Then enabled pretty permalink from wp admin > settings > permalinks (it automatically restored .htaccess);
Tried many other ways, but nothing worked.
Check the following
Do you have mod_rewrite enabled?
Do you have any caching Plugins? If yes then disable them.
Is FollowSymLinks option enabled?
Also post the contents of your .htaccess file and the pretty permalink format that you want to use.
