Subreport Data band - KeepTogether Not Working - fastreport

I have a Child band on the Main report, which contains a subreport object. I'm trying to keep the Data band in this subreport together, but it breaks even though I flagged the band as KeepTogether=true.
I'm wondering if this is an issue with a subreport, or what? Any ideas most welcome!

If you use FR VCL or FR FMX - place TfrxSubreport on the stretched TfrxChild band, set TfrxChild.AllowSplit to False, TfrxSubreport.PRintOnParent to True


How to zoom in the Y-Axis in a line chart using kibana 7.12/7.16

I'm working on an application that get values from different cryptocurrency exchanges and I'm trying to plot that values on Kibana (V 7.12.1) to visually compare the oscillations, everything is working fine (I think), the main application is getting the values from the exchanges and sending to ElasticSearch (V 7.12.1) and I can see the values on Kibana/Discover. I don't have much experience on ElasticSearch/Kibana.
So, in Kibana, I created a new dashboard with a Lens panel, I added the DateTime field to X-axis, ask price and bid price to Y-axis and the exchange name as a break down. The plot looks nice as you can see:
The problem is, at this moment, the values are between 42940 and 43080, a very small difference comparing to the total size of the Y-axis and I can not adjust the Y-axis to get a small window to only see the values of interest.
I don't need different scales to each line, in really it must be the same scale. And values will change over the time, so, the value window will change in size too.
Thanks in advance.
I did all the same tests on ElasticSearch 7.16.3 and Kibana 7.16.3 and I got exact the same results.
Finally I found it.
There is an Up-Down button to set up the Y-axis, clicking on that button we get the window "Left axis". In that window, the field "Bounds" does this adjust.
Full: to see all the graph;
Data bounds: to automatically adjust the zoom;
Custom: to insert your own limits;

GEE obtain bands from image collection

I'm currently working on my bachelor's thesis and I am trying to work with Sentinel 5 - P's aerosol data.
I am trying to obtain Aerosol Layer Height (L3__AER_LH) data but I do not know the bands, which I need to 'select'.
The README file on L3__AER_LH reads as follows:
The data file contains the aerosol_mid_pressure and aerosol_mid_height which provide the
air pressure at the center of the aerosol layer and the height at the center of the aerosol layer relative
to the geoid, respectively.
But when I try running: .select('absorbing_aerosol_index'); I get no results.
Therefore, I have tried using print(collection.bandNames); but I recieve an 'undefined'.
Could someone help me obtain L3__AER_LH data from GEE?
Thank you for your time.
Therefore, I have tried using print(collection.bandNames); but I recieve an 'undefined'.
The best way to find out about bands programmatically is to look at the band names of one image, because band information for a collection is sometimes incomplete.
That said, for datasets from the Earth Engine Data Catalog, you'll get documentation as well as the names by looking at their catalog pages (example), so doing so is a better option in that case.
That page tells you that the band names for L3_AER_LH (as provided by Earth Engine) include aerosol_pressure and aerosol_height.

Is possible to move up empty labels in a DevExpress XtraReport?

Is possible to move up empty labels in a DevExpress XtraReport?
I have a report and I need to move up labels with empty data. I desire that labels with no data don't be displayed and the others labels behind him could be moved up in order to take place of the other.
1st line - [EMPTY_DATA_1]
2nd line - [DATA_1]
3rd line - [EMPTY_DATA_2]
4th line - [DATA_2]
Desirable scenario:
1st line - [DATA_1]
2nd line - [DATA_2]
How can I add this behavior?
Theres a simple way to solve your problem. You just need to set the property "ProcessNullValues" with that value "SuppressAndShrink" in all labels that you want that have this behavior (move up in case of null data).
xrLabel.ProcessNullValues = DevExpress.XtraReports.UI.ValueSuppressType.SuppressAndShrink;
For futher information see the link bellow:
I hope that this answer could be helpfull.

fast reports : add space between two masterdata bands

I cant figure out how to add space between two master data bands.Nothing seems to work. I would like to write something into that space as well but I cant seem to be able to fit anything in between.
I am using Fast Reports 5.1.5.
Try to add empty child band to MasterData if you want to add space between different rows of same masterdata band
If you want add space between Masterdata1 and Masterdata2 bands - add empty MasterData3 with RowCount = 1

forecasting with regression in chart

I am refering to the official tutorial . What i did is,,, in an fresh website, i added a chart control from the toolbox and dragged a table it to from my database. The problem starts now when i added a button and put the forecasting code in the button click event. The code is:
Chart1.DataManipulator.FinancialFormula (FinancialFormula.Forecasting, "2,40,true,true", "Series1:Y", "Series2:Y,Series3:Y,Series3:Y2");
The error message i got is
Forecasting Error – There are too few data points for this regression
type. A minimum of 2 data points are required.
In the chart, i selected "date" as x-axis, and "some number" as Y-axis... And what is this minimum of 2 data points required...
Can anyone help me out with this error.......
This question is a bit old, but I ran across this same situation today and wanted to post my resolution.
This "Too Few Data Points" issue occurs when the the trend line is added before the chart is bound. Simply moving the Financial Formula code below where the data is bound will resolve the issue. (Of course, if you have less than 2 data points in your binding, this won't help you).
Basically, until the chart is bound, the "input series" doesn't actually have the data to be used by the Chart's DataManipulator.
For predicting the future values at least two past values are needed,so if the result contains only one value it will throw error,because it is not possible to compare the values.The series in the chart should have minimum 2 values
