I cant figure out how to add space between two master data bands.Nothing seems to work. I would like to write something into that space as well but I cant seem to be able to fit anything in between.
I am using Fast Reports 5.1.5.
Try to add empty child band to MasterData if you want to add space between different rows of same masterdata band
If you want add space between Masterdata1 and Masterdata2 bands - add empty MasterData3 with RowCount = 1
I have been working on a multi-panel figure in R. It displays a lot of plots/graphs... a number of rows and a number of columns. When I add titles to the ONLY the top row, they appear above the output rendering. Either it's too far above or it gets cut off.
The multipanel is pretty big, about six rows with three columns each. As every column represents the same thing, I figured to add titles above all of them. The titles at first were directly on the graph so I decided to raise them using the following:
title(main = "Title Example ", cex.main=1.7 , line = 1)
This elevates things nicely. But it goes way too high.
Previously I had issues with the size being too large. It was solved using one of the following two:
The titles just appear above the stuff. Any suggestions for what can be done to fix this?
I am hoping that the final output could just "lower" everything by a little bit.
But also, the output generation panel does not have a "scroll" sort of element. Would be nice if I can do that too... The monitor has only so much size, which does not fit the 6 x 3 fully.
It looks like it was fixed by using "par(mar=c(0.5, 7, 1.5, 0.5))"... this code increased the margin and so it worked.
I am trying to create horizontal bar chart in in R using the plotly package. Due to the length of the legend items I would like for them to show horizontally at the top or bottom of the visual in 2 columns. Is it possible to dictate the number of columns for the legend?
I've been able to place the legend below the x axis successfully using Layout(legend = list(orientation='h')) however regardless of where I put the legend (using the x and y arguments) it is always just one long list. I've seen a github project for creating a multi column legend in js but not r.
This is not possible in a normal way. I think it has its own logic that determines how many place there it is and how many columns it will display then.
So I guess if you make your plot width smaller you could reach the goal that it will just display 2 column.
Also you can try to play around with the margin attribute (https://plot.ly/r/reference/#layout-margin) by setting r and l to 10 e.g.
An other idea could be to make the font-size in legend (https://plot.ly/r/reference/#layout-legend-font-size) bigger, so that it just uses two columns. Hope it helps.
I read the same github page and I thought that it is not possible, but seems to be! I only checked in Python, but I hope this will help in your endeavors in R as well as everyone in Python looking for information. Sadly, there is not a lot of information on Plotly here compared to other packages.
This solved my problem
Setting orientation='h' is not enough. You also have to put the legend items in different legendgroups, if you want them in different columns. Here is an example with legend labels:
fig = go.Figure([
go.Scatter(x=best_neurons_df['Test Size'],
y=best_neurons_df['Training Accuracy Max'],
# You can write anything as the group name, as long as it's different.
go.Scatter(x=best_neurons_df['Test Size'],
y=best_neurons_df['Validation Accuracy Max'],
# You can write anything as the group name, as long as it's different.
layout=dict(title='Best Model Dependency on Validation Split',
xaxis=dict(title='Validation Set proportion'),
margin=dict(b=100, t=100, l=0, r=0),
legend=dict(x=1, y=1.01,xanchor='right', yanchor='bottom',
orientation='h', # Remember this as well.
Example image
I want to create a nice dendrogram for my cluster. Since I work with over thousands of data entries, the resulting dendrogram looks kinda sad. The Screenshots show, that too much space is used to display the splits, while not enough space is left to show the important information at the bottom.
I want to compress the space used for for the graph display and increase the space used for the labels. Is there an option for this? If I only decrease the the size of the image, he will simply cut the labels at the end.
I am working on a project and need to add an additional image using the asp:chart control. Unfortunately, I've never had to use this control before and it's a bit complex to use, so I need some help.
Basically, I need to create a stacked Column chart with two legends and two columns. The first column is "income" and stacks three values. (Wages, interest and other.) The second column is "expenses" and stacks two values. (Mortgage, Other.) Each value has it's own value.
The legend for income should be on the left, the column for expenses to the right. These legends should display the texts and values for it's related value plus a 'Total' label with value.
For this task, I only have to deal with 5 values over two columns but the asp:chart control is huge and I'm drowning in all it's options. And they want it ready yesterday, so no pressure. It's already overdue... :-)
No, it's not homework. If it was, I would have practical documentation and the additional how-to information. Since my Boss expects me to add this, he just gave me absolutely no information to work with, except for the code which already contains several other charts, none of them like this one and all done by previous victims who each used their own coding style. Basically, the project code is a huge mess so useless as documentation. (And amazingly it works, as long as I only use asp:chart for these graphics.)
The biggest problem I'm having is stacking the values correctly. Since I have two columns and 3 values, it could be solved with three series, each with points for column 1 and 2. Unfortunately, this puts income and expense in the same label, which is not what I want.
If I make it 5 series, for every value one point, then the second column doesn't start at the right height. So that won't work either.
You can download Samples for Chart Control from msdn which give you complete in depth knowledge of how to use them
For learning see these blogs as well
When making a line chart, Lets say its for business sales for different depts and horizontally is days and vertically is dollars. When you hover over a line it tells a dataTip tells you the sales for that dept. on that day. I want it to show all the depts at the same time, so say you hover over day 3, I want the dataTips for all depts on day 3 to display so you can compare the values for all the sales on the same day. I set the mouseSensitivity for the dataTips to display all the lines at once but I end up getting day 2 for one dept and day 3 for another which is not wanted. This is actually posted as a bug and explained better here: http://bugs.adobe.com/jira/browse/FLEXDMV-1853
I am wondering if anyone can come up with a work-around for this?
I ran into a similar problem to this recently and came up with a solution that also applies to your problem. I had a step LineChart and wanted to display a data tip when the user hovered anywhere on the line instead of just at defined data points.
You can read about the solution I wrote for that problem here: Flex: Customizing data tip location and behavior in a LineChart
You'll have to modify my solution slightly to fit your problem:
On line 47 you can remove the Math.abs(last.y - mouseLoc.y) < 50 check. This constrains the data tips to lines that are within 50 pixels vertically of the mouse.
I'm assuming that you're using the default segment line chart which just draws lines directly between data points. You'll need to modify the code that calculates the line value at a given x-coordinate to work with that chart type. I already find the closest data point to the left of the mouse with lines 33-41 and store it in last. Just get the next data point (which will be the one closest to the right of the mouse) and use something like this to get the value at the mouse:
var slope:Number = (nextPoint.y - last.y) / (nextPoint.x - last.x);
var lineYAtMouse:Number = (slope * (last.x - mouseLoc.x)) + last.y;
var lineValue:Array = line.localToData(new Point(mouseLoc.x, lineYAtMouse));
Then replace lines 69 through 72 with:
hitPoint.x = mouseLoc.x;
hitPoint.y = lineYAtMouse;
hitPoint.xValue = lineValue[0];
hitPoint.yValue = lineValue[1];
I haven't tested these modifications so there could be a bug or 2 but the general idea is there. I hope maybe this is still useful to someone. This question is getting pretty old. :)
Not an answer, but a poor alternative:
You could create your own DataTip renderer that [ahem] mapped the location of every point and drew the tip for each one there.
Basically, you would be duplicating a lot of the code inside the charting classes.
I have the same problem but working on column charts. Was thinking that I could enable the vertical gridLines using backgroundElements and then add a chart event listener for mouse over (which fires when mouse passes over a vertical gridline). Using the localX value, i could compare it to the closest datapoint, maybe.