I got a code that consume value from 1 to 99 and output a logarithmic value using following equation:
Value = clamp(math::pow(2, 10.0* input / 99)/800, 0.0, 1.0)
Now i need to invert that, like given the logarithmic value, i need it to convert it within the linear range from 1 to 99.
Any suggestions?
I would like to extract several predicted y-values for the x-values given from this graph :
I know that it is possible to get the x and y coordinates of the curve by using the following function :
coordinate <- ggplot_build(curve)$data[[2]][,c("x","y")]
head(coordinate,n = 6L)
# x y
1 0.1810660 32845.225
2 0.4810660 27635.136
3 0.7553301 23904.792
4 1.3295942 18316.923
5 1.8288582 15092.595
6 5.0312446 8018.707
Is there a function that allows you to directly obtain the predicted value of y for a given x value that does not appear in coordinate such as for example 3.5?
As Gregor mentions, you should fit a model aside of the plot.
Best you can do to "simply" obtain a value otherwise is an interpolating spline
sfun = splinefun(coordinate)
Let's assume I have a curve defined by 4 points and I have 2 'states' of curve, like on this picture:
I want to control the deformation of the curve by single parameter in range [0, 1], 0 is corresponding to upper curve and 1 corresponding to lower curve, intermediate values like 0.5 should represent some intermediate transformation from upper curve to lower curve. How it can be done?
Do you know how to parametrize the motion of one point?
Suppose you have a point that can move on a vertical line, its position varying between two extremes, y0 and y1.
Now assign a parameter t, which varies from 0 t0 1, so that y(t=0) = y0 and y(t=1) = y1.
Now make y a linear function of t: y(t) = y0 + t(y1-y0)
Now look at your curves. The only motion of the points to get from one state to the other appears to be vertical. So each of the four points moves like an example of the y(t) above, but with different values of x, y0 and y1. (From your drawing, it looks as if the two end points are stationary and the two middle points move the same way, but that's just a special case.)
Given a set of coordinates corresponding to a closed shape, I want to calculate the total absolute curvature, which requires calculating the curvature for each point, taking the absolute value, and summing them. Simple enough.
I used the answer to this question to calculate the curvature from a matrix of x y coordinates (xymat) and get what I thought would be the total absolute curvature:
sum(abs(predict(smooth.spline(xymat), deriv = 2)$y))
The problem is that total absolute curvature has a minimum value of 2*pi and is exactly that for circles, but this code is evaluating to values less than 2*pi:
xymat <- map_df(data.frame(degrees=seq(0:360)),
function(theta) data.frame(x = sin(theta), y = cos(theta)))
sum(abs(predict(smooth.spline(xymat), deriv = 2)$y))
This returns 1.311098 instead of the expected value of 6.283185.
If I change the df parameter of smooth.spline to 3 as in the previous answer, the returned value is 3.944053, still shy of 2*pi (the df value smooth.spline calculated for itself was 2.472213).
Is there a better way to calculate curvature? Is smooth.spline parameterized by arc length or will incorporating it (somehow) rescue this calculation?
Okay, a few things before we begin. You're using degrees in your seq, which will give you incorrect results (0 to 360 degrees). You can check that this is wrong by taking cos(360) in R, which isn't 1. This is explained in the documentation for the trig functions under Details.
So let's change your function to this
xymat <- map_df(data.frame(degrees=seq(0,2*pi,length=360)),
function(theta) data.frame(x = sin(theta), y = cos(theta)))
If you plot this, this indeed looks like a circle.
Let's actually restrict this to the lower half of the circle. If you put a spline through this without understanding the symmetry and looking at the plot, chances are that you'll get a horizontal line through the circle.
Why? because the spline doesn't know that it's symmetric above and below y = 0. The spline is trying to fit a function that explains the "data", not trace an arc. It splits the difference between two symmetric sets of points around y = 0.
If we restrict the spline to the lower half of the circle, we can use y values between 1 and -1, like this:
lower.semicircle <- data.frame(predict(smooth.spline(xymat[91:270,], all.knots = T)))
And let's fit a spline through it.
lower.semicircle.pred<-data.frame(predict(smooth.spline(lower.semicircle, all.knots = T)))
Note that I'm not using the deriv function here. That is for a different problem in the cars example to which you linked. You want total absolute curvature and they are looking at rate of change of curvature.
What we have now is an approximation to a lower semicircle using splines. Now you want the distance between all of the little sequential points like in the integral from the wikipedia page.
Let's calculate all of the little arc distances using a distance matrix. This literally calculates the Euclidean distances between each point to every other point.
all.pairwise.distances.in.the.spline.approx<-dist(lower.semicircle.pred, diag=F)
seq.of.distances.you.want<-dist.matrix[row(dist.matrix) == col(dist.matrix) + 1]
This last object is what you need to sum across.
..which evaluates to [1] 3.079 for the lower semicircle, around half of your 2*pi expected value.
It's not perfect but splines have problems with edge effects.
The only equation to calculate this that I can find involves t in the range [0, 1], but I have no idea how long it will take to travel the entire path, so I can't calculate (1 - t).
I know the speed at which I'm traveling, but it seems to be a heavy idea to calculate the total time beforehand (nor do I actually know how to do that calculation). What is an equation to figure out the position without knowing the total time?
Edit To clarify on the cubic bezier curve: I have four control points (P0 to P1), and to get a value on the curve with t, I need to use the four points as such:
B(t) = (1-t)^3P0 + 3t(1-t)^2P1 + 3t^2(1-t)P2 + t^3P3
I am not using a parametric equation to define the curve. The control points are what define the curve. What I need is an equation that does not require the use of knowing the range of t.
I think there is a misunderstanding here. The 't' in the cubic Bezier curve's definition does not refer to 'time'. It is parameter that the x, y or even z functions based on. Unlike the traditional way of representing y as a function of x, such as y=f(x), an alternative way of representing a curve is by the parametric form that represents x, y and z as functions of an additional parameter t, C(t)=(x(t), y(t), z(t)). Typically the t value will range from 0 to 1, but this is not a must. The common representation for a circle as x=cos(t) and y=sin(t) is an example of parametric representation. So, if you have the parametric representation of a curve, you can evaluate the position on the curve for any given t value. It has nothing to do with the time it takes to travel the entire path.
You have the given curve and you have your speed. To calculate what you're asking for you need to divide the total distance by the speed you traveled given that time. That will give you the parametric (t) you need. So if the total curve has a distance of 72.2 units and your speed is 1 unit then your t is 1/72.2.
Your only missing bit is calculating the length of a given curve. This is typically done by subdividing it into line segments small enough that you don't care, and then adding up the total distance of those line segments. You could likely combine those two steps as well if you were so inclined. If you have your given speed, just iteration like 1000th of the curve add the line segment between the start and point 1000th of the way through the curve, and subtract that from how far you need to travel (given that you have speed and time, you have distance you need to travel), and keep that up until you've gone as far as you need to go.
The range for t is between 0 and 1.
x = (1-t)*(1-t)*(1-t)*p0x + 3*(1-t)*(1-t)*t*p1x + 3*(1-t)*t*t*p2x + t*t*t*p3x;
y = (1-t)*(1-t)*(1-t)*p0y + 3*(1-t)*(1-t)*t*p1y + 3*(1-t)*t*t*p2y + t*t*t*p3y;
I would like to draw an animation of a polar curve (a spiral) being graphed. I am using javascript and canvas. Currently, I am using setInterval to call a draw function, which graphs an x and y coordinate found from a parametric representation of the polar curve (x and y in terms of theta). I am incrementing theta by 0.01, from 0 to 2*pi, once for every call to draw(). The problem is that I wish for the animation to draw the same amount of the curve for each call to draw, so that the drawing appears to progress with uniform speed. It doesn't matter if the time between each call to draw is different; I just need the speed (in terms of pixels drawn / # of calls to draw) to be constant for the entire awing. In other words, I need the arc length of the segment of the polar graph drawn for each call to draw to be the same. I have no idea how to go about this. Any help/sugestions would be greatly appreciated. Thanks
Let f(z) be the theta variable you are referring to in your question. Here are two parametric equations that should be very similar to what you have:
x(f(z)) = f(z)cos(f(z))
y(f(z)) = f(z)sin(f(z))
We can define the position p(f(z)) at f(z) as
p(f(z)) = [x(f(z)), y(f(z))]
The speed s(f(z)) at f(z) is the length of the derivative of p at f(z).
x'(f(z)) = f'(z)cos(f(z)) - f(z)f'(z)sin(f(z))
y'(f(z)) = f'(z)sin(f(z)) + f(z)f'(z)cos(f(z))
s(f(z)) = length(p'(f(z))) = length([x'(f(z)), y'(f(z))])
= length([f'(z)cos(f(z)) - f(z)f'(z)sin(f(z)), f'(z)sin(f(z)) + f(z)f'(z)cos(f(z))])
= sqrt([f'(z)cos(f(z))]2 + [f(z)f'(z)sin(f(z))]2 + [f'(z)sin(f(z))]2 + [f(z)f'(z)cos(f(z))]2)
= sqrt(f'(z) + [f(z)f'(z)]2)
If you want the speed s(f(z)) to be constant at C as z increases at a constant rate of 1, you need to solve this first-order nonlinear ordinary differential equation:
s(f(z)) = sqrt(f'(z) + [f(z)f'(z)]2) = C
Solving this would give you a function theta = f(z) that you could use to compute theta as you keep increasing z. However, this differential equation has no closed form solution.
In other words, you'll have to make guesses at how much you should increase theta at each step, doing binary search on the delta to add to theta and line integrals over p(t) to evaluate how far each guess moves.
Easier method - change the parameter to setInterval proportional to the step arc length. That way you don't have to try to invert the arc length equation. If the interval starts getting too large, you can adjust the step size, but you can do so approximately.