How do I get the BAM Add-Ons in BizTalk 2016/Excel 2016 - biztalk

I want to create a BAM activity/view. I have Office 32-bit. Do I need to open some specific BAM spreadsheet/model first?
This page shows how it works in Excel 2007: But I haven't found anything for more recent versions.
If I open a new empty spreadsheet, and click Add-Ins, I see nothing but the following:
If I right click "Add-Ins" and select "Customize Quick Access Toolbar", I then see this screen - which looks like probably what I need, but still don't know the exact procedure to add the BAM Adds here.
It might be wiser to find and edit the file outside of Excel first: The add-in file is: "c:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office16\Library\Bam.xla"
I clicked on "Business Activity Monitoring" - then what should I do next to get the menus needed to add the BAM Activity.

Looks like you click the "Go" button to the right of "Manage Excel Add-Ins".
Then the following box pops-up, and I can check "Business Activity Monitoring" and then "Ok".
If it doesn't appear there, you can click the "Browse" button, go to the ""c:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office16\Library" folder and select "Bam.xla".
If you are in Excel 64-bit, instead of 32-bit, you will get this error:
But so far, after doing that, I still don't see any new "BAM" menu in Excel.
I was seeing error:
Compile error: The code in this project must be updated for use on
64-bit systems. Please review and update Declare statements and then
mark them with the PtrSafe attribute.
If you get that, it means you are probably on 64-bit, not 32-bit version of Excel. I was told by another team they installed 32-bit, but low and behold, they did not. You can check the version using the following steps:
1) File (menu)
2) (click) Account
3) Click the square (almost doesn't look like a button that says "? About Excel"
After getting the 32-bit, it looks okay, the BAM menu appears as follows (under the "Add-Ins" tab:
If you click the "BAM Activity" and get the error "Variable not defined", then see this link:


Open FindInFiles dialog from Visual Studio Extension

I am writing a Visual Studio extension, and I would like to open the FindInFiles dialog with “Current Document” set as scope.
In MS documentation, I ended up finding fields that sound promising:
But I couldn't find a way to actually use them to open the dialog.
I tried a few variations of this code (by changing the various constants):
var mcs = ServiceProvider.GetServiceAsync(typeof(IMenuCommandService)).Result as MenuCommandService;
var command = new CommandID(
mcs.GlobalInvoke(command, VSConstants.StandardToolWindows.FindInFiles);
But I did not manage to get the dialog to pop. Plus it sounded a lot like fiddling.
So how can I get my addin to open the SearchInFiles dialog? And more importantly, where did you find the answer 😉?
You can call the Edit.FindInFiles command to open the dialog:

Where is Atom keeping its state?

I'm on OSX and had a file open in Atom which I hadn't given a name to. I had to restart my computer and when it came back again I clicked the wrong thing and it forgot all the old file names, and the unnamed file seems to be gone without a trace. If I use Time Machine to restore the .atom file to an old state it detects that something is 'wrong' and pulls the most recent state from some other location (it gets recent filenames from somewhere). Any idea where it's getting that state from?
The literal answer to my question, found using some aggressive grepping, is ./Library/Application Support/Atom/IndexedDB/file__0.indexeddb.leveldb.
It appears to be that the dialog which caused Atom to forget my file list was shown as the result of a real bug rather than bad intentional UX.
Here are the instructions which got my file contents back (courtesy someone in the Atom slack channel):
Open the Chrome Dev Tools in Atom using Cmd + Option + I
Click the Application tab
In the tree view on the left of this tab, expand IndexedDB > AtomEnvironments and click on the table states
In the grid on the right, you'll see one or more entries keyed with editor-<some hash>
For each of those entries, expand the Object in the Value column and then expand this tree: Object > value > project > buffers
For each file in the "buffers" list, expand it and try to find the untitled file, it won't have a filePath property. The text field will have the file contents.

Retain Project Find Result Tab in Atom Editor

I'm trying to use Atom 1.8.0 for grokking code, at most a few thousand Java and XML files. When I perform a global search with Ctrl+Shift+F , the results appear in a tab named "Project Find Results". However, if I do another global search the new results appear in the same tab, replacing older results. I'd like Atom to open show results in a new tab every time. Is it possible?
Note: There seems to be a similar feature request here but I cannot access GitHub at work.

Aptana go to last open editor command

I'm using Aptana Studio 3 and am looking for a command that will take me to the previous editor I was in (a la Netbeans ctrl-tab or Eclipse's ctrl-F6). I've tried several commands with promising sounding names but none of them seem to behave properly. Any thoughts?
Go to Windows->Preferences->General->Keys and have a look at the key binding you have set for the commands 'Next Editor' and 'Previous Editor'. Type those commands in the filter search box to save yourself having to scroll.
On Windows the shortcuts for next and previous editor are in fact Ctrl+F6 and Ctrl+Shift+F6 respectively, which also happen to be the defaults in Eclipse. So if your key bindings for those commands are not set then you can set them here.

Run solution exe after installtion using installshield

I want to run my exe after installation using InstallShield.
InstallShield completes the setup correctly but do not run the exe.
I found another way to add an exe in startup but it runs after restart.
I would like it to run without restart.
Is it possible ?
What version and edition of InstallShield are you using? Also what project type are you using? (InstallScript, InstallScript MSI, Basic MSI? )
Assuming Basic MSI, InstallShield has a built-in pattern to support this story:
1) Click on the Project Assistant Tab
2) Click on the Installation Interview Icon (Page)
3) Click Yes for "Do you want to give the users the option to launch your application when the installation completes?
4) Click the browse button to select the EXE that should be the target of the operation.
By default the checkbox (launch program) on the setup complete dialog will not be selected. To select it automatically add the property LAUNCHPROGRAM to the property table and set it to a value of '1'.
Christopher Painter's answer will work for you most of the time. Those are the initial steps to take, but there are some additional details if you find that isn't enough. For instance, skb reported that this didn't work for him. I found that I was in the same boat (even though I've built a dozen other installers which had this work!).
Follow Christopher Painter's instructions.
Click on the "Installation Designer" tab. Within "User Interface" select "Dialogs".
Within "All Dialogs", expand "SetupCompleteSuccess", and select "Behavior".
Select the "Ok" push button control. Then, select "Events". (look to the bottom of the screen where it says Events/Subscriptions/Conditions)
You should have a "DoAction" event, with an "argument" equal to "IS_LAUNCH_MY_PROGRAM_PLEASE" and a "condition" of "LAUNCHPROGRAM". If not - add that. "LAUNCHPROGRAM" refers to the property of that name. It will have a value of 1 if the launch checkbox is selected, and thus meet this condition. IS_LAUNCH_MY_PROGRAM_PLEASE refers to the Custom Action which is launched. If you want, you can change that CA here to make any custom action fire instead. I opted to leave this alone, but replace the CA with one of my own.
Open your list of Custom Actions (Behavior and logic... Custom actions and sequences). You should find a CA there named IS_LAUNCH_MY_PROGRAM_PLEASE. Delete it!
Add your own IS_LAUNCH_MY_PROGRAM_PLEASE CA. Right-click "Custom Action" (the list header) and select the type of CA you want - or launch the wizard. Just be sure to name it "IS_LAUNCH_MY_PROGRAM_PLEASE" if you left the dialog behavior as it defaults.
To launch an exe - with the WORKING DIRECTORY changed (which was the reason my app wouldn't appear, and apparently skb's as well based on the comments) Select "New EXE"..."Path referencing a directory". Change "Return processing" to "Asynchronous (no wait for completion)". Note the "MSI type number" becomes 226. Set the "Working directory" to INSTALLDIR(assuming the program you want to launch should be found in your new program's directory). Set "Filename & command line" to [INSTALLDIR]YourApp.exe.
