keep only alphanumeric characters and space in a string using gsub - r

I have a string which has alphanumeric characters, special characters and non UTF-8 characters. I want to strip the special and non utf-8 characters.
Here's what I've tried:
gsub('[^0-9a-z\\s]','',"�+ Sample string here =�{�>E�BH�P<]�{�>")
However, This removes the special characters (punctuations + non utf8) but the output has no spaces.
gsub('/[^0-9a-z\\s]/i','',"�+ Sample string here =�{�>E�BH�P<]�{�>")
The result has spaces but there are still non utf8 characters present.
Any work around?
For the sample string above, output should be:
Sample string here

You could use the classes [:alnum:] and [:space:] for this:
sample_string <- "�+ Sample 2 string here =�{�>E�BH�P<]�{�>"
#> [1] "ï Sample 2 string here ïïEïBHïPïï"
Alternatively you can use PCRE codes to refer to specific character sets:
gsub("[^\\p{L}0-9\\s]","",sample_string, perl = TRUE)
#> [1] "ï Sample 2 string here ïïEïBHïPïï"
Both cases illustrate clearly that the characters still there, are considered letters. Also the EBHP inside are still letters, so the condition on which you're replacing is not correct. You don't want to keep all letters, you just want to keep A-Z, a-z and 0-9:
gsub("[^A-Za-z0-9 ]","",sample_string)
#> [1] " Sample 2 string here EBHP"
This still contains the EBHP. If you really just want to keep a section that contains only letters and numbers, you should use the reverse logic: select what you want and replace everything but that using backreferences:
gsub(".*?([A-Za-z0-9 ]+)\\s.*","\\1", sample_string)
#> [1] " Sample 2 string here "
Or, if you want to find a string, even not bound by spaces, use the word boundary \\b instead:
gsub(".*?(\\b[A-Za-z0-9 ]+\\b).*","\\1", sample_string)
#> [1] "Sample 2 string here"
What happens here:
.*? fits anything (.) at least 0 times (*) but ungreedy (?). This means that gsub will try to fit the smallest amount possible by this piece.
everything between () will be stored and can be refered to in the replacement by \\1
\\b indicates a word boundary
This is followed at least once (+) by any character that's A-Z, a-z, 0-9 or a space. You have to do it that way, because the special letters are contained in between the upper and lowercase in the code table. So using A-z will include all special letters (which are UTF-8 btw!)
after that sequence,fit anything at least zero times to remove the rest of the string.
the backreference \\1 in combination with .* in the regex, will make sure only the required part remains in the output.

stringr may use a differrent regex engine that supports POSIX character classes. The :ascii: names the class, which must generally be enclosed in square brackets [:asciii:], whithin the outer square bracket. The [^ indicates negation of the match.
str_replace_all("�+ Sample string here =�{�>E�BH�P<]�{�>", "[^[:ascii:]]", "")
result in
[1] "+ Sample string here ={>EBHP<]{>"


Applying a regular expression to a string in R

I'm just getting to know the language R, previously worked with python. The challenge is to replace the last character of each word in the string with *.
How it should look: example text in string, and result work: exampl* tex* i* strin*
My code:
string_example = readline("Enter our text:")
string_example = unlist(strsplit(string_example, ' '))
result = str_replace(string_example, pattern = "*\b", replacement = "*")
I get an error:
> result = str_replace(string_example, pattern = "*\b", replacement = "*")
Error in stri_replace_first_regex(string, pattern, fix_replacement(replacement), :
Syntax error in regex pattern. (U_REGEX_RULE_SYNTAX, context=``)
Help solve the task
Oh, I noticed an error, the pattern should be .\b. this is how the code is executed, but there is no replacement in the string
If you mean words consisting of letters only, you can use
string_example <- "example text in string"
str_replace_all(string_example, "\\p{L}\\b", "*")
## => [1] "exampl* tex* i* strin*"
See the R demo and the regex demo.
\p{L} - a Unicode category (propery) class matching any Unicode letter
\b - a word boundary, in this case, it makes sure there is no other word character immediately on the right. It will fails the match if the letter matched with \p{L} is immediately followed with a letter, digit or _ (these are all word chars). If you want to limit this to a letter check, replace \b with (?!\p{L}).
Note the backslashes are doubled because in regular string literals backslashes are used to form string escape sequences, and thus need escaping themselves to introduce literal backslashes in string literals.
Some more things to consider
If you do not want to change one-letter words, add a non-word boundary at the start, "\\B\\p{L}\\b"
If you want to avoid matching letters that are followed with - + another letter (i.e. some compound words), you can add a lookahead check: "\\p{L}\\b(?!-)".
You may combine the lookarounds and (non-)word boundaries as you need.

how to remove decimal point between numbers in R

I am trying to remove the decimal points in decimal numbers in R. Please note I want to keep the full stop of strings.
data= c("It's 6.00pm, and is late.")
I know that I have to use regex for this, but I am struggling. My desired output is:
"It's 6 00pm, and is late."
Thank you in advance.
Try this:
sub("(?<=\\d)\\.(?=\\d)", " ", data, perl = TRUE)
This solution uses lookbehind (?<=...) and lookahead (?=...)to assert that the period you wish to remove be enclosed by digits (thus avoiding matching the period at the sentence end). If you have several such cases within strings, then use gsubinstead of sub.
I suggest using a simple pattern to find the target text, then adding parenthesis to identify the parts of the matching text that you want to retain.
# Test data
data <- c("It's 6.00pm, and is late.")
The target pattern is a literal dot with a string of digits before and after it. \\d+ matches one or more digits and \\. matches a literal dot. Testing the pattern to see if it works:
grepl("\\d+\\.\\d+", data)
If we wanted too eliminate the whole thing we could do a simple replacement with an empty string. Testing if this targets the correct text:
sub("\\d+\\.\\d+", "", data)
"It's pm, and is late."
Instead, to discard only a section of matched text we can identify the parts we want to keep, which is done by surrounding them with parenthesis. Once done we can refer to the captured text in the replacement. \\1 refers to the first chunk of text captured and \\2 refers to the second chunk of text, corresponding to the first and second sets of parenthesis
# pattern replacement
sub("(\\d+)\\.(\\d+)", "\\1\\2", data)
[1] "It's 600pm, and is late."
This effectively removes the dot by omitting it from the replacement text.

I need to remove the backslashes from the following string which is a URL I have in a data frame in R

Can someone help me fix this? I am trying to remove the backslashes and the numbers between them from the following string.
I want to remove the backslashes and the numbers so the expected result should look like below:
There are actually no backslashes in the input. Backslash followed by digits is how R renders certain special characters. To remove them remove each character that is not lower case letter, upper case letter, digit, slash or minus.
gsub("[^a-zA-Z0-9/-]", "", a)
## [1] "/organization/energystone-games-100-a"
Actually no upper case letters appear so if you are only concerned about such strings then the pattern could be reduced to "[^a-z0-9/-]" .

How to extract characters from a string based on the text surrounding them in R

Edited to highlight the language I'm using I'm using the R language and I have many large lists of character strings and they have a similar format. I am interested in the characters directly in front of a series of characters that is consistently in the string, but not in a consistent place within the string. For instance:
a <- "aabbccddeeff"
b <- "aabbddff"
c <- "aabbffgghhii"
d <- "bbffgghhii"
I am interested in extracting the two characters directly preceding the "ff" in each character string. I can't find any reasonable solution apart from breaking each character string down using grepl() and then processing them each independently, which seems like an inefficient way to do it.
You can match those two characters and capture them with sub and the right regular expression.
Strings = c("aabbccddeeff",
sub(".*(\\w\\w)ff.*", "\\1", Strings)
[1] "ee" "dd" "bb" "bb"
Explanation, This replaces the entire string with the two characters before the "ff". If there are multiple "ff" in the string, this expression takes the two characters before the last "ff".
How this works: The three arguments to sub are:
1. a pattern to search for
2. What it will be replaced with
3. The strings to apply it to.
Most of the work is in the pattern part - .*(\\w\\w)ff.*. The ff part of the pattern must be obvious. We are targeting things near the specific string ff. What comes right before it is (\\w\\w). \w refers to a "word character". That means any letter a-z or A-Z, any digit 0-9 or the one other character _. We want two characters so we have \\w\\w. By enclosing \\w\\w in parentheses, it turns this pattern of two characters into a "capture group", a string that will be saved into a variable for later use. Since this is the first (and only) capture group in this expression, those two characters will be stored in a variable called \1. Now we want only those two characters so in order to blow away everything before and after we put .* at the front and back. . matches any character and * means do this zero or more times, so .* means zero or more copies of any character. Now we have broken the string into four parts: "ff", the two characters before "ff", everything before that and everything after the ff. This covers the entire string. sub will _replace the part that was matched (everything) with whatever it says in the substitution pattern, in this case "\1". That is just how you write a string that evaluates to \1, the name of the variable where we stored the two characters that we want. We write it that way because backslash "escapes" whatever is after it. We actually want the character \ so we write \ to indicate \ and \1 evaluates to \1. So everything in the string is replaced by the targeted two characters. We apply this to every string in the list of strings Strings.

How do I use regex to match alphabetical characters only?

I want to gsub a string that contains only characters and white spaces, for example the string "to delete". I have tried this:
gsub('[^[:alpha:]$]',NA, "to delete",
But I get an NA also when the string contains digits, for example:
gsub('[^[:alpha:]$]',NA, "to 1 delete",
Anybody could tell me what I am doing wrong? Thanks.
Your regex only tests for a single unanchored bracket expression. This means that any string that has any character which matches the bracket expression will match the regex.
Your bracket expression tests for "not alphabetic not dollar". This matches many things, including spaces, digits, and all punctuation characters other than dollar.
It sounds like you want to match only strings which consist in their entirety of only alphabetic and whitespace characters. To achieve that you need an anchored multiplied bracket expression.
Also, you don't need gsub() for this; you only need sub(), since a regex that can only match the entirety of the input string cannot match multiple times within the input string.
Also, you don't need, since the [:alpha:] character class already matches all alphabetics, regardless of letter-case.
regex <- '^[[:alpha:][:space:]]*$';
sub(regex,NA,'to delete');
## [1] NA
sub(regex,NA,'to 1 delete');
## [1] "to 1 delete"
