Wordpress: Changing the 'Password Protected' page - wordpress

I downloaded the WordPress plugin 'Password Protected' for my WordPress site, which adds a password to my webpage so no one can access the material in there without logging in first. It works great and does exactly what I want it to do. My issue is that I need to customize it (change the WordPress logo and add some text). I found multiple guides on how to do this but none that could be applied in my case.
this guide:
Tells me to edit the functions.php file. However, I cannot access it from the WordPress admin interface.
this guide:
Tell me that it should be available by Apperance -> Editor
but there's no 'Editor' under Apperance for me.
Does anyone how I can edit the login-page for Password Protect, or any other plugin I could use that allows me to change logo and text for the login page (for free)? Or how I can edit the functions.php file in WordPress admin?


Does buddypress require a theme to work?

I am new to wordpress/buddypress. I have windows 7, WP v4.2 and BP v2.2.3.1. I am testing on localhost machine and have also setup a virtual host: buddypress.local:1234/WP
After activating buddypress (i have set the permalinks to other than default and checked anyone can register), when I try to register, the page just refreshes with all fields filled and the passwords fields reset to empty. How can I fix this? I have the default theme twentyfifteen enabled.
Further, any ideas on how can I test buddypress features? Do I need a buddypress compatible theme which exposes buddypress features in WP? Or can I use the default twentyfifteen theme to test buddypress features like groups, profile, notifications etc.
1) your are logged in that's why you are getting all field allready filled except password.
2) buddy press is compatible with all themes there is no specific theme for this .
3) If you have buddy press installed then check your admin dashboard there should page with title Activity View it . This will display the buddypress activities . for more information follow. Link here
try to hit the url www.yourdomain.com/activity/
Buddy press will not work with default permalink structure . Your permalink structure should be Postname

how to prevent wordpress custom theme hacking

I have a problem that every some days my theme has changed and add one file upload form.In wordpress editor i found some hacking code
so how to increase my security in wordpress theme
Basically, you have to keep your website updated with latest version of Wordpress and your plugins as well in order to not leaving yourself open to attacks.If your username is "admin" and your password isn"t strong enough, your site is defenceless to a malicous attack. Never use admin as your user name. I recommend you to install "wordfence security" plugin for your website"s security.

Modifying custom Wordpress pages

Sorry if this question is too basic (It would be great if someone could recommend me on a good resource/tutorial for starting up with wordpress development)
I am new to wordpress development. And I work on a Mac.
I downloaded MAMP, installed wordpress, and installed a custom theme which I bought online.
So far, I've been using the wordpress wp-admin interface to customize the theme.
I created a new Page called "myPage". I'm interested in making some design changes to myPage but the wp-admin tool is limited and I realized I have to start looking/modifying the code.
I'm using Netbeans, and created a new project of my local wordpress folder which contains the wp-admin, wp-content, wp-include folders.
However, I am not sure where in the code to find the page I created "myPage", in order to modify it.
I ran a search on all the code but I don't find any mention of it.
I guess my custom page is saved elsewhere? in the database?
Drill down through wp-content > themes > to your theme's folder. Inside there you will find a file called page.php. That is your default page template. To double check this is the page being used, in your wordpress backend, edit the page and on the right hand side in the 'page attributes' panel, you will see a dropdown under 'Template'. You're purchased theme may have many templates, so that is how you can tell which one is being used.
Note: Creating a page inside of the wordpress backend does not actually create a new page file for that page.
Hope this helps.
Yea, you can find your page in DB, check out link for more info.
To access your database, you need to go to url http://localhost/phpMyAdmin/ if everything is set right; or your local IP/phpMyAdmin/ if host alias is not set.
If you are looking for file, you should look in wpfolder/wp-content/themes/some-theme/ and now ether page.php or content-page.php I am not sure.

Wordpress custom theme issue (It shows the same theme on admin)

i migrated from a standard website to a wordpress theme, but after a day, when i try to login on wp-admin, it shows the theme and a lot of errors like "headers already sent" on pluggable.php.
How can i do to show my custom template without the admin site changes ?
The "headers already sent" warning indicates that the error display settings you have on the new server are stricter.
Because the errors are being showed the website cannot redirect you correctly.
Add the following to wp-config:
ini_set('display_errors', FALSE);
This should help overcome that problem.
Also you should not be outputting anything in your functions.php file because the admin area includes it because you may want to make a complex theme that adds admin menu buttons for theme-configurations, kind-of like a plug-in

How can i change the theme for a site from front end in wordpress?

In my wordpress site i have 10 themes. I need to change the themes by clicking the link from the front end site.(Normally we change the themes in admin login). I need to change the themes without login in to the admin panel.
Is that possible?..
Install the Theme Switcher plugin and it will print out a list of your themes in your sidebar and users can click the links to make the switch. See more about Theme Switching in the WordPress Codex.
If you are not administrator or permitted by administrator then it is fully impossible .If you are permitted to change then simple go to dashboard then go theme option and change it.
