Wordpress custom theme issue (It shows the same theme on admin) - wordpress

i migrated from a standard website to a wordpress theme, but after a day, when i try to login on wp-admin, it shows the theme and a lot of errors like "headers already sent" on pluggable.php.
How can i do to show my custom template without the admin site changes ?

The "headers already sent" warning indicates that the error display settings you have on the new server are stricter.
Because the errors are being showed the website cannot redirect you correctly.
Add the following to wp-config:
ini_set('display_errors', FALSE);
This should help overcome that problem.
Also you should not be outputting anything in your functions.php file because the admin area includes it because you may want to make a complex theme that adds admin menu buttons for theme-configurations, kind-of like a plug-in


Wordpress: Changing the 'Password Protected' page

I downloaded the WordPress plugin 'Password Protected' for my WordPress site, which adds a password to my webpage so no one can access the material in there without logging in first. It works great and does exactly what I want it to do. My issue is that I need to customize it (change the WordPress logo and add some text). I found multiple guides on how to do this but none that could be applied in my case.
this guide:
Tells me to edit the functions.php file. However, I cannot access it from the WordPress admin interface.
this guide:
Tell me that it should be available by Apperance -> Editor
but there's no 'Editor' under Apperance for me.
Does anyone how I can edit the login-page for Password Protect, or any other plugin I could use that allows me to change logo and text for the login page (for free)? Or how I can edit the functions.php file in WordPress admin?

All admin and frontend pages are working except admin dashboard in wordpress

In wordpress, All admin and front end pages are working except admin dashboard is now working... i changed in htaccess. permalinks and checked in theme and plugin
On dashboard below error is coming
The yve.today page isn’t working
yve.today is currently unable to handle this request.
Please help how to resolve this
I believe you have changed something either in your functions.php of theme or installed a new plugin so because of that you are seeing this error.
A 500 error means there is something wrong with a piece of code being executed, this would in your case (most likely) be caused by a plugin or your theme, the only way to test this is through deactivation.
I suggest to access your server via FTP, or a file manager in your hosting account’s control panel, navigate to /wp-content/themes/WhatYourThemeName/, open functions.php and remove the code you added recently. or find it the recent plugin have installed recently and deactivate that to check.
I personally would recommend installing WordPress locally and testing any changes there before you do it on your live site.

Woocommerce overridden not work after Administrator logged in

I've copied the folder plugin/woocommerce/template to theme/mytheme/woocommerceand designed a new template and just checked Woocommerce/System Status to make sure overridden is worked.
The template works fine but when the user or the admin logged in , the overridden code does not work and the template defaults to plugin/woocommerce/template and shows the default template
the problem happened for this particular pages:
And this problem happen just when Administrator logged in
How can this problem be addressed?
I Also Disable All plugin (except woocommerce), copy original woocommerce template file to twentysixteen Template and modify that.
But The Problem not Solved Anyway!
I use woocommerce 2.5.5 And Wordpress 4.4.2

woocommerce update broke development website?

I can't access admin dashboard or any pages on the frontend.. just blank page and view source is also blank. I've enabled error reporting in php.ini and still a blank page. I renamed both the theme name and deleted the woocommerce plugin and yet still blank pages.
How do i solve this? Can't even view errors? This is caused by updating woocommerce.
Enable WP_DEBUG and WP_DEBUG_LOG. This will show you errors.
define('WP_DEBUG', true);
define('WP_DEBUG_LOG', true);
See debugging in WordPress
This will be important for determine where the error is coming from. 9 times out of 10, if you are having a problem when you upgrade WooCommerce it is because your theme is bundling out of date templates.
Use FTP to rename the wp-content/plugins folder to wp-content/plugins-backup. Renaming the plugins folder effectively deactivates all plugins.
Additionally, rename your current theme folder to anything else. Though I have found this doesn't always reset your site to a default theme.
In the case where this doesn't automatically reset your theme, in PHPmyadmin navigate to your wp_options table and edit the values of 1. current_theme, 2. template, and 3. stylesheet to be twentyfourteen.

Wordpress Theme Compatibility Issue

I'm developing a WP theme for a client and have run into some trouble.
When my theme is activated:
I edit post or page (or several other areas), click UPDATE, PUBLISH, etc - and I get a blank white page.
When I go back, the post has been updated - so the system is working, it just isn't redirecting me back to the edit page.
Everything works fine when the default template is activated.
To trace the error set the WP_DEBUG as true
Refer : http://www.wprecipes.com/how-to-easily-enabledisable-debug-mode-in-wordpress
Change WP_DEBUG to true in wp-config.php file located in the WordPress root folder, and then you will be able to see the errors that are coming up. Fixing those errors will resolve your problem.
