custom CSS code for DiscordApp - css

I Just need some Custom CSS code to change my Chat text a bit on an app called DiscordApp,
Auto Scroll To bottom of Page
Custom Text Size
Custom Avatar Text Channel Size
Link to DiscordApp
Link to Example CSS sheet for a random Theme

To inject custom CSS and JS into Discord, you'll need a third party plugin such as BetterDiscord
For the case of BetterDiscord, you have to follow their tutorial for the CSS changes. You can also dive into the settings and add it straight into custom CSS.
Create a MyCSS.theme.css file with a META-tag and CSS
//META{"name":"My custom CSSScript","description":"Mine.","author":"Me","version":"1.0"}*//{}
Save this file to %AppData%\BetterDiscord\themes
Reload Discord with Ctrl+R and activate your theme, if you hadn't already
If you want to quickly try out themes or Javascript, hit the Ctrl + Shift + I keycodes. It'll open the developer tools of Discord
Auto Scroll To bottom of Page sounds more of a JS function though, you can easily achieve it by creating a scrollToBottom.plugin.js file containing at least
the function being inside of a button you place on screen. Discord supports jQuery, so pure javascript isn't even necessary.
The steps for adding javascript plugins is about the same, but inside of the plugins folder instead, and they're called MyPlugin.plugin.js
Note: installing unofficial third party tools or software might leave you prone to hacks, leaks and other security issues.


2sxc allowing Javascript on wysiwyg editor

We want to move away from DNN html/text and replace with with 2sxc-Content.
But in some pages, it require to have javascript injected into the content.
Exp case: tracking user when clicking the Link on content.
TinyMCE had option for allowing Javascript:
tinymce.init({ ..... extended_valid_elements : "script[language|type|src]" });
But we cannot found any information on 2sxc-documentation for configure it, we need it to allowing insert Javascript to wysiwyg.
Right now, we change the Input Type from wysiwyg editor into string/text, and it doesn't look nice for user.
I believe I know what you're trying to do but it's quite dangerous (XSS, etc.), so let me suggest some alternatives:
Use the Snippet App to just inject JS Snippets where needed
Create a convention placeholder like ENABLETRACKING and make your razor-code replace this when rendering the HTML.
I highly suggest you use the snippet app - see

bootstrap integration with wordpress and datatable changes whole wp-admin background as white?

I am using DataTables 1.10 and bootstrap downloaded from Datatables CDN link source.When I am integrating both with wordpress plugin, bootstrap changes the background color as white(#ffffff) for the whole wordpress admin panel and plugin page by default.Not getting why this happened ? This should not happen as i have seen in the examples.Please help me to sort this out. Thanks in advance
I believe you are probably enqueuing the CSS for whole WP admin, rather than just that specific plugin settings page. Also, if the background for body / container is changed, probably you are enqueuing some generic styles file (which sets style for body element). It's the easiest to see why this happens from Chrome's console (or Firebug or similar tool) - click "Inspect element" on the changed background, and see what CSS file does it come from.
Also you might want to check this free WordPress plugin that integrates DataTables in WordPress:

Django CMS Deleting HTML5 Tags and Attributes

I am having a big time issue with solving a problem. I have a placeholder called main for the content region of the page. I was building that region in the cms. Everything was going great until I attempted to add an embedded video contained in an iframe. When I save django cms completely removed the iframe and left an empty div. So I attempted to use prettyphoto light box to open the video by clicking on an image. The code I added to the page through the cms is:
<a rel='prettyPhoto[youtube]' href="" data-rel="prettyPhoto">Click Image</a>
When I saved, django cms completely removed the data-rel attribute from the link which is obviously needed for the js. So I went a step further and adapted the code of the data attribute to:
and the cms also removed that attribute! Also anytime I add an html5 tag like article of section it hates that too! What gives here? Am I doing something wrong? Any advice would be appreciated. 
Please see the discussion at We use html5lib to clean the contents of the text plugin (this cannot be turned off for security reasons).
What you'll want to do is write a custom plugin (possibly one that can be embedded inside text plugins).

Hide or Change CSS and Script files address from source code?

I have a website and I want hide the CSS and script files address from source, when user clicked right and press "view source", CSS and script files address were changed. (as well as in firebug).
Like google! please go to and press right click, then "Inspect Element With Firebug", see Style in right box. You will see " #2 (line 9)" for example! and you won't see any address for CSS files!
How is this possible?
If you meant viewing the page source and not seeing any style links there, that's because Google uses some JavaScript framework, perhaps GWT: . You can see a lot of JavaScript gibberish on the page, right? That JavaScript creates all the style elements etc. in the DOM. And you indeed can see the resulting style definitions when inspecting the elements, be it Firefox or Chrome.
You can do the same. But that design is quite different from classic HTML + JavaScript.
But others are right, you can't hide anything that way, and you shouldnt. It's security by obscurity at best.
As far as I know, you cant prevent users from seeing these files. They can see these files as well as can also download them if they want.
All you can do is to minify these files using some kind of minifier like JS Minifier for JavaScript code.
You can place your css in inline tags. Simply copy/paste the contents into your .html document in a ... block. Then you won't have an external .css file.
The advantage is that you save an http hit. The disadvantage is that you have to download the full css every time because you can't cache it.
You can also minify your css which will obfuscate it to a certain extent. But you can never really hide css from someone who downloads it.

How to display image into each recent post in drupal front page?

I am very new to drupal. As I have seen many of drupal free theme can show image in the recent post on the first page of drupal
I tried searching some ways to do but seem my keyword search was mismatched.
If you don't want to install any modules, you can simply use a standard HTML <img> tag to put an image in your node body (make sure your selected Input Format allows for the use of that tag). You can then use FTP to upload the linked images to your /sites/default/files directory.
The modules mentioned by Nikit (especially IMCE) can ease this process greatly. A the very minimum, IMCE allows you to upload files to your server without using FTP and adds a handy "insert image" link after your "body" input fields. Clicking that link uploads your image and then generates the <img> code for you.
You can simply style it in node body (wysiwyg + imce can help to quickly upload image and style it).
But recommend to you use image or cck + imagefield, and theme it via node-{CONTENTTYPE}.tpl.php
Little help here:
But recommend to learn theming in drupal.
If you don't want to use HTML or change any PHP files then use the admin console.
