I'm using cmake-GUI on windows, generating for codelite, to build a simple "hello world" project (https://github.com/jameskbride/cmake-hello-world). I'm trying to use cygwin compilers but when I run the build command, I got the following error:
C:\WINDOWS\system32\cmd.exe /C C:/cygwin64/bin/make.exe -j 0
----------Building project:[ Debugging - Debug ]----------
make: the '-j' option requires a positive integer argument
Usage: make [options] [target] ...
Why it is happening?!?
My cygwin folder is in PATH. In cygwin terminal the project works.
Your project was generated by CMake - this means that the project is set to custom project so the command to execute (in your case make -j0) is set in the Project Settings->Customize->Custom build page.
On that page you have several entries with different titles (Build, Clean etc)
Double click each entry so it will open in Edit mode and remove the -j0 option
This looks like a bug in CodeLite - CMake generator
I am just learning C++ via Codelite, which was updated on 01/11. After updating to the latest version, 17.0.0, I get the error
process_begin: CreateProcess(NULL, makedir Debug, ...) failed.
mingw32-make[1]: *** [AssignmentOperator.mk:90: Debug/.d] Error 2,
mingw32-make: *** [Makefile:5: All] Error 2
when I run a simple code.
#include <iostream>
int main(){
return 0;
and get nothing in the terminal window.
How can I fix this problem? Thanks a lot.
I guess the probrem occured since the updating of Codelite, but I have no idea how to fix it.
Looks like a an old relic that was not handled properly during upgrade.
This can be fixed in 2 ways:
Update the mkdir command as defined by your compiler setup:
Go to Settings -> build settings and select your compiler from the list
Select the Tools tab
Select the last entry at the bottom mkdir
Replace the content with the mkdir that comes with CodeLite, for example, if you have installed CodeLite under C:\Program Files\CodeLite (the default path), set it to
"C:/Program Files/CodeLite/mkdir.exe" -p
Notice the double quotes around the command itself
Change the makefile generator used
Right click on your project and open the project settings
In the General tab, under the Makefile Generator change the selection from Default -> CodeLite Makefile Generator
I'm using Mac OS 13.1, and codelite 17.0.0, and when I 'clean', build completed successfully. But when I run its show 'make: ***[All] Error 2.
What happened? just new to learn C++
I had the same problem with Codelite 17 in windows.
In Settings - Build - Tools under Makedir select the Path of mkdir.exe within in the Codelite folder (surrounded by " -quotes).
Although context help says to leave it empty in order to use the OS' own mkdir, Windows' mkdir is quite different to the mkdir of other *ix-like OS.
Furthermore for me it was necessary to explicitly add -p
There is a hint in Codelite's change dokumentation in the recent monthly build 17.1 that it solves this problem as a bugfix.
I want to setup Qt in such a way that the sources or rather the whole project directory will be copied using scp as Custom Process Step within the Deployment. The sources will be translated later by the target machine itself. At the terminal this works well:
setsid scp -r . <user>#<host>:<path>
setsid asks for the password needed by ssh with a graphical prompt.
What is the correct parameter to get the project path as working directory?
How to avoid the following error?
Could not start process "setsid scp -r . <user>#<host>:<path>"
Error while building/deploying project MyProject (kit: Desktop Qt 5.10.0 GCC 64bit2)
When executing step "Custom Process Step"
The current settings of Custom Process Step:
Command: setsid scp -r . <user>#<host>:<path>
Arguments: left empty
Working directory: %{buildDir} I know - this is wrong
This is my working setting:
scp -r . user#<host>:<path>
Working directory:
When hit the Build button (Ctrl+B), a prompt asks for the password needed by scp, then the files will copied as specified in Arguments and in Working directory. In this case, the whole project folder will be copied.
ssh -t user#<host> <command>
Working directory:
When hit the Run button (Ctrl+R), a prompt asks for the password needed by ssh, then the command will executed as specified in Arguments.
The point is, that Qt-Creator expects a return value from the command. In this case the command is setsid.
Operating System: Windows 8.1 (64 bit)
Terminal: Git Bash
Purpose: Show colors in PHPUnit command results
Process followed:
Downloaded https://github.com/downloads/adoxa/ansicon/ansi160.zip
Extracted the file into C:\ansicon
Added C:\ansicon\x64 in "Path" user variables.
Opened Git Bash as administrator
Moved into C:\ansicon\x64 and executed ansicon -i without any errors.
Restarted Git Bash and moved into My test project.
Executed phpunit --colors TestFile.php
Problem: The result is showing but without any colors.
Question: What have I done wrong? How to solve it?
I'm reading Foundations of Qt Development - by Johan Thelin.
Here quote from page 450 about Building QMake Project.
If you choose to create a Makefile using QMake, you can build your project using a simple make command (or nmake if you’re using Visual Studio). You can clean up your intermediate files using make clean. The slightly more brutal step is to run make distclean, which cleans up all generated files, including the Makefile. You will have to run QMake again to get a Makefile for make.
I tried hard to clean the files using 'make clean'. But cmd displaying the message 'make' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file.
I searched here and tried to find the PATH to make inside Qt directory. But not successful. Then according to this solution I tried to use mingw32-make also. But same results.
Anyone of you can help me?
If you using mingw32, try mingw32-make clean. Remember, you must add mingw's bin directory to User Enviroment to use this command. Follow "My Computer" > "Properties" > "Advanced" > "Environment Variables" > "Path" and add ;C:\Qt\Tools\mingw492_32\bin
use command: setx PATH %PATH%;C:\Qt\Tools\mingw492_32\bin
I am (trying to) using Netbeans to build a simple Qt app (from a tutorial) and I cannot build it because I get this error:
/C/Qt/2010.02.1/qt/qmake/qmake.exe VPATH=. -spec win32-g++ -o qttmp-Debug.mk nbproject/qt-Debug.pro
make[1]:/C/Qt/2010.02.1/qt/qmake/qmake.exe: Command not found
when the file is exactly there, and I can open a terminal and execute it.
Note in the error message: "/C/Qt..." The actual path is C:/Qt...
I have used the tools/options/c++ dialog to browse to the file and select it, and it is specified as C:\Qt... just like all the other tools. What is corrupting the C: and making it /C/ ?
Now, if I remove the path to qmake, and have it use the PATH environment variable, it finds it, but then it fails due to 'multiple targets'...
Obviously, pilot error, but where? I have seen several posts on this, and they all say to make sure it is in the path, and it is, so now what? (I can open a terminal and type 'qmake' and I get the 'Usage: qmake..." so I know it is visible.
Windows 7, Netbeans 7.0, MinGW (I also have cygwin installed...).
Any and all help greatly appreciated.
Addenda: I changed the path to my 'make' to use the MinGW one rather than the cygqin one, and now it can find qmake, but I get other errors: 'Could not find mkspecs for your QMAKESPEC(win32-g++) after trying:...
Any additional thoughts?
QMake requires more than just a path to work correctly. On my Windows box, there is a menu option for 'Qt Command Prompt' under the 'Qt SDK 2010.05' group in the Start Menu. Running it produces the following:
Setting up a MinGW/Qt only environment...
-- QTDIR set to C:\Qt\2010.05\qt
-- PATH set to C:\Qt\2010.05\qt\bin
-- Adding C:\Qt\2010.05\bin to PATH
-- Adding C:\WINDOWS\System32 to PATH
-- QMAKESPEC set to win32-g++
You will want to make sure the environment you launch qmake in has all of those set.
The most probable reason you are see '/C/...' is because you are causing a mingw shell to run when you execute your build.