RDLC Local Reports KeepTogether does not work - report

I’m having problems with an rdlc local report. When exporting to Excel, I want to keep a table on one page, and if it doesn’t have enough space to entirely move it to the next page.
I have tried the KeepTogether property, but it doesn’t work. I have also tried other suggestions like putting the table inside a list or a rectangle, nothing helps.
Forcing page breaks dynamically is not easy, and in this case the Excel report contains 2 sheets, which is not what we want.
Does anyone have any idea how to solve this? It is a Windows Form project.


Adobe Livecycle ES3 saving issue - file keeps getting larger

I have been working on a form in Adobe Livecycle ES3.
I started with a file that was approx. 1 MB in size.
I realized that every time I saved the file it got larger by approx. 1-2 MB.
This happens even if I just save the file as a new name without doing any editing.
I ended up with a 45 MB file size and I really did not change that much to the form design.
I am new to this program, and cannot find anything online to explain this behavior.
I am thinking that the program is saving some kind of history buffer?
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Edit to Answer Questions asked below:
1) The form is stored locally
2) The only option is to save as a PDF. The form is based off of a PDF imported document.
3) Can I change to XDP when it is imported background artwork?
4) The XML does not appear to be doubling up info.
I found an article yesterday that talks about the file size growing each time you save it with Livecycle. The adobe guy seemed to say that it was life and that there was nothing you could do about it. Seems a little weird to me. I don't know if I have really given you anything new here. I am very frustrated with it.
To start off, I need to ask you if your form is stored locally on your machine or are you editing a copy of the form saved on the LiveCycle server itself ?
If your form resides on the server, download a copy of the form on your machine and try your tests on it to see if the file size increases every time you save it on your machine. Do let me know how your tests go in this scenario.
If you are working on a form design on your machine, are you saving your form as a PDF or an XDP ?
If you are saving your form as a PDF, save it as an XDP.
If you are saving your form as an XDP, open it up in either the XML editor in LiveCycle designer or just use a text editor to view its contents.
I have seen issues in the past where (and its a bug btw) LiveCycle Designer repeats the same design time XML tags mulin the form. If this is the case in your form, you can simply do a find and replace to remove them.
Hope this helps. Please let me know how your tests go and if you have any more questions about LiveCycle.
I have seen this issue quite often, in fact today I had a file which jumped from 1.5mb to 188mb.
Having gone through the Adobe site it appears that there is no definite reason for it, but it appears to happen more when you embed fragments into the form or are using a lot of tables.
Anyway the quickest fix is to go into the XML view and search for 'aped' This will usually find a line with something like:
Simply do a find/replace on the full line (leave the replace with blank).
Do this for:
Once complete go back into design view and save it. You should see the file size decrease.
I experienced the same issue. I found a way around it, but you need to have a copy of the original file.
1. From the bloated file, copy the XML from the XML Source window in LiveCycle Designer.
2. Open the original PDF in LiveCycle Designer.
3. Replace the XML in the XML Source window with the XML on the clipboard.
4. Save.

Microsoft Reporting WebForms Report Viewer - Exporting to Excel

I have a report viewer that I am using to export to PDF and Excel. Sometimes some of the data in the tables is longer than a singular line.
When exported to PDF the fields that need more height are automatically given it. Yet when I export to excel it remains in the original height and doesn't grow to display all the data.
I want the cell heights to automatically grow to display all the data on screen. I have set CanGrow to true but this has no effect (apart from working when exporting to PDF).
Has anyone had this problem before and can share a resolution?
OK, after not receiving any answers I delved in to this one myself.
It appears that text doesn't wrap in excel when the cell is a number of merged cells together.
So in the report viewer if all text areas and items aren't lined up with one another or if one is twice as long as two others then they will be placed in merged cells to make up for the crossover.
It means that the chances are these isn't a solution to the problem, unless all your text areas are identical in width or you can alter the layout so that those that require wrapping to new lines will only take up a single cell.
I done this by putting everything in a table, and knowing that if I merged any cells then text wrapping would not be possible.
I hope this will help someone out there!

Load bulk data in HTML table faster

I generate an html table from code behind to display data like a grid (Note: I am not using GridView). I then assign that HTML table to a div. But now when data is large (around 2000 rows), it displays a white page like the application has hung.
How do I resolve this issue? I am thinking of showing only 100 rows at a time while other rows are generated in background but I don’t have any idea of how to implement it.
Can anyone help me? You see the type of functionality that I require in Facebook when you scroll down. Please let me know your ideas.
What you are looking for is called "infinite scrolling." Here's the links to a jQuery plugin that should help you get it going:
Like a lot of other solutions, the specific code will vary depending on your containing HTML and your data source. Post back here if/when you have any specific problems you need a hand with.

DataDynamics Active Reports entering extra spaces in long email addresses

I'm using Data Dynamics Active Reports to generate some reports on our website.
Action: User runs a report on user accounts (this contains an email field) and Exports to an excel file.
Issue: If the email is relatively long, extra white space is added in the field.
Has anyone else had this problem? If so, what did you do to fix it?
Here, I found a solution to hide blank sub report space:
Add group header and footer
Check the condition
Make Group header or footer visible false/true
After some research with DataDynamics and GrapCity I found that this is a known bug they are working on Case 00023478.
To work around it I made the TextBox larger that the email fields were bound to. It's a sucky work around but it's all we have until they fix this issue.
The issue has to do with wrapped text in a texbox that forces line breaks in the excel export.
The better, but still sucky, workaround is to make all of your textboxes alignment "Justify". This removes all the spaces from the text on export to excel no matter what size the box, but everything is now justified...

Issues with Exported Crystal Report to Word Document

I am having a minor issue playing with my exported Crystal Report, I can generate the reports just fine on our website, however when I attempt to export them to Word documents I don't quite get a document I can do much with.
I can't position the generated text anywhere in the document, it is almost 'frozen' in place. I would expect if I moved the cursor above the report text and pressed Enter a bunch of times I could remove the report down the page, however it just won't budge
All the text seems to be in its own box and I can't move it around or do anything with it.
Any thoughts? My expectation would be once it is exported to Word I could play with it like a Word document, move the text down the page, edit the document, do something with it.
btw, this question is similar to the one posted here, but this one wasn't tagged properly and I don't have enough karma to fix it:
I'm afraid that you can't do much about it. Crystal Reports is very much orientated towards putting data in fixed positions on pages, so when it exports to Word it puts its data into text boxes because that's a similar thing that Word offers. You could make the Crystal Report page consists of a giant text field and using spaces and newlines to get the data into the right place, which will probably then give you a giant textbox in Word.
