Min Cart issue using woocommerce + wordpress, - wordpress

Reference to woocommerce in wordpress, I've come across an annoying bug. In the MiniCart, it shows the number of items in the cart. This works fine until I use the + or - to change the quantity. If I do that, the number just becomes a spinning wheel and the cart icon no longer shows the cart items. Now, get this: IF I delete the last item in the cart, it shows the correct number of items and shows the cart contents again. Anyone have any ideas what could be causing that? Thanks in advance for any help.

Possible thing that may reason for this:
Ajax related issue
This cause due to jquery version mismatch in major case.
Cache issue
You have cache plugin then disable it and try.If browser cache then use privet window.


Product filters by variation show wrong products

I’m having issues trying to understand how to fix a bug I have on my website.
Here's the link to the already filtered product grid: https://marymoonlight.com/fiori-hash-trinciati/?filter_formato=1-kg
I have set that the second product you see in the page (Galaxy Kush) doesn’t even have a 1KG variation in it (on the staging website we have it, but it’s disabled) yet when you apply the 1KG filter you see that product, but you should not!
The filters we’re using (the ones you see above the product grid) are standard WooCommerce widget put in a “sidebar” that has been placed there.
We have a lot of plugins installed on this website, mostly from YITH, but no plugin about filters, sorting or that kind of stuff.
Is there a way to fix this? Has anyone else had this issue before?
Additional info:
WooCommerce: 4.7.0
WordPress: 5.5.3
I tried switching to storefront theme and disabling all of the plugins except for woocommerce and the issue is still there.
It doesn't show the product if it doesn't have the variation, but it will show the product if the variation is disabled.
In the single product view of Galaxy Kush there are 1kg variations available as other products. The disabled are not working properly. Check variations of the product properly. They are still active.

Why would WooCommerce Product Attributes disappear on save

I have a WooCommerce store that has products with attributes that are associated with variations. When I save products, the attributes disappear (and therefore the associated variations do, too). When I re-add the attributes and save the product again, the variations come back as they were. (Note that this means attributes don’t always disappear - only when they’re not manually added before saving. )
No errors are logged.
I'm looking for some insight as to why this would happen.
I had the same issue since I use Ozisti theme for my site, too.
The workaround was to do NOT USE "Save attributes" button on product page. To save attributes changes USE "Update" (product page - on the top/right of the page).
The problem has been solved with Ozisti ThemeREX support team. They sent me new files:
and now it works fine.
Regards, Jacek
I think I had a similar problem.
WordPress 5.1.1
WooCommerce 3.5.7
Ozitsi 1.0.2 Theme by ThemeRex (here was the problem)
Solution summary: Add attribute, add options, press SAVE ATTRIBUTES (attribute row folds) -> UNFOLD IT immediately - if you don't see options inserted a second ago into the Comboselect field read on.
In my case plugin ThemeREX Add-ons (shipped with Ozisti theme) was the issue. It added extra attribute types, so I could turn variations between dropdown select, image, color and button types.
After few hours of debugging I noticed that when attribute was set to one of the new types, UPDATING PRODUCT did erase all added attributes -> and by extension variations.
After ADDING ATTRIBUTES again (without SAVE ATTRIBUTES button - just adding attributes and UPDATING product) all was back in place.
Notice: when you SAVE ATTRIBUTES the row with options closes, the variations become available. But when I opened the attribute row after all AJAX saving was done it turned out that there were no OPTIONS placed in this Wordpress combo select of attribute I just edited.
So on UPDATING PRODUCT WooCommerce saved empty attribute options into DB.
This might not be perfect solution but I solved this by modifying WooCommerce's meta-boxes-product.js
I commented out line 465 and added another line to close the row:
$( '.product_attributes' ).html( response.data.html );
$( '.product_attributes .woocommerce_attribute.open .handlediv' ).trigger('click');
I didn't trace everything to the roots but makinkg it work for this single project is good enough for me at this point.
You probably use other plugins then me, but maybe they do something similar to my case.
So try to SAVE ATTRIBUTES and then immediately open attribute row again and check if selected options are inserted.. if not.. try my solution.
This Happen to me This Year. I was debugging my store for 3 days.
I load a css file on Wordpress back office with these lines:
.save_attributes, .save-variation-changes {
display:none !important;
This makes WooCommerce Hide 2 buttons.
Save Attribute and Save Variation. So clients will be forced to use the update button in the product page. I'm still not sure if this is a Woocommerce bug or other plugin but for some reason, if I pressed one of these 2 buttons I would lose all my variations.
I have similiar solution with #Maciej Dejewski using Woocommerce v3.6.5.
On file /plugins/woocommerce/assets/js/admin/meta-boxes-product.js or /plugins/woocommerce/assets/js/admin/meta-boxes-product.min.js (depends on your admin page calling the javascript - you can check it via inspect element)
But instead adding line
$( '.product_attributes .woocommerce_attribute.open .handlediv' ).trigger('click');
Just commented out this
$( '.product_attributes' ).html( response.data.html );
Working fine for me
Here's the screenshot
Hope this would help!
After debugging for a hour, it turns out that my variations only disappear when not each attribute is selected. However, some of my product's attributes have between 10 and 150 entries..so that is the downside when using this method.

woocommerce attributes not showing on front end

I have setup a Woocommerce store with hundreds of variable products (months ago). Everything has been working great with product variations/attributes so far, but today I got a message saying that customers are unable to pick a size for some of our products.
So, I have been looking into this, but I do not see why this is not working as intended...
I have set the attributes correctly on the back-end, I know this because it has been working as intended for the last 6+ months. I have also looked at the attributes & variations settings for these products, and they are all still set correctly.
Then, I double-checked to make sure the variation still had a price set, which it does.
Then, I checked the front-end of the site, and sure enough, the "size" attributes no longer show any options.
Any thoughts on why this might be? I have looked around stackoverflow a bit already... and the only thing I have found that I haven't tried yet, is: disabling all the plugins and reverting the site's theme to a default theme... I am really trying to avoid going down that road...
Sample URL (manually set product "Size" attributes on product page back-end):
Any/all help is greatly appreciated!
WordPress: 4.7.4 - WooCommerce: 3.0.5
Update #1:
Follow up:
After investigation, and an email from a fellow stackoverflow user, I have narrowed this down to a plugin version incompatibility with WooCommerce 3.0.5. Rolling back to WC 3.0.4 restored all the products' custom attributes to the front-end of the site. I am not sure what or why this issue happened, all I know is that rolling back WC was as a temporary workaround.
More Info:
When I first posted this issue on stackoverflow, I was running WC 3.0.5. When running that version, this was my experience:
I have Variable Products setup with multiple Custom Attributes (set for each product, not through the WooCommerce > Attributes settings admin-sidebar feature of WC).
If I went to edit a Variable Product with custom attributes, all of custom attributes showed up fine on the back-end, but only 1 of the custom attributes would not show any options on the front-end (e.g. "size" attribute).
Looking again at the back-end of the product, the size attribute is listed, with variations, and a set price.
I tried clicking "Update" on a product, just to see what would happen, and when the back-end page reloaded, the custom attribute I set was gone (e.g. "size").
So, I figured it wasn't loading that Custom Attribute for some reason, so I went to the proper: WooCommerce > Attributes, and set the "size" attributes there
Then went back to the variable products, and added the newly set "size" attributes, from the proper WooCommerce > Attributes that I setup
Clicked "Update" to commit the changes, and there we go, now the "size" attribute shows up correctly on the front-end
I manually updated over 100+ products this way
A fellow stackoverflow user emailed me and mentioned he had the same issue, but rolling back to WC 3.0.4 worked for him, as a "workaround"
I rolled WC back from 3.0.5 > 3.0.4, and boom, all the Custom Attributes we have set are now loading on the front-end of each product, as intended.
So, after all of that... I am still not sure exactly what is causing the issue, all I know is rolling back WC seems to allow certain Custom Attributes to be displayed again, on the front-end.
If I find out anything else, I'll be sure to update here!
Thank you again for any/all help with this! I am glad this 'workaround' is possible, for now, but the root of the issue is still unresolved.
I have not looked at any PHP or any other server logs yet, due to limited time, but I am happy to report any follow up info I can - or the actual issue AND solution! :)
Any other insights are greatly appreciated! I am still curious why this is happening...
Update #2:
This seems to be a known issue with WooCommerce 3.0.5, as stated on github
"We've identified the cause of the errors. This issue happens when you have a custom attribute with the same name as a global attribute. We're working on a fix now."

Woo commerce - variable product prices missing from WP

hoping for some help.
We use the following - Wordpress/ woo commerce /wcvendors pro. Prices for variable products are disappearing from wp engine view despite being in the product variation information. It doesn't impact every product on our site but a fair few. How it occurs is, the price is disappearing when you go in and edit the product. If we quick edit the product the price reappears. But it will dissapears again if we use the edit button. Initially the problem started because under the "Products" and "Inventory" We had checked the following setting: "Hide out of stock items from the catalog". Now this button is not ticked but it is still causing us issues.
It seems you have an error on the product page which cause the price not to be saved.
There can be some reasons, here are two I see occasioanlly:
PHP error is caused during the save, and therefore the data is lost. WordPress and WooCommerce works flawlessly together, so the first suspects are other plugins and your theme. Try first to turn off all your plugins and switch to another theme to see if this happens again. If not try to activate your theme, and recheck, and then the plugins one after the other, and check after each activation, until you find the one makes the problem.
Too many data is being saved at one time. It can be too many variations or too many custom fields. This can be fixed by changing some PHP settings. Please have a look here especially under the WPEngine note, and also check this plugin.

woocommerce variation/add to cart not showing

so, I have coded a wordpress theme and integrated woocommerce with it. It has used only simple products for some time, and I was using a simple product to test codes, as it works fine. But I recently added a variation product and then, the add to cart button also gone ( variation select dropdown is there, but values are not bonded to drop down.
If anyone can give me a hint, showing what I have done wrong, that would be a big favor.
I just got the same issue and it solved when I manually entered a price for the variable products. Unfortunately I didn't find out yet why I have to enter it, even for the same value. But it fixed it.
Hope it helps !
