Qt tab widget add corner group widget - qt

I want to add a group widget to the corner of tab widget. so i wrote these below, but doesn't work.
auto layout = new QHBoxLayout;
auto text = new QTextEdit;
auto button = new QPushButton("find");
auto group = new QGroupBox;

problem solved! It turns out that the group was too small to show the widget. Change the style of the group with this line group->setStyleSheet("QGroupBox{border:0px;padding-top:-10px;padding-bottom:-10px;}"); will be ok.


How to control widgets position insid QStackedLayout

I've created a QStackedLayout in which I added 2 buttons, but I want to shift one button to the right corner insted of the left corner as you can see in the picture below:
What I've done so far:
QStackedLayout *stackedLayout = new QStackedLayout;
Place the QPushbutton in a container (i.e. QWidget) that allows it to be centered with an additional layout.
If I understand properly, you want a QPushButton above an other. The one above must be smaller and at the top right corner?
QVBoxLayout * vlayout_PB_under = new QVBoxLayout();
QHBoxLayout * hlayout_PB_under = new QHBoxLayout();
QPushButton * PB_x = new QPushButton("X",this);
QPushButton * PB_test = new QPushButton("test",this);
PB_x ->setFixedSize(20,20);
PB_test ->setFixedSize(200,200);
PB_test ->setLayout(vlayout_PB_under );
vlayout_PB_under ->addLayout(hlayout_PB_under);
hlayout_PB_under->addWidget(PB_x );
vlayout_PB_under ->setAlignment(Qt::AlignRight);
hlayout_PB_under->setAlignment(Qt::AlignTop );
The purpose of a QStackLayout is to allow switching easily the visible widget at a same position, not to display at the same time multiple widget...
Read the documentation : "where only one widget is visible at a time"

Can we shift widget between the cells of a table widget

I've created a a widget in which I've placed two buttons using a layout and placed it inside a table widget's cell. The thing is that I'm changing the size of the table and I want to shift the placement of the widget without deleting them and re-initializing them from the beginning because I already assigned them actions on click (I think that the application would crash in this situation)
btn = new QPushButton[horzHeaders.size()];
btn_Load = new QPushButton[horzHeaders.size()];
lay = new QHBoxLayout[horzHeaders.size()];
QWidget *w = new QWidget[horzHeaders.size()];
ui->tableWidget->setCellWidget(j,vertHeaders.size() - 1, &w[j]);
You can add and remove widgets from a layout anytime you want
QWidget *widget = new QWidget();
QPushButton *button = new QPushButton();
QHBoxLayout *Hbox = new QHBoxLayout();
QVBoxLayout *Vbox= new QVBoxLayout();
// use it till the window is resized
//and then check with an if-statement if the window is resized or not
Hbox->removeWidget(button); // remove from the button from layout
layout()->removeAt(widget); //remove the widget's current layout
Vbox->addWidget(button); // add button widget to vertical layout
widget->setLayout(Vbox); // Give it a new layout
If this didn't answer your question then ask in the comments.

How to autofit widget size and position to a cell in QTreeWidget?

I pragrammaticaly create a QTreeWidget.
Then I pragrammaticaly add some items.
Then I add two QLabel widgets to two items (QTreeWidgetItem) by
myTree->setItemWidget(item1, 0, myLabel1);
myTree->setItemWidget(item2, 0, myLabel2);
And then I try to resize the row of the item pragrammaticaly.
If I use an
item1->setSizeHint(0, QSize(myWidth, myHeight) );
the row chaged. But myLabel1 is not.
If I use an
item1->setSizeHint(0, QSize(myWidth, myHeight) );
myLabel->resize(myWidth, myHeight);
everething is ok but the row of myLabel2 mis adjusting to label by position.
Can I do something to auto-adjusting a widget (by size and position) to a cell of QTreeWidget?
P.S. After any resizing of tree (resize by width or expand/collapse node) widgets updates correctly.
In view of the fact that autofit start after resizing QTreeWidget, there is some method inside that resize widgets in cells.
So I opened QTreeWidget description (https://doc.qt.io/qt-5/qtreewidget.html) and red all of Public Functions and Public Slots. When I did not find any useful function I looked at a parent class (QTreeView). And found
Call resizeColumnToContent after resizing any row in a QTreeWidget and widgets will be always fit to cells.
P.S. I am the OP.
you can try adding/updating a widget as an item, for example:
QWidget* wdg = new QWidget;
QPushButton* btIcon = new QPushButton();
QLabel* lb = new QLabel();
QHBoxLayout* layout = new QHBoxLayout(wdg);
layout->setAlignment( Qt::AlignCenter );
myTree->setItemWidget(item1, 0, wdg);
Or just fill the tree with widgets

How to add widgets to QToolbox item

I need to auto generate some UI forms in code to display message contents.
I want to use QToolbox, with an item for each message type. I then want to add labels and line edit to the contents of each tab, depending on the message protocol. I cannot seem to programaticaly add widget items to the toolbox item.
Below is my current code segment. The ui->frame is just a container for the toolbox. I will worry later about layout.
In my code, I create a frame and then some labels with parent set to the frame. Then I add the frame as an item to the toolbox.
QToolBox *qtbMainToolbox = new QToolBox(ui->frame);;
QFrame *frm1 = new QFrame;
QLabel *lbl1 = new QLabel(frm1);
QLabel *lbl2 = new QLabel(frm1);
QLabel *lbl3 = new QLabel(frm1);
QLabel *lbl4 = new QLabel(frm1);
iRetVal - qtbMainToolbox->addItem(frm1 ,"Test");
There is no visible element in your widgets; icon or any text.
You have to Set icon or Text to Your QLabel.
QToolBox *qtbMainToolbox = new QToolBox(ui->frame);;
QFrame *frm1 = new QFrame;
QLabel *lbl1 = new QLabel("Hello World",frm1);
iRetVal - qtbMainToolbox->addItem(frm1 ,"Test");
try above code.

How to add a scrollbar to parent QWidget

I understand how to add a scrollArea to a particular widget. However in my case Qwidget has multiple child widgets and these are all set using QVBoxLayout. Now how can I add a scroll bar in this case? Here QWidget is not the center widget, its one of the pages of the TabWidget. My code looks like:
QTabWIdget *center = new QTabWidget; setCentralWIdget(center);
xTab = new QWidget;
formLayout = new QFormLayout; formLayout->addWidget(...); formLayout->addWidget(...); formLayout->addWidget(...); formLayout->addWidget(...);
Now how can I set the scrollBar to xTab? I tried using
scrollArea = new QScrollArea;
however, this isn't working.
Any idea/suggestions are helpful and appreciated.
Have you tried using QScrollArea as the tab page?
QTabWIdget *center = new QTabWidget; setCentralWIdget(center);
xTab = new QScrollArea;
formLayout = new QFormLayout; formLay....
center->addTab(xTab, "XXX Tab");
I had success using the following:
scroll=new QScrollArea(mainWindow->centralWidget);
The QScrollArea defines where the scrollable widget will appear. If parent is 0, it's a non-modal window. setGeometry sets the QScrollArea instance to the desired dimensions (that of the tab). setWidget defines what widget the QScrollArea will actually be scrolling.
