Firebase Hosting from freenom ( - firebase

I would like to host my webapp on Firebase, since I'm using their services and functionalities since a long time (before Firebase was inside Google and since its static hosting service was named Divshot... ).
But I've got a demo domain from Freenom (.tk domain) and I was wondering how to connect this with firebase:
I can set only this paramater relative to TXT record:
dns management
so where should I define the parameters needed
Thank You to all!
PS: I've already seen
Firebase hosting custom domain error
and related
firebase-talk Dqmz9Iuio54
and the question: how-can-i-verify-my-custom-domain-using-domains-google-com/39020649#39020649
but none of them seems to respond to my problem...
PS: I've come here from firebase support page where StackOverflow is the first choice.
Thank you!

Leave the "Name" field blank and fill "Target" with the google-site-verification=... value. Once you've done so, things should go through. One way to check is to run:
dig TXT
If you've done it correctly, you should receive back the google-site-verification=... value. It may take some time to propagate before it starts showing up.

DNS registrar / records host: delete TXT records pointing to
firebase console: delete the custom domain.
firebase console: add custom domain.
copy the two TXT records from firebase to DNS host
DNS record host should include two entries with one and
Once the is added it'll show as empty and other entry will be shown as www.
The copy the two given A records to Freenom DNS records.
There will be 4 A records two for and two for
Wait 24-48 hours to see if the changes work.
If it doesn't work, contact firebase support from the console; be sure to take screen shots of the DNS records and the firebase console. These will help the firebase support team to troubleshoot the problem.
Mean while you can check for the dns propagation by using below tutorial
The Firebase Hosting servers run what is essentially this command for verifying the TXT records for your domain:
dig -t txt +noall +answer
If you immediately run this command right now, you might not get results. If the Firebase servers are seeing the same in their DNS query, they will not be able to continue.
That means that either you didn't save/apply your changes yet, or they haven't propagated everywhere yet. The longer it takes for the changes to show up, the more likely it becomes that you still need to take some action at your DNS provider


Firebase Admin SDK Not Reading, Writing, or Throwing Errors (Node.js)

This question was previously closed, telling me to "update the question so it focuses on one problem only;" I don't know what the problem is, and if I did, I wouldn't be posting this question. Regardless, I'll make some clarifications here:
I was previously using just the normal Firebase module (the one imported using "npm i firebase"); everything worked perfectly before. The issue has to do with the authentication (as far as I am aware) with the Firebase Admin SDK. I don't understand how I'm supposed to send this to the Heroku build without revealing the service account key JSON file on my GitHub.
As for the GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS path, is there a way where I don't have to set it every session? The Heroku app restarts once a day, and I would need to somehow automate this entry process (or skip it entirely). That's the way I currently understand it. Here's a quote from a previous answer:
When I set the GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS path, doesn't this only set it on my local machine?
Environment variables only work on the individual machine and process where they have been set. If you want it set on another machine and process, you will have to arrange for that separately. According to the documentation:
Set the environment variable GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS to the file path of the JSON file that contains your service account key. This variable only applies to your current shell session, so if you open a new session, set the variable again.
My main question here is as follows: "I implemented the Firebase Admin SDK incorrectly. How do I do it the right way?"
Even just posting a link to guides that would help would be appreciated (although I understand this is typically discouraged as links sometimes break).
Note: this is my first time using the Firebase Admin SDK, so I'm really not sure what I'm doing (although I have used Firebase quite a bit).
Recently, I decided I would go back to one of my older Discord bots and actually authenticate its requests to Firebase properly (I hadn't done this previously as I've never authenticated from a server before and didn't think it was possible). I discovered the Firebase Admin SDK, which sounded perfect for my needs (the bot is being hosted on Heroku, for the record).
I found this guide:, but there's a few things I can't wrap my head around (note that these are purely rhetorical, you don't need to answer them in your answer; I'm just providing them so you can understand my thought process):
When I set the GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS path, doesn't this only set it on my local machine? I could also try running the export command on the server (using "heroku run" in the CLI), but then the path would be pointing to a file that doesn't exist on the server (since the service account key JSON file is on my local machine). Do I need to set an environment variable in Heroku or something?
How does "admin.credential.applicationDefault()" know how to get the credentials?
I can't find any other guides that make sense.
The way I currently have it setup must be wrong, since reads and writes fail silently.
Firebase setup code:
// Setup Firebase:
const admin = require('firebase-admin');
// Initialize Firebase:
credential: admin.credential.applicationDefault(),
databaseURL: "https://<APP>" // I removed the actual <APP> name to ask this question
let database = admin.database();
Things like database.ref("test").set("Hello World!"); don't change the data in the database, and no errors are thrown (I've also tried attaching a .then and a .catch to the end of this; still nothing). This was working before I switched over to the Firebase Admin SDK (I was just using the "firebase" module previously, rather than the "firebase-admin" module that I'm now using). The same goes for reading data.
Any help would be appreciated.
Here was my problem:
I was sending res.status(200) outside of the async firebase call, killing the request before firebase had a chance to finish. Somehow localhost allows this to work properly but when its hosted things go sideways.
so I had this
I needed this:
firebase.database().ref('parent/foo').set('bar').then(() => {

Woocommerce Rest API 401 for NGINX

I have seen many references to this issue spanning several years but 95% of it relates to Apache. I'm on NGINX hence can't try solutions involving the .htaccess file.
{"code":"woocommerce_rest_cannot_view","message":"Sorry, you cannot list resources.","data":{"status":401}}
Since nothing really covers NGINX for this problem I thought of starting a new thread
The first time it happened was when I tried to link Woobotify who automatically generates its own keys. While the keys were created it says it doesn't have read/write error (despite having the right permissions setup)
So I created a new set of keys from within WP and made a direct call (while logged in as admin of course)
as in :// to see if it was on the server-side or Woobotify's and still got the error
If you refer me to
I am too much of a newbie to make use of this information. I either need a step by step or I am willing to hire someone to make it work for me.
LEMP Stack on self-manage VPS
Here is example how I solve it
require "woocommerce_api"
woocommerce =
wp_json: true,
version: "wc/v3",
query_string_auth: true
OR simply For POSTMAN{{csk}}&consumer_secret={{cs}}
The key is query_string_auth: true you need to force basic authentication as query string true under HTTPS

Azure resource groups not deleting

I am having an issue when trying to delete a resource group as I get the following error in Azure;
Failed to delete resource group Default-Storage-EastUS: Deletion of resource
group 'Default-Storage-EastUS' failed as resources with identifiers 'Microsoft.ClassicStorage/storageAccounts/bitnamieastusq5n61m4' could not be deleted. The provisioning state of the resource group will be rolled back. The tracking Id is '5b0424e2-bfea-4aef-a832-2230fb3bd279'. Please check audit logs for more details. (Code: ResourceGroupDeletionBlocked) Unable to delete storage account 'bitnamieastusq5n61m4': 'Storage account bitnamieastusq5n61m4 has some active image(s) and/or disk(s), e.g. bitnami-bitnami-wordpress-4.6.1-0-eastus-Q5N61m4. Ensure these image(s) and/or disk(s) are removed before deleting this storage account.'. (Code: StorageAccountOperationFailed)
This was initially a Automated WordPress install from BITNAMI and linked to our pay as you go subscription.
On the BITNAMI account the VM has been removed completely, however it is still showing on AZURE.
Bitnami/Azure resource screen shot
Under Azure Portal, I have checked the Virtual Machines list and there is nothing present.
I have also checked for any disks that may have not been removed correctly, but again there are none.
The delete process is:
Select Resource
choose the eclipse
select delete
enter the resource group name
Click Delete
Notifications show that it does start the deleting process, but then fails with the above error.
Has anyone come across this before, or have any suggestions on how to remove this resource completely?
I have also looked under the storage account on the portal and it shows bitnamieastusq5n61m4, however it will not delete either apparently due to existing disks, but where are these disks?????
The Portal does not show any images or disks....
No VM Images
Thanks for your time and assistance.
Azure says you cannot delete the storage account if it contains images/active vhd(s). In your case it is the same. So, before deleting the resource group you need to delete the image/active vhd(s).
Refer to the screenshot from -
I would recommend you to use powershell command with force parameter for the same.
Remove-AzureRmResourceGroup -Name "abc" -force

How to migrate Wordpress between Compute Engine instances

I have recently created a very small Google Compute Engine instance, naively thinking it's one of those easily scalable things Google people keep raving about.
I used the quick deployment feature of Wordpress and it all installed itself nicely, so I started configuring and adding data etc.
However, I then found out that I can't scale an existing instance (i.e. it won't allow me to change the instance type to a bigger one. I don't get why not, but there you go.), so it looks like I need to find a way to migrate my Wordpress installation to a new instance.
Will I simply be able to create a new instance and point it at the persistent disk my small instance currently uses, et voila, Bob's your uncle?
Or do I need to manually get the files and MySql data off the first instance and re-import into an empty new instance?
What's the easiest way?
Any advise or helpful links would be appreciated.
P.S.: Btw, should I try to use the Google Cloud SQL store instead of a local MySql installation?
In order to upgrade your VM:
access the VM's settings in the Developers Console (your project -> Compute -> Compute Engine -> VM instances -> click on the VM's name)
Scroll down to the "Disks" section, and un-check "Delete boot disk when instance is deleted"
Delete the VM in question. Take note that the disk, named after the instance, will remain.
Create a new VM, selecting "Existing disk" under Boot disk - Boot source. In the next box down, select the disk from point 3 above, as well as a bigger machine type.
The resulting new instance will use the existing disk from the old one, with improved hardware / performance.
As for using Cloud SQL in lieu of a VM-installed database, it's perfectly feasible, and allows to adjust the Cloud SQL instance to match your actual use. A few consideration when setting up this kind of instance:
limit the IPs allowed to connect to your Cloud SQL instance to your frontend's IP, and perhaps the workstation's IP or subnet from which you maintain the database out of.
configure Cloud SQL to use SSL certificates.
Sammy's answer covers the important stuff I just wanted to clarify how your files are arranged on the two disks that are attached to your instance:
The data disk contains /var/www/ which is all of the wordpress files. It's mounted on the instance at /wordpress
The boot disk contains everything else, including the MySQL database that was created for the Wordpress installation.

Wordpress comment spam leaving me locked out

I run a Wordpress site for my company, and lately we've been getting comment spam to the point of triggering a lockout for 20+ hours at a time. I can't log in, nor can any of my coworkers. We whitelisted our IP address, but still keep getting locked out.
Is this a common occurrence? I can't imagine I'm the only person to run into this specific issue, but Google has as of yet been unhelpful...
I took it up with my managed hosting provider - WPEngine - who told me that I needed to whitelist our office IP (done, didn't help) and, if we get locked out, run a SQL query on our production database:
SELECT option_value AS row_count
FROM wp_options
WHERE option_name = "limit_login_lockouts"
Which, y'know, doesn't actually do anything, just tells me that, if I'm reading this right, we've gotten something like 1.4 billion attempts to log in from an IP address that coincides with the Linode datacenter WPEngine has us sitting in.
Long-winded, sorry, but my question is twofold: what should I do to clear this up temporarily to let me log in, and what do you do/have you done to avoid this issue?
Have you tried using another IP (another location) rather than your offices? If you have cPanel access you might wanna check your access logs and look for any fishy IPs. Also check to see if your IP is on IP "Deny list".
Hope this helps
