Azure resource groups not deleting - wordpress

I am having an issue when trying to delete a resource group as I get the following error in Azure;
Failed to delete resource group Default-Storage-EastUS: Deletion of resource
group 'Default-Storage-EastUS' failed as resources with identifiers 'Microsoft.ClassicStorage/storageAccounts/bitnamieastusq5n61m4' could not be deleted. The provisioning state of the resource group will be rolled back. The tracking Id is '5b0424e2-bfea-4aef-a832-2230fb3bd279'. Please check audit logs for more details. (Code: ResourceGroupDeletionBlocked) Unable to delete storage account 'bitnamieastusq5n61m4': 'Storage account bitnamieastusq5n61m4 has some active image(s) and/or disk(s), e.g. bitnami-bitnami-wordpress-4.6.1-0-eastus-Q5N61m4. Ensure these image(s) and/or disk(s) are removed before deleting this storage account.'. (Code: StorageAccountOperationFailed)
This was initially a Automated WordPress install from BITNAMI and linked to our pay as you go subscription.
On the BITNAMI account the VM has been removed completely, however it is still showing on AZURE.
Bitnami/Azure resource screen shot
Under Azure Portal, I have checked the Virtual Machines list and there is nothing present.
I have also checked for any disks that may have not been removed correctly, but again there are none.
The delete process is:
Select Resource
choose the eclipse
select delete
enter the resource group name
Click Delete
Notifications show that it does start the deleting process, but then fails with the above error.
Has anyone come across this before, or have any suggestions on how to remove this resource completely?
I have also looked under the storage account on the portal and it shows bitnamieastusq5n61m4, however it will not delete either apparently due to existing disks, but where are these disks?????
The Portal does not show any images or disks....
No VM Images
Thanks for your time and assistance.

Azure says you cannot delete the storage account if it contains images/active vhd(s). In your case it is the same. So, before deleting the resource group you need to delete the image/active vhd(s).
Refer to the screenshot from -
I would recommend you to use powershell command with force parameter for the same.
Remove-AzureRmResourceGroup -Name "abc" -force


terraform GCP VPC connector creation issue

I tried creating a VPC network, having a subnet and adding a Serverless VPC connector with terraform in GCP. I was following the official guide ( ) and initially everything was working well. After that I accidently commited my JSON key to github, someone stole it and used it for crypto, the project was disabled but shortly after that reinstated
After that my terraform VPC connector creations started to fail. I tried a lot of different things but nothing seems to work(running destroy, changine service accounts, changing names, deleting all of the terraform subfolders, deleting EVERY resource and restarting the process)
The errors I am getting are:
│ Error: Error waiting to create Connector: Error waiting for Creating Connector: Error code 13, message: An internal error occurred: Failed to create a VPC Access connector. Please delete the connector manually.
│ Error: Error creating Connector: googleapi: Error 409: Requested entity already exists
Today I tried to create VPC connector from the command line(gcloud) and from the UI tool. The errors persisted
Unknown error. Original error message: Operation failed: Insufficient CPU quota in region.
Max throughput of the connector per day over last seven days.
An internal error occurred: Failed to create a VPC Access connector. Please delete the connector manually.
errors while deleting:
│ Error: Error waiting for Deleting Network: The network resource 'projects/static-emblem-327016/global/networks/sun-serverless-network' is already being used by 'projects/static-emblem-327016/global/routes/default-route-5cbc9de02e21bb35'
I was lookint at this issue In it I was problems with us-central1 but I tried a couple of different regions and still I have the same issue
I am running out of ideas, I was wondering if this is an infrastructural issue, maybe I should dump the project and create a new one ? Where can I check if there are infra issues ? How can I resolve my issue?
I recently get this error Error: Error creating Connector: googleapi: Error 409: Requested entity already exists. So I can explain the root cause and it's fix.
What I was doing is like trying to create a GCP resource (Create PubSub topic) using terraform (plan and then apply).
But before executing the terraform apply, I created the resource manually long time back with the same name. I expected that the terraform plan or terraform apply will not try to create it again since the resource name is same. But instead of Refreshing state, I found it was trying to Creating the resource. The reason it that, terraform does not know about your resource history. Either you need to import your resource history using terraform import command or else delete the manually created resource and then run the terraform apply command.
The message “An internal error occurred: Failed to create a VPC Access connector. Please delete the connector manually” can indicate that you don't have enough resources in your project to create the connector. Please make sure you have enough Resource Quota available in your GCP project.
The message “googleapi: Error 409: Requested entity already exists” indicates that The resource that a client tried to create already exists.
If you want to know what the root cause is, you can check the logs of the VPC Connector creation in the System Event Audit Logs.
System Event audit logs contain log entries for Google Cloud actions that modify the configuration of resources. System Event audit logs are generated by Google systems; they aren't driven by direct user action. System Event audit logs are always written; you can't configure, exclude, or disable them. The instructions to access them are here.
On the other hand, generating and distributing service account keys poses severe security risks to your organization. They are long-lived credentials that are not automatically rotated. These keys can be leaked accidentally or maliciously allow attackers to gain access to your sensitive GCP resources. If you accidentally compromised your JSON Key, please read the recommendations in this link.
If you want to know more about the risk and alternatives to download Service Account, Key please follow this link. Please note that this is not GCP official documentation, so I cannot vouch for its accuracy.
I was able to resolve my issue. It turns out that I had deleted my default compute engine service account in panic. I was able to recover it and everything worked out from there. For more info go here:
you have to identify the default service acc for compute engine and undelete it:
gcloud beta iam service-accounts undelete ACCOUNT_ID

Firebase Hosting from freenom (

I would like to host my webapp on Firebase, since I'm using their services and functionalities since a long time (before Firebase was inside Google and since its static hosting service was named Divshot... ).
But I've got a demo domain from Freenom (.tk domain) and I was wondering how to connect this with firebase:
I can set only this paramater relative to TXT record:
dns management
so where should I define the parameters needed
Thank You to all!
PS: I've already seen
Firebase hosting custom domain error
and related
firebase-talk Dqmz9Iuio54
and the question: how-can-i-verify-my-custom-domain-using-domains-google-com/39020649#39020649
but none of them seems to respond to my problem...
PS: I've come here from firebase support page where StackOverflow is the first choice.
Thank you!
Leave the "Name" field blank and fill "Target" with the google-site-verification=... value. Once you've done so, things should go through. One way to check is to run:
dig TXT
If you've done it correctly, you should receive back the google-site-verification=... value. It may take some time to propagate before it starts showing up.
DNS registrar / records host: delete TXT records pointing to
firebase console: delete the custom domain.
firebase console: add custom domain.
copy the two TXT records from firebase to DNS host
DNS record host should include two entries with one and
Once the is added it'll show as empty and other entry will be shown as www.
The copy the two given A records to Freenom DNS records.
There will be 4 A records two for and two for
Wait 24-48 hours to see if the changes work.
If it doesn't work, contact firebase support from the console; be sure to take screen shots of the DNS records and the firebase console. These will help the firebase support team to troubleshoot the problem.
Mean while you can check for the dns propagation by using below tutorial
The Firebase Hosting servers run what is essentially this command for verifying the TXT records for your domain:
dig -t txt +noall +answer
If you immediately run this command right now, you might not get results. If the Firebase servers are seeing the same in their DNS query, they will not be able to continue.
That means that either you didn't save/apply your changes yet, or they haven't propagated everywhere yet. The longer it takes for the changes to show up, the more likely it becomes that you still need to take some action at your DNS provider

How to configure Oracle 11g to launch sqlplus?

On a RedHat 6 server, a third party application requires to be root to run and needs access to sqlplus. I have a running database, I can run sqlplus as user 'oracle'. When logged in as user root, 'sqlplus usr/pwd#dbname' works as expected. The trouble is that this agent needs to run sqlplus with no parameters and it always returns ORA-12546: TNS:permission denied.
I've read a dozen times that enabling root to launch Oracle is a security issue but I really have no other choice.
Running Oracle
Any help will be much appreciated as I've googled for 2 days with no success.
From the documentation, ORA_12546 is:
ORA-12546: TNS:permission denied
Cause: User has insufficient privileges to perform the requested operation.
Action: Acquire necessary privileges and try again.
Which isn't entirely helpful, but various forum and blog posts (way too many to link to, Googling for the error shows a lot of similar advice) mention permissions on a particular part of the installation, $ORACLE_HOME/bin/oracle, which is a crucial and central part of most of the services.
Normally the permissions on that file would be -rws-r-s--x, with the file owned by oracle:dba, and this error can occur when the word-writable flag - the final x in that pattern - is not set. Anyone in the dba group will still be able to execute it, but those outside will not.
Your listener seems to be fine as you can connect remotely, by specifying #dbname in the connect string. The listener runs as oracle (usually, could be grid with HA, RAC or ASM) so it is in the dba group and can happily hand-off connections to an instance of the oracle executable.
When you connect without going via the listener, you have to be able to execute that file yourself. It appears that root cannot execute it (or possibly some other file, but this is usually the culprit, apparently), which implies the world-writable bit is indeed not set.
As far as I can see you have three options:
set the world-writable bit, with chmod o+x $ORACLE_HOME/bin/oracle; but that opens up the permissions for everyone, and presumably they've been restricted for a reason;
add root to the dba group, via usermod or in the /etc/group; which potentially weakens security as well;
use SQL*Net even when you don't specify #dbname in the connect string, by adding export TWO_TASK=dbname to the root environment.
You said you don't have this problem on another server, and that the file permissions are the same; in which case root might be in the dba group on that box. But I think the third option seems the simplest and safest. There is a fourth option I suppose, to install a separate instant client, but you'd have to set TWO_TASK anyway and go over SQL*Net, and you've already ruled that out.
I won't dwell on whether it's a good idea to run sqlplus (or indeed the application that needs it) as root, but will just mention that you'd could potentially have a script or function called sqlplus that switches to a less privileged account via su to run the real executable, and that might be transparent to the application. Unless you switch to the oracle account though, which is also not a good idea, you'd have the same permission issue and options.

Issue with XPage access to documents from another database

I have 2 databases in one server, a Web App db containing XPages only, and another database containing documents. When I tried to open a document in Xpage, an error appears saying that I don't have access to the document (I did a checking using db.queryAccess(myUserName) and found out that I don't have access to the document database, even though my user name is specified directly as Manager). I created a new copy of the document database, then points my web app db to that. Here I have access to the documents! I had implemented this before and this is the first time I had this problem. What are the probable problem(s) with my original document database? I already did a fixup and compacting, but to no avail. Please help me... Thanks!
Please check the the "Maximum Internet name and password" option in the ACL settings. This option overrides every ACL entry: If you are Manager but the option is set to "No Access" - you have no access.

log4Net eventlog permissions issue using non-administrator account

This probably isnt an issue with SiteCore per se but I've included it for completeness. I have sitecore 6.3 running under IIS7 using a custom identity for the app pool. I cant get Sitecore to write its logging information (using the default log4net settings) to the eventlog. I've followed the advice here: and although it works fine when I make the custom identity a member of the administrator's group I need to find a way to get it working in production without such a security hack.
The weird thing is that I have a MSI that installs it (running under an account which IS a member of the administrator's group) and creates the correct registry keys in the eventlog for me and yet despite that, I am still getting the following error when I run the application using the custom identity (without it being a member of administrators).
log4net:ERROR DOMConfigurator: Could not create Appender [EventLogAppender] of type [log4net.Appender.EventLogAppender]. Reported error follows.
System.Security.SecurityException: Requested registry access is not allowed.
at Microsoft.Win32.RegistryKey.OpenSubKey(String name, Boolean writable)
at System.Diagnostics.EventLog.GetEventLogRegKey(String machine, Boolean writable)
at System.Diagnostics.EventLog.FindSourceRegistration(String source, String machineName, Boolean readOnly)
at System.Diagnostics.EventLog.DeleteEventSource(String source, String machineName)
at log4net.Appender.EventLogAppender.ActivateOptions()
at log4net.Repository.Hierarchy.DOMHierarchyConfigurator.ParseAppender(XmlElement appenderElement)
The Zone of the assembly that failed was:
log4net:ERROR DOMConfigurator: Appender named [EventLogAppender] not found.
Thinking I could narrow it down to a registry permission issue I granted Everyone full permissions to the following registry key and subkeys but it didnt work either: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\services\eventlog
The custom identity is a member of the following groups:
Event Log Readers
Performance Monitor Users
I've also seen the following question which seems to ask the same thing. The Microsoft article seems to suggest it might be a problem with ACLs on an event log and gives examples on how you can change SSDLs but I'd rather avoid that if at all possible.
I have another server running where the log is being populated fine. The custom identity was a member of administrators so I revoked that and rebooted, trying to purposely break it but I cant. Config is identical on both boxes and same identity used to run the MSI which creates the registry keys. Have run procmon on both (after doing a IISReset and spinning up the app pool again) to examine registry activity. Strange thing is - on the box that works you get 477 name not found records for my event source in the wrong places (Application, and a different Custom EventLog "MyCompany"). No hits for the place where it is logging which is "MyCompany\MyCompany.SiteCore". Whilst on the box which is broken, it does appear to be requesting to read the right key (albeit only 6 times) but you then get the Log4Net registry access error.
As I understand it EventStores are stored in the registry, so you only need write permission to registry to create or delete an EventStore. This is usually only needed once and most applications create this as part of the install procedure so that the application does not need to be run as Administrator during normal execution.
However your error message (in the question) includes the method DeleteEventSource from which I would deduce/guess that the EventSource does exist but is wrong in some way. So perhaps this is currently registered as writing to the event log named MyCompany and you are now trying to change it to "MyCompany\MyCompany.SiteCore" which requires you to delete the old eventsource and create a new one.
So it sounds like your installation routine is creating a different EventSource from the one that your application is actually using.
If that doesn't help, then I would suggest enabling internal logging for Log4net (but obviously not to the eventlog) which will probably give you more information.
Giving full permission to the registry key is not enough.
According to Microsoft
To create an event source in Windows Vista and later or Windows Server 2003, you must have administrative privileges.
The reason for this requirement is that all event logs, including security, must be searched to determine whether the event source is unique. Starting with Windows Vista, users do not have permission to access the security log; therefore, a SecurityException is thrown.
Starting with Windows Vista, User Account Control (UAC) determines the privileges of a user. If you are a member of the Built-in Administrators group, you are assigned two run-time access tokens: a standard user access token and an administrator access token. By default, you are in the standard user role. To execute the code that accesses the security log, you must first elevate your privileges from standard user to administrator. You can do this when you start an application by right-clicking the application icon and indicating that you want to run as an administrator.
I think, contrary to the Apache documentation, log4net DOES need write access to the registry – or at least it does in my case. To prove this, I backed up the registry on the server where it wasnt working and granted IIS administrator privileges before spinning up sitecore. Sure enough it started logging away to the eventlog nicely and then when I exported the registry again to run a diff, there WAS a difference.
The value for the eventlogmessage file on my event source had been updated from:
So I assumed that merely changing this value in the registry by hand would work.
But it didn’t.
So I ran procmon on the two servers I have: A=the working one, B=the failing one. Sure enough, on server B I have a line which says:
Operation: RegOpenKey, Path: HKLM\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\EventLog, Desired Access:Read/Write, Result: ACCESS DENIED.
I’ve traced through with Server A and in exactly the same place, the key is requested with Desired Access:Read.
It seems unavoidable that I will need to grant my app pool identity administrator privileges in production for at least enough time to programatically do the necessary registry writes the first time from within log4net. I dont know why administrator; I have tried granting Full permissions to the entire eventlog node in the registry for my custom app to no avail. It seems to do something which I cannot identify or pin down. I will then revoke this privilege immediately after it starts to log and monitor whether subsequent installs knock out the functionality afterwards. (Hopefully not).
If anyone has any insight into this behaviour it would be greatly appreciated.
