Remove conditional sequence from string in R - r

I have a sequence encoded in a string, but one type of step in this sequence is entirely conditional on a previous step.
When this occurs, I'd like to remove the previous step.
For example, in the case:
"alpha_i, bravo_i, alpha_i, alpha_c, charlie_i, bravo_i, bravo_c,
alpha_i, delta_c"
those steps where a *_c event occurs directly after an *_i event, I'd like to have the *_i event removed, the desired result being:
"alpha_i, bravo_i, alpha_c, charlie_i, bravo_c, alphai_i,
In other words,
"alpha_i, alpha_c" goes to just "alpha_c"
"bravo_i, bravo_c" goes to just "bravo_c",
but we do not change "alpha_i, delta_c" because they are a different event name.
I think the syntax would use the gsub function, but I don't know how to match the prefixed term either side of the comma, and would appreciate some help.
*In addition to the point raised below; yes there will be many different examples of event names, not just the two being replaced here.

Try this:
wds <- c("alpha_i", "bravo_i", "alpha_i", "alpha_c", "charlie_i", "bravo_i", "bravo_c", "alpha_i", "delta_c")
wds[cumsum(rle(as.character(substr(wds, 1, gregexpr('_', wds))))$lengths)]
Alternatively, if your vector is of length 1, try this:
wds <- c("alpha_i, bravo_i, alpha_i, alpha_c, charlie_i, bravo_i, bravo_c, alpha_i, delta_c")
wds_split <- unlist(strsplit(wds, ', '))
wds_split[cumsum(rle(as.character(substr(wds_split, 1, gregexpr('_', wds_split))))$lengths)]


Update dictionary key inside list using map function -Python

I have a dictionary of phone numbers where number is Key and country is value. I want to update the key and add country code based on value country. I tried to use the map function for this:
print('**Exmaple: Update phone book to add Country code using map function** ')
user=[{'952-201-3787':'US'},{'952-201-5984':'US'},{'9871299':'BD'},{'01632 960513':'UK'}]
#A function that takes a dictionary as arg, not list. List is the outer part
def add_Country_Code(aDict):
for k,v in aDict.items():
if(v == 'US'):
aDict[( '1+'+k)]=aDict.pop(k)
if(v == 'UK'):
aDict[( '044+'+k)]=aDict.pop(k)
if (v == 'BD'):
aDict[('001+'+k)] =aDict.pop(k)
return aDict
This works partially when I run, output below :
[{'1+952-201-3787': 'US'}, {'1+1+1+952-201-5984': 'US'}, {'001+9871299': 'BD'}, {'044+01632 960513': 'UK'}]
Notice the 2nd US number has 2 additional 1s'. What is causing that?How to fix? Thanks a lot.
You are mutating a dict while iterating it. Don't do this. The Pythonic convention would be:
Make a new_dict = {}
While iterating the input a_dict, assign new items to new_dict.
Return the new_dict
IOW, create new things, rather than change old things - likely the source of your woes.
Some notes
Use lowercase with underscores when defining variable names (see PEP 8).
Lookup values rather than change the input dict, e.g. a_dict[k] vs. a_dict.pop(k)
Indent the correct number of spaces (see PEP 8)

LPAD is not working in progress 4gl

I am tring to use lpad in progress Db but its not working..
lpad(act_num, 7, '#')
This code not working , Do we have any alternative way to achieve o/p.
If act_num is 101 then o/P shoud br 7777101.
There is no lpad() function in OpenEdge, but you may be able to use the FILL() function. It takes two inputs: a character string to use as the fill value, and the number of times to repeat the string.
This will add four "7"s to the beginning of act_num, as you described in your question:
act_num = FILL("7", 4) + act_num.
The fill value can be any string, and not just a single character.

Select any character string over an NA in an If statement in R

I am trying to create a function which will look at two vectors of character labels, and print the appropriate label based on an If statement. I am running into an issue when one of the vectors is populated by NA.
I'll truncate my function:
eventTypepriority=function(a,b) {
if( {print(b)}
if( {print(a)}
if(a=="BW"& b=="BW",) {print("BW")}
if(a=="?BW"& b=="BW") {print("?BW")}
...#and so on
Some data:
a=c("Pm", "BW", "?BW")
c=mapply(eventTypepriority, a,b, USE.NAMES = TRUE)
The function works fine for the first two, selecting the label I've designated in my if statements. However, when it gets to the third pair I receive this error:
Error in if (a == "?BW" & b == "BW") { :
missing value where TRUE/FALSE needed
I'm guessing this is because at that place, b=NA, and this is the first if statement, outside of the '' statements, that need it to ignore missing values.
Is there a way to handle this? I'd really rather not add conditional statements for every label and NA. I've also tried:
-is.null (same error message)
-Regular Expressions:
if(a==grepl([:print:]) & b==NA) {print(a)}
In various formats, including if(a==grepl(:print:)... No avail. I receive an 'Error: unexpected '[' or whatever character R didn't like first to tell me this is wrong.
All comments and thoughts would be appreciated. ^_^
if all your if conditions are exclusives, just call return() to avoid checking other conditions when one is met:
eventTypepriority=function(a,b) {
if( {print(b);return()}
if( {print(a);return()}
if(a=="BW"& b=="BW",) {print("BW");return()}
if(a=="?BW"& b=="BW") {print("?BW");return()}
...#and so on
You need to use if .. else statements instead of simply if; otherwise, your function will evaluate the 3rd and 4th lines even when one of the values is n/a.
Given you mapply statement, I also assume you want the function to output the corresponding label, not just print it?
In that case
eventTypepriority<-function(a,b) {
if( b
else if( a
else if(a=="BW"& b=="BW") "BW"
else if(a=="?BW"& b=="BW") "?BW"
else "..."
a=c("Pm", "BW", "?BW")
c=mapply(eventTypepriority, a,b, USE.NAMES = T)
"..." "..." "?BW"
If you actually want to just print the label and have your function return something else, you should be able to figure it out from here.

Unexpected string constant in R when try to select colname from data.table

I try to group by my customize movieLense dataset
groupBy<- data.table(unifiedTbl)
x<- groupBy[,list(rating=sum(rating)
,Adventure = sum(Adventure)
,Animation = sum(Animation)
,"Children's" = sum(Children's)
but because of Children's I received some error which related to specified character
If I remove below part of my code every things is OK
,"Children's" = sum(Children's)
Now my question is how can I address to this column with full name?
how can I fix my codes?
You can use backticks with names that aren't valid syntax:
`Children's` = sum(`Children's`)
And of course, I'd recommend creating valid names instead:
setnames(groupBy, make.names(names(groupBy)))

R - create iterable list/dataframe from unique()

I'd like to get the unique elements from a column. That seems straight forward. Both of these work, but I'm not getting the object type I'd like:
userlist <- as.list(somebigdf$username)
userlist <- unique(userlist)
userlist <- unique(somebigdf$username)
When I iterate through, I'm not getting the names:
for(i in 1:length(userlist)){
cat(names(userlist[i]), '\n')
Returns blank spaces.
for(i in userlist){
cat(i, '\n')
Returns integers.
The above function is just an example. I'll be using that but also matching the returned name in an if-else function.
The object types seem to be integers or an extended data.frame with lots of values for each name - which isn't what I want. I would really just like a list of strings something along the lines of userlist = c( the results from unique).
Edit -
This code will iterate correctly through the names:
for(name in unique(somebigdf$username)){
cat(name, '\n')
I'm accepting my own answer. Namely, a working solution - this code will iterate correctly through the names:
for(name in unique(somebigdf$username)){
cat(name, '\n')
If someone at a later date has a better answer that seems more in keeping with the question, I will be happy to accept that as the answer.
