curl doesn't send all content on PUT with -d - http

I have the problem, that curl doesn't upload all my data, when uploading with -d #-
The following command doesn't work:
tar -cz folder | curl -X PUT -d #-
The following command works:
tar -cz folder | curl -X PUT -T -
Does somebody know what is the reason for this behaviour.

Ok I found the root cause in the docs of curl:
--data-ascii <data>
(HTTP) This is just an alias for -d, --data.
So when you use just -d then the data will sent as ascii.
According to the docs binary data should be sent with --data-binary and indeed the following command works
tar -cz folder | curl -X PUT --data-binary #-


curl upload file -T

I get the error curl: Can't open 'files=#1.txt'! when trying to run code:
curl -v -XPOST -k -H "Accept: application/json" -T "files=#1.txt"
any suggestion on how to pass the text file's name properly?
-T is for PUT and wants a file name only:
curl -T 1.txt
You seem to want to POST a file? If you want it sent "plainly", you probably want:
curl -H "Accept: application/json" --data-binary #1.txt
If you want to instead send the file as a multipart formpost, you might do it similar to:
curl -F files=#1.txt

Is it possible to send source file as URL with hylaFax?

I need to send a fax where the source file is coming from an HTTP URL. I have configured hylaFax. When trying a local file, it works fine. But with a URL it gives an error.
The command I am using is something like this:
sendfax -v -h faxhost -f -D -d 1234567890 \
The error:
Error : 'Can not open file'
The file is downloading when connecting through browser.
sendfax will process stdin so you can pipe documents in:
wget -O - '' | sendfax -v -h faxhost -f -D -d 1234567890
curl '' | sendfax -v -h faxhost -f -D -d 1234567890

how to post a json file with documents to couchdb

I am trying to post some documents to couchdb by curl and I have succeeded by choosing local file but not http-url... I have trying something like this:
curl -d # -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json"
I have been trying with many flags and tried many ways but I thing I am missing something. Is there anyone who can help?
The -d option for curl expects a local file only. You'll have to download it first. You could try piping the output of a curl download to a PUT to your CouchDB:
curl | curl -d #- -X PUT http://localhost:5984/MyTestDb....

FireBase, NEST. I can GET, but cannot PATCH using curl. Why am I getting a 400 error?

I am using the url at the site, and my request is re-directed to the
I get the correct structured data back, using this dos command:
curl -v -k -L -X GET ""
I get the error 'Invalid content sent' when I send this PATCH
curl -v -k -L -X PATCH "" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"away":"home"}'
I have tried adding '.json' before the question mark, but get the same error.
To set the structure to home/away you'll need to send a PUT request for example as follows:
curl -v -L -X PUT "<AUTH_TOKEN>" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"away":"home"}'
Hope that helps

How to use pastebin from shell script?

Is it possible to use pastebin (may be via their "API" functionality) inside bash shell scripts? How do I send http-post? How do I get back the URL?
As closed their public api, I was looking for alternatives.
Sprunge is great. Usage:
<command> | curl -F 'sprunge=<-'
or, as I use it:
alias paste="curl -F 'sprunge=<-'"
<command> | paste
The documentation says that you need to submit a POST request to
and the only mandatory parameter is paste_code, of type string is the paste that you want to make.
On success a new pastebin URL will be returned.
You can easily do this from your bash shell using the command curl.
curl uses the -d option to send the POST data to the specified URL.
This demo will create a new paste with the code:
printf("Hello..I am Codaddict");
From your shell:
$ curl -d 'paste_code=printf("Hello..I am Codaddict");' ''
Now if you see the URL, you'll see my paste :)
Alternatively you can do it using the wget command which uses the option --post-data to sent POST values.
I've tried this command it works fine:
wget --post-data 'paste_code=printf("Hello..I am Codaddict");' ''
Put the following in your .bashrc:
sprunge() {
if [[ $1 ]]; then
curl -F 'sprunge=<-' "" <"$1"
curl -F 'sprunge=<-' ""
...and then you can run:
sprunge filename # post file to sprunge
some_command | sprunge # pipe output to sprunge
The API for posting to pastebin has changed, since posted by codaddict.
Details can be found at this link:
curl -d 'api_paste_code=printf("Hello..\n I am Codaddict");' \
-d 'api_dev_key=<get_your_own>' \
-d 'api_option=paste' ''
There are three essential fields as of now:
api_dev_key -> You need to create a login on in order to get that
api_option -> Format in which to post
api_paste_code -> Text you want to post
Two other answers (from circa 2014) point to, which is designed to be used like this...
curl --form 'sprunge=#yourfile.txt'
However, as of 2018, has a tendency to be overloaded and return 500 Internal Server Error to every request. For files up to at least 300 KB but not as high as 2.8 MB, I have had good luck with the very similar service at
curl --form 'f:1=#yourfile.txt'
For files up to at least 2.8 MB (and maybe higher, I don't know), I've found the more highly polished It recommends a slightly different and simpler command line, and requires https (it won't work without it):
curl --upload-file yourfile.txt
I have found that Sprunge is currently down, but has a simple API.
To post from STDIN
curl -s -F "content=<-"
from a file foo.txt
cat foo.txt | curl -s -F "content=<-"
to post a string
curl -s -F "content=string"
The response will be a plain text URL to the paste.
Nb: the trailing / in the URL seems necessary has a simpler API than all of them. Simply "POST" to it.
From the website:
Upload text using curl:
$ curl -s --data 'Hello World!' ''
Upload text using wget:
$ wget --quiet -O- --post-data='Hello World!' ''
Upload a file using curl:
$ curl --upload-file #'/tmp/file' ''
Upload a file using wget:
$ wget --quiet -O- --post-file='/tmp/file' ''
Upload the output of a command or script using curl:
$ ls / | curl --upload-file - ''
$ ./bin/hello_world | curl -s --data-binary #- ''
You can also simply use netcat. Unlike termbin, won't time out if your script takes more than 5 seconds to produce its output.
$ { sleep 10; ls /; } | nc 9999
$ { sleep 10; ls /; } | nc 9999
Easiest way to post to pastebin
echo 'your message' | sed '1s/^/api_paste_code=/g' | sed 's/$/\%0A/g' | curl -d #- -d 'api_dev_key=<your_api_key>' -d 'api_option=paste' ''
Just change the <your_api_key> part and pipe whatever you want into it.
The sed invocations add the api_paste_code parameter to beginning of the message and add a newline at the end of each line so it can handle multiline input. The #- tells curl to read from stdin.
A Bash Function You Can Paste
For easy reuse, make it a bash function (copy and paste this into your terminal and set the API_KEY field appropriately:
pastebin () {
if [ -z $1 ]
cat - | sed '1s/^/api_paste_code=/g' | sed 's/$/\%0A/g' | curl -d #- -d 'api_dev_key='"$API_KEY"'' -d 'api_option=paste' ''
echo "$1" | sed '1s/^/api_paste_code=/g' | sed 's/$/\%0A/g' | curl -d #- -d 'api_dev_key='"$API_KEY"'' -d 'api_option=paste' ''
printf '\n'
You can run it with either:
pastebin 'your message'
or if you need to pipe a file into it:
cat your_file.txt | pastebin
To built upon Vishal's answer, pastebin has upgraded to only use HTTPS now:
curl -d 'api_paste_code=printf("Hello World");' \
-d 'api_dev_key=<your_key>' \
-d 'api_option=paste' ''
You don't have to specify the -X POST parameter
Additional details can be found here:
Based on another answer on this page, I wrote the following script which reads from STDIN (or assumes output it piped into it).
This version allows for arbitrary data which is URI escaped (by jq).
curl -d "api_paste_code=$(jq -sRr #uri)" \
-d "api_dev_key=$api_key" \
-d 'api_option=paste' ''
echo # By default, there's no newline
I am a bit late to this post, but I created a little tool to help with this.
Feel free to check it out and let me know what you think.
