I need to send a fax where the source file is coming from an HTTP URL. I have configured hylaFax. When trying a local file, it works fine. But with a URL it gives an error.
The command I am using is something like this:
sendfax -v -h faxhost -f kaur#xyz.com -D -d 1234567890 \
The error:
Error : 'Can not open file'
The file is downloading when connecting through browser.
sendfax will process stdin so you can pipe documents in:
wget -O - 'http://kaur.dev.xyz.com:7771/app-name/proxy?bName=Test&oName=1.txt' | sendfax -v -h faxhost -f kaur#xyz.com -D -d 1234567890
curl 'http://kaur.dev.xyz.com:7771/app-name/proxy?bName=Test&oName=1.txt' | sendfax -v -h faxhost -f kaur#xyz.com -D -d 1234567890
Hellow I am getting error like below when I upload any artifact to Artifactory
The curl command is below:
CHECKSUM_md5sum=$(md5sum 3.txt | awk '{ print $1 }')CHECKSUM_sha1=$(sha1sum 3.txt | awk '{ print $1 }') CHECKSUM_sha256=$(sha256sum 3.txt | awk '{ print $1 }') curl -H "X-Checksum-md5sum:$CHECKSUM_md5sum" -H "X-Checksum-Sha1:$CHECKSUM_sha1" -H "X-Checksum-Sha256:$CHECKSUM_sha256" -H "X-JFrog-Art-Api:xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" -v -X PUT https://tectcompany/artifactory/my-test-repo/3.txt
How to resolve this issue?
I would recommend referring to this JFrog KB Article on checksum for more insights.
I have the problem, that curl doesn't upload all my data, when uploading with -d #-
The following command doesn't work:
tar -cz folder | curl -X PUT -d #- http://example.com/api/take/file
The following command works:
tar -cz folder | curl -X PUT -T - http://example.com/api/take/file
Does somebody know what is the reason for this behaviour.
Ok I found the root cause in the docs of curl:
--data-ascii <data>
(HTTP) This is just an alias for -d, --data.
So when you use just -d then the data will sent as ascii.
According to the docs binary data should be sent with --data-binary and indeed the following command works
tar -cz folder | curl -X PUT --data-binary #- http://example.com/api/take/file
I want to place a file a file on salt-master via salt-api. I have configured salt-api using rest cherrypy and configured a custom hook for it. I wanted to explore the use-case where we can transfer the file first to salt-master and secondly distribute it to minions. I'm able to achieve the second part but not been able to post data file to the API.
Here is one way to do it using file.write execution module.
First login and save the token to a cookie file (I had to change eauth to ldap, auto didn't work for some reason):
curl -sSk http://localhost:8000/login \
-c ~/cookies.txt \
-H 'Accept: application/x-yaml' \
-d username=USERNAME\
-d password=PASSWORD \
-d eauth=auto
Now run a job to create a file on the salt-master (assuming your salt-master is also running a salt-minion):
curl -sSk http://localhost:8000 \
-b ~/cookies.txt \
-H 'Accept: application/x-yaml' \
-d client=local \
-d tgt='saltmaster' \
-d fun=file.write \
-d arg='/tmp/somefile.txt' \
-d arg='This is some example text
with newlines
Note that the spacing used in your command will affect how the lines will show up in the file, with the example above is gives the most aesthetically pleasing result.
When downloading a file using curl, how would I follow a link location and use that for the output filename (without knowing the remote filename in advance)?
For example, if one clicks on the link below, you would download a filenamed "pythoncomplete.vim." However using curl's -O and -L options, the filename is simply the original remote-name, a clumsy "download_script.php?src_id=10872."
curl -O -L http://www.vim.org/scripts/download_script.php?src_id=10872
In order to download the file with the correct filename you would have to know the name of the file in advance:
curl -o pythoncomplete.vim -L http://www.vim.org/scripts/download_script.php?src_id=10872
It would be excellent if you could download the file without knowing the name in advance, and if not, is there another way to quickly pull down a redirected file via command line?
The remote side sends the filename using the Content-Disposition header.
curl 7.21.2 or newer does this automatically if you specify --remote-header-name / -J.
curl -O -J -L $url
The expanded version of the arguments would be:
curl --remote-name --remote-header-name --location $url
If you have a recent version of curl (7.21.2 or later), see #jmanning2k's answer.
I you have an older version of curl (like 7.19.7 which came with Snow Leopard), do two requests: a HEAD to get the file name from response header, then a GET:
filename=$(curl -sI $url | grep -o -E 'filename=.*$' | sed -e 's/filename=//')
curl -o $filename -L $url
If you can use wget instead of curl:
wget --content-disposition $url
I wanted to comment to jmanning2k's answer but as a new user I can't, so I tried to edit his post which is allowed but the edit was rejected saying it was supposed to be a comment. sigh
Anyway, see this as a comment to his answer thanks.
This seems to only work if the header looks like filename=pythoncomplete.vim as in the example, but some sites send a header that looks like filename*=UTF-8' 'filename.zip' that one isn't recognized by curl 7.28.0
I wanted a solution that worked on both older and newer Macs, and the legacy code David provided for Snow Leopard did not behave well under Mavericks. Here's a function I created based on David's code:
function getUriFilename() {
header="$(curl -sI "$1" | tr -d '\r')"
filename="$(echo "$header" | grep -o -E 'filename=.*$')"
if [[ -n "$filename" ]]; then
echo "${filename#filename=}"
filename="$(echo "$header" | grep -o -E 'Location:.*$')"
if [[ -n "$filename" ]]; then
basename "${filename#Location\:}"
return 1
With this defined, you can run:
filename="$(getUriFilename $url)"
curl -L $url -o "$filename"
Please note that certain malconfigured webservers will serve the name using "Filename" as key, where RFC2183 specifies it should be "filename". curl only handles the latter case.
I had the same Problem like John Cooper. I got no filename but a Location File name back. His answer also worked but are 2 commands.
This oneliner worked for me....
url="https://download.mozilla.org/?product=firefox-latest-ssl&os=linux64&lang=de";url=$(curl -L --head -w '%{url_effective}' $url 2>/dev/null | tail -n1) ; curl -O $url
Stolen and added some stuff from
An example using the answer above for Apache Archiva artifact repository to pull latest version. The curl returns the Location line and the filename is at the end of the line. Need to remove the CR at end of file name.
filename=$(curl --silent -sI -u user:password $url | grep Location | awk -F\/ '{print $NF}' | sed 's/\r$//')
curl --silent -o $filename -L -u user:password $url
instead of applying grep and other Unix-Fu operations, curl ships with a builtin "Write Out" option variable[1] specifically for such a case, e.g.
$ curl -OJsL "http://www.vim.org/scripts/download_script.php?src_id=10872" -w "%{filename_effective}"
[1] https://everything.curl.dev/usingcurl/verbose/writeout#available-write-out-variables
Using the solution proposed above, I wrote this helper function curl2file.
function curl2file() {
url=$(curl -o /dev/null -L --head -w '%{url_effective}' $url 2>/dev/null | tail -n1) ; curl -O $url
curl2file https://cloud.tsinghua.edu.cn/f/4666d28af98a4e63afb5/?dl=1
Is it possible to use pastebin (may be via their "API" functionality) inside bash shell scripts? How do I send http-post? How do I get back the URL?
As pastebin.com closed their public api, I was looking for alternatives.
Sprunge is great. Usage:
<command> | curl -F 'sprunge=<-' http://sprunge.us
or, as I use it:
alias paste="curl -F 'sprunge=<-' http://sprunge.us"
<command> | paste
The documentation says that you need to submit a POST request to
and the only mandatory parameter is paste_code, of type string is the paste that you want to make.
On success a new pastebin URL will be returned.
You can easily do this from your bash shell using the command curl.
curl uses the -d option to send the POST data to the specified URL.
This demo will create a new paste with the code:
printf("Hello..I am Codaddict");
From your shell:
$ curl -d 'paste_code=printf("Hello..I am Codaddict");' 'http://pastebin.com/api_public.php'
Now if you see the URL http://pastebin.com/598VLDZp, you'll see my paste :)
Alternatively you can do it using the wget command which uses the option --post-data to sent POST values.
I've tried this command it works fine:
wget --post-data 'paste_code=printf("Hello..I am Codaddict");' 'http://pastebin.com/api_public.php'
Put the following in your .bashrc:
sprunge() {
if [[ $1 ]]; then
curl -F 'sprunge=<-' "http://sprunge.us" <"$1"
curl -F 'sprunge=<-' "http://sprunge.us"
...and then you can run:
sprunge filename # post file to sprunge
some_command | sprunge # pipe output to sprunge
The API for posting to pastebin has changed, since posted by codaddict.
Details can be found at this link: https://pastebin.com/api
curl -d 'api_paste_code=printf("Hello..\n I am Codaddict");' \
-d 'api_dev_key=<get_your_own>' \
-d 'api_option=paste' 'http://pastebin.com/api/api_post.php'
There are three essential fields as of now:
api_dev_key -> You need to create a login on pastebin.com in order to get that
api_option -> Format in which to post
api_paste_code -> Text you want to post
Two other answers (from circa 2014) point to http://sprunge.us, which is designed to be used like this...
curl --form 'sprunge=#yourfile.txt' sprunge.us
However, as of 2018, sprunge.us has a tendency to be overloaded and return 500 Internal Server Error to every request. For files up to at least 300 KB but not as high as 2.8 MB, I have had good luck with the very similar service at http://ix.io:
curl --form 'f:1=#yourfile.txt' ix.io
For files up to at least 2.8 MB (and maybe higher, I don't know), I've found the more highly polished https://transfer.sh. It recommends a slightly different and simpler command line, and requires https (it won't work without it):
curl --upload-file yourfile.txt https://transfer.sh
I have found that Sprunge is currently down, but dpaste.com has a simple API.
To post from STDIN
curl -s -F "content=<-" http://dpaste.com/api/v2/
from a file foo.txt
cat foo.txt | curl -s -F "content=<-" http://dpaste.com/api/v2/
to post a string
curl -s -F "content=string" http://dpaste.com/api/v2/
The response will be a plain text URL to the paste.
Nb: the trailing / in the URL http://dpaste.com/api/v2/ seems necessary
https://paste.c-net.org/ has a simpler API than all of them. Simply "POST" to it.
From the website:
Upload text using curl:
$ curl -s --data 'Hello World!' 'https://paste.c-net.org/'
Upload text using wget:
$ wget --quiet -O- --post-data='Hello World!' 'https://paste.c-net.org/'
Upload a file using curl:
$ curl --upload-file #'/tmp/file' 'https://paste.c-net.org/'
Upload a file using wget:
$ wget --quiet -O- --post-file='/tmp/file' 'https://paste.c-net.org/'
Upload the output of a command or script using curl:
$ ls / | curl --upload-file - 'https://paste.c-net.org/'
$ ./bin/hello_world | curl -s --data-binary #- 'https://paste.c-net.org/'
You can also simply use netcat. Unlike termbin, paste.c-net.org won't time out if your script takes more than 5 seconds to produce its output.
$ { sleep 10; ls /; } | nc termbin.com 9999
$ { sleep 10; ls /; } | nc paste.c-net.org 9999
Easiest way to post to pastebin
echo 'your message' | sed '1s/^/api_paste_code=/g' | sed 's/$/\%0A/g' | curl -d #- -d 'api_dev_key=<your_api_key>' -d 'api_option=paste' 'http://pastebin.com/api/api_post.php'
Just change the <your_api_key> part and pipe whatever you want into it.
The sed invocations add the api_paste_code parameter to beginning of the message and add a newline at the end of each line so it can handle multiline input. The #- tells curl to read from stdin.
A Bash Function You Can Paste
For easy reuse, make it a bash function (copy and paste this into your terminal and set the API_KEY field appropriately:
pastebin () {
if [ -z $1 ]
cat - | sed '1s/^/api_paste_code=/g' | sed 's/$/\%0A/g' | curl -d #- -d 'api_dev_key='"$API_KEY"'' -d 'api_option=paste' 'http://pastebin.com/api/api_post.php'
echo "$1" | sed '1s/^/api_paste_code=/g' | sed 's/$/\%0A/g' | curl -d #- -d 'api_dev_key='"$API_KEY"'' -d 'api_option=paste' 'http://pastebin.com/api/api_post.php'
printf '\n'
You can run it with either:
pastebin 'your message'
or if you need to pipe a file into it:
cat your_file.txt | pastebin
To built upon Vishal's answer, pastebin has upgraded to only use HTTPS now:
curl -d 'api_paste_code=printf("Hello World");' \
-d 'api_dev_key=<your_key>' \
-d 'api_option=paste' 'https://pastebin.com/api/api_post.php'
You don't have to specify the -X POST parameter
Additional details can be found here:
Based on another answer on this page, I wrote the following script which reads from STDIN (or assumes output it piped into it).
This version allows for arbitrary data which is URI escaped (by jq).
curl -d "api_paste_code=$(jq -sRr #uri)" \
-d "api_dev_key=$api_key" \
-d 'api_option=paste' 'https://pastebin.com/api/api_post.php'
echo # By default, there's no newline
I am a bit late to this post, but I created a little tool to help with this.
Feel free to check it out and let me know what you think.