Multivariate polynomial coefficients including zeros - sage

I would like to get the coefficients of a multivariate polynomial including the zero coefficients (in their correct positions). I have found a similar answer as regards a polynomial f of two variables x,y
Now, I would like to extend this solution for a multivariate polynomial of n variables [xo,x1,...xn-1]
The polynomial is defined with the following code: (Note: q=next_prime(10000))
A1 = [(', '.join('x%i'%i for i in [0.. n-1]))]; ### construct a suitable multivariate ring
V = var(A1[0]) ### define a str variable
x=vector(list(V)) ### convert to vector
How can I do that?

As a start, given a polynomial g, you can do P1.monomial_all_divisors(lcm(g.monomials())) to get a list of the relevant monomials. You may want to sort that list – I can't tell what order it is in by default – but then you can do this:
sage: P1.<x0, x1, x2> = PolynomialRing(GF(7)) # my simple setup
sage: g = 3*x0*x1 - x1^2 + 2*x1*x2
sage: [(m, g.monomial_coefficient(m)) for m in P1.monomial_all_divisors(lcm(g.monomials()))]
[(x0, 0),
(x1, 0),
(x0*x1, 3),
(x1^2, 6),
(x0*x1^2, 0),
(x2, 0),
(x0*x2, 0),
(x1*x2, 2),
(x0*x1*x2, 0),
(x1^2*x2, 0),
(x0*x1^2*x2, 0)]


Estimation of noise parameters from data

I'm interested in extracting noise parameters from (x, y) data, where x are known input values, y are the corresponding signals, and I typically know quite well the functional form of the noise-generating processes.
n <- 100000
x <- runif(n, min = 50, max = 1000)
y1 <- rnorm(n, 0, 5) + rnegbin(x / 4, theta = 100)
plot(x[1:100000*100], y1[1:100000*100]) #plot every 1ooth datapoint only, for speed
y2 <- x / 7.5 + rnorm(n, 50, 2) + rnorm(n, 0, 0.1 * x / 7.5)
plot(x[1:100000*100], y2[1:100000*100])
y3 <- x + rnorm(n, 0, 5) + rnorm(n, 0, 0.1 * x)
plot(x[1:100000*100], y3[1:100000*100])
y4 <- rnorm(n, 0, 5) + (rnegbin((x + rnorm(n, 0, 5)), theta = 100)) / 2
plot(x[1:100000*100], y4[1:100000*100])
In the (x, y1) example, the y data are (noisy) counts generated according to a negative binomial model (theta = 100) plus some constant (homoskedastic) gaussian noise (with avg = 0, stdev = 5) from the input values x. Also, there is a step somewhere in the process before the generation of the counts that scales down the signal by a factor of 4.
In the (x, y2) example, the signals are generated by a different kind of process where the response factor is 1 / 7.5 so y values are first of all scaled down by that factor, then constant gaussian background noise (avg = 50, stdev = 2), plus more gaussian noise that is proportional to the y (= x / 7.5) is added.
I suppose my main question is: Is there a function or functions that take (x, y) data, as well as user-specified noise model as inputs and spits out the best estimates for, in the case of example y1, the four parameters: theta, constant noise avg, constant noise stdev, and scaling factor?
As a simplification, as in example (x, y3), I may be able to scale the signals manually before the fitting so the signals are (on average) directly proportional to the input, and the algorithm should not consider any scaling factors but assume that on avarage, y is directly proportion to x (slope = 1), eliminating this parameter from consideration, and thus simplifying the fitting process.
There is even more complicated example (x, y4). Here, the signals are produced by a complex process, with the signal is initially proportional to x (no scaling), constant gaussian noise is added (avg = 0, stdev = 5), then noisy counts are generated from that already noisy input, signals are divided by 2, and then more constant gaussian noise (avg = 0, stdev = 5) is added to top it off.
All these seem like a doable things in data processing oriented R, but I haven't been able to find suitable solution. Still, I am not very experienced programmer in general (and R specifically), and I don't have any experience in developing algorithms, so my preceptions may be totally off, in that case my apologies.
The noise levels and exact models presented in these toy examples may not be realistic, but I'm just trying to illustrate that I'd like to find a way to model somewhat complex and user-specified multi-parameter noise scenarios. In lot of cases, I know to high accuracy what kind of processes generated the real-world data of interest so that is not a problem, I can write down the function. The bottleneck is to know what are the appropriate R function(s)/packages to use (and something like this is available in R) and how to use them correctly so I can extract the parameters (which are my main interest) that characterize these processes.
In case there are no general solutions that would cover lot of ground, I'm of course interested in algorithms and functions that specialize in just one type of data as well (e.g., just linear regression). Finally, if fitting complex noise models is not an option, I'd be also interested in starting with something simpler, like just fitting negative binomial alone, in some cases other noise sources may be negligible so it may just do. Like this one
y5 <- rnegbin(x, theta = 100)
Thank you!

Plotting different linear functions

I am trying to optimize a linear function by using a gradient descent method.
At the end of my algorithm, I end up with a vector of a coefficients and b coefficients of the same dimensions which are different from a and b that were calculated by my algorithm.
For each combination of a and b, I would like to plot a linear function y = a*x + b knowing that I generated x and y.
The own is to have all the representations of the intermediate linear functions that were calculated through the algorithm. At the end I want to add the linear regression obtained by lm() to demonstrate how well the method can optimize the a and b coefficients.
It should look like this: linear functions obtained thanks to the different a and b coefficient calculated with the algorithm method
This is the code that I wrote for plotting the different linear functions:
#a and b obtained with algorithm
h = function (a,b,x) a * x + b
data = matrix(c(a,b,x), ncol = 3, nrow = 358)
# 358 is the length of the vectors
i = 1
for (i in length(a)){
i = i+1
One of the problem that annoys me is that I am not sure that I can superimpose the linear functions without using the plot and the points functions.
The second one is that I am not sure that I can plot a linear function if I give the a and b coefficient ?
Would you have a better idea ?
The function abline will add straight lines to a plot. It can also be used to plot a line straight from a regression.
You don't give any sample data (next time, include sample data in your question!), but it would look something like this:
x = runif(50) - 0.5
y = 4 * x + 1 + rnorm(50)
a_values = seq(0, 1, length.out = 10)
b_values = seq(0, 4, length.out = 10)
plot(x, y)
for (i in seq_along(a_values)) {
abline(a = a_values[i], b = b_values[i], col = "dodgerblue2")
abline(lm(y ~ x), lwd = 2)

R: what is the vector of quantiles in density function dvmnorm

dmvnorm(x, mean = rep(0, p), sigma = diag(p), log = FALSE)
The dmvnorm provides the density function for a multivariate normal distribution. What exactly does the first parameter, x represent? The documentation says "vector or matrix of quantiles. If x is a matrix, each row is taken to be a quantile."
> dmvnorm(x=c(0,0), mean=c(1,1))
[1] 0.0585
Here is the sample code on the help page. In that case are you generating the probability of having quantile 0 at a normal distribution with mean 1 and sd 1 (assuming that's the default). Since this is a multivariate normal density function, and a vector of quantiles (0, 0) was passed in, why isn't the output a vector of probabilities?
Just taking bivariate normal (X1, X2) as an example, by passing in x = (0, 0), you get P(X1 = 0, X2 = 0) which is a single value. Why do you expect to get a vector?
If you want a vector, you need to pass in a matrix. For example, x = cbind(c(0,1), c(0,1)) gives
P(X1 = 0, X2 = 0)
P(X1 = 1, X2 = 1)
In this situation, each row of the matrix is processed in parallel.

how to find roots of a multivariate polynomial with only one variable

Say I have a multivariate polynomial ring:
R.<w,x,y,z> = PolynomialRing(ZZ, 4, order='lex')
and a polynomial contains only one variable, for example:
f = w^4 - 1
How can I find the roots of f. Thx.
sage: f.univariate_polynomial().roots()
[(1, 1), (-1, 1)]

Minimization with constraint on all parameters in R

I want to minimize a simple linear function Y = x1 + x2 + x3 + x4 + x5 using ordinary least squares with the constraint that the sum of all coefficients have to equal 5. How can I accomplish this in R? All of the packages I've seen seem to allow for constraints on individual coefficients, but I can't figure out how to set a single constraint affecting coefficients. I'm not tied to OLS; if this requires an iterative approach, that's fine as well.
The basic math is as follows: we start with
mu = a0 + a1*x1 + a2*x2 + a3*x3 + a4*x4
and we want to find a0-a4 to minimize the SSQ between mu and our response variable y.
if we replace the last parameter (say a4) with (say) C-a1-a2-a3 to honour the constraint, we end up with a new set of linear equations
mu = a0 + a1*x1 + a2*x2 + a3*x3 + (C-a1-a2-a3)*x4
= a0 + a1*(x1-x4) + a2*(x2-x4) + a3*(x3-x4) + C*x4
(note that a4 has disappeared ...)
Something like this (untested!) implements it in R.
Original data frame:
d <- data.frame(y=runif(20),
Create a transformed version where all but the last column have the last column "swept out", e.g. x1 -> x1-x4; x2 -> x2-x4; ...
dtrans <- data.frame(y=d$y,
Rename to tx1, tx2, ... to minimize confusion:
names(dtrans)[2:4] <- paste("t",names(dtrans[2:4]),sep="")
Sum-of-coefficients constraint:
constr <- 5
Now fit the model with an offset:
It wouldn't be too hard to make this more general.
This requires a little more thought and manipulation than simply specifying a constraint to a canned optimization program. On the other hand, (1) it could easily be wrapped in a convenience function; (2) it's much more efficient than calling a general-purpose optimizer, since the problem is still linear (and in fact one dimension smaller than the one you started with). It could even be done with big data (e.g. biglm). (Actually, it occurs to me that if this is a linear model, you don't even need the offset, although using the offset means you don't have to compute a0=intercept-C*x4 after you finish.)
Since you said you are open to other approaches, this can also be solved in terms of a quadratic programming (QP):
Minimize a quadratic objective: the sum of the squared errors,
subject to a linear constraint: your weights must sum to 5.
Assuming X is your n-by-5 matrix and Y is a vector of length(n), this would solve for your optimal weights:
lsei(A = X,
B = Y,
E = matrix(1, nrow = 1, ncol = 5),
F = 5)
