Intel Edison WiFi connection refused via browser - arduino

I'm using Arduino IDE with Intel Edison and upload sketch from IDE examples: Examples -> WiFI (Edison) -> SimpleWebServerWiFi. Just updated with password and network name. I can add code from sketch here but here is nothing special. And it seems that connection works fine:
Attempting to connect to Network named: L&N
IP Address:
signal strength (RSSI):-39 dBm
To see this page in action, open a browser to
But when I try to open in browser, result always is the same (no matter which is wifi network or which device):
This site can’t be reached refused to connect.
Any ideas how to solve this?

The avoid this issue use any other port instead of 80. Update line in code in the sketch WiFiServer server(80); with WiFiServer server(81);.
After running the sketch, url address also could be updated with the port number for web browser. For example if your IP address is - add the :81 at the end:


ESP8266 connection to a Arduino Nano

I am trying to connect a WiFi module (ESP8266) to a "funduino" development board (Arduino Nano) but I have no success. Since I tried so much schematics I've found on the internet about the connection between them two, I kindly ask here if is anyone who succeed in "pairing" this two devices.
I am asking for the schematic and a functional source code.
The ESP-01 by default comes with nonOS SDK bootloader that communicated via AT commands, you can find the complete command set from Expressif here. This is designed for an MCU (like Arduino Nano) to use it purely as an WiFi module rather than using it as a stand-alone MCU (for which it will require NodeMCU SDK).
If you ever upload an Arduino sketch up to the ESP-01, it will erase the AT Command firmware.
Assuming your ESP-01 is still having the AT Command firmware. What #Ben provided is a sketch that allows you to type AT commands via the Serial Monitor to internact with the ESP-01, it is manual, and good for testing if ESP-01 is working (you type AT and press return on Serial Monitor, the ESP-01 will ack with Ok) but not practical as a real application. The minimum commands required to established an WiFi connection with ESP-01 is listed below.
AT+CIPMUX=1 - Enable single (0) or multiple connection (1) to the web server.
Multiple connection is a good option if you are repeatedly sending
out or reading data from the Internet.
AT+CWMODE=3 - Set WiFi mode: 1 is station mode (ESP8266 is client), 2 is AP mode
(ESP8266 acts like a WiFi router where your phone or PC can connect),
3 is AP+station mode (make the ESP8266 do both)
AT+CWJAP=“<your-ssid>”,”<your-pw>” - Connect to your WiFi. Provide your SSID name
and password inside the double qoutes.
AT+CIFSR - This returns the IP address of the module, indicating that it has
successfully connected to your WiFi router.
Once the WiFi connection is established, you can further communicate with the ESP-01 via the connection, like accessing a website for example:
AT+CIPSTART=0,"TCP", "","80” - Start TCP or UDP connection. The
0 is the id of the connection.
AT+CIPSEND=0,16 - Command to tell the module data is ready to be sent. 0 is the
connection id, and 16 is the length of the data to be sent.
After this command, the ESP8266 will reply with the “>”
character to tell us that it will be waiting for the data to be
sent. If successful, the module will reply with “SEND OK”
GET / HTTP/1.1 - Send the http header, and other data, etc...
You can write your own sketch to automate those AT commands for interacting with with ESP-01 once you understand the AT commands required for establish a WiFi connection.
Here are two resources that I personally found extremely useful for doing more than connecting to WiFi.
STM32-ESP-01 Web Server - although this is for interfacing with STM32, the main difference is the pin assignment, so you should be able to port to Arduino easily.
MQTT via ESP-01
As for hardware interface, please noted that what #Ben provided is correct in principle, but you need to be aware that the ESP-01(ESP8266 to be precise) is a 3V3 MCU, so the connection is depended on what kind of host board you are using. If you are using Arduino Uno/Nano, both are having a 5V MCU, you will need a voltage divider (two resistors to drop the voltage to 3v3 before connecting to ESP-01) or a level shifter chip at least for the ESP-01 Rx pin to avoid the potential damage to the ESP-01.

After upload the code to ESP12F (esp8266) the windows COM serial port is disapeared

I bought an ESP12F (esp8266 series). My code a led blinker and works my old ESP12E.
After I uploaded via my COM6 port and started the code on ESP12F then the windows COM6 port disapeared from my device manager :(
The port apeared when I disconnect the USBtoSerial (CH340 based) device from my ESP12F. (The code not relevant able to empty too)
I can't use the ESP12F serial port. :(
What can I do?
Thanks, Gabor
The code not relevant
The COM port works and appear only if the ESP12 GPIO0 connected to GND and after reset.
I found the solution and the main problem. So the esp8266 consume bigger than the USBtoSerial adapter capacity. You need an external 3.3V power source (or battery).

Serial Ethernet Board for PIC16F887

I have microcontroller pic16f887 and serial ethernet board. When start browser i have problem - the message is this site can't be reached and i can show the content in browser. What may be the problem???? I use HTTPServerExample
Is the IP address configured correct? Wireshark is a very nice tool you can run on your PC to track the TCP/IP traffic and try to detect what goes wrong.

Implementing I2C slave with FT201XB via USB

I've been trying to test a FT201XQ USB-I2C breakout board: UMFT201XB-01, so I can connect it to a master device such as an Arduino and sniff what that device is sending through I2C.
To see the output of the slave device I have successfully configured a Virtual COM PORT by installing the D2XX drivers provided by I can open the serial port through puTTY and everything seems fine in that regard.
Then, i've loaded the "master_writer" example on my Arduino, which sends 1 byte at a time to an address (0x22 is specified in the UM201XB-01 datasheet as the default address).
Nothing seems to happen in the COM port that i've earlier opened. Do I need to configure/program the FTDI device in some way? In that case, how can I do it, in a general way?
UMFT201XB-01 board
Thank you in advance, and sorry if this is a "noob" question : P

Arduino wifi shield cannot find IP address

Hi i'm trying to access my wifi shield's ip address on the browser but I keep getting Oops! Google Chrome could not connect to "IP ADDRESS".
Things I've done:
1.)Updated firmware on wifi shield using this link
2.) uploaded the wifi WPA sketch from arduino site. My connection is WPA2
3.) I switched between arduino IDE 1.02 and 1.05 but no luck with either
4.) I'm using an arduino uno board that is attached to wifi shield
Help? Thanks!
This might be caused by incorrect router setup. Things you should look at:
1.You may have to first add device mac address to router list and assign it to the specific IP address you want to have.
2.The second option is that router may give his own address to this device by DHCP.
Remember that you have to choose nonroutable IP address for your shield. IP also has to be in your home address range. The simplest way to check that is:
1.Manu Start
2.Launch and type (or type in search) cmd
3.In console type "ipconfig"
Your local IP is in IPv4 .......... 192.168.x.x (most likely)
(in this case shield should have address like (192.168.x.y).
For more information about IP [look here][1]
You can also use Netscan tool to find out if shield is in your LAN.
I hope it will be helpful.
