How does multi-language support work in a platform like Drupal 8? - drupal

I am attempting to scope a website for a client who wants to have a site that will feature multiple language options. They also want it to be a CMS. I am reading that core initiatives for platforms like Joomla, Drupal, etc. are multi-language support, but I am wondering exactly how this works.
My question is on how the translated content gets generated and delivered within these platforms. Would these platforms just check for a language code, then based off that code, print out the Japanese version of the node? The English version of the node? So essentially, for however many languages I'd like to have, I'd have to create an individual page (node) for that specific language that mirrors say, English? So an install with a 10 English pages would also need the same 10 pages with nodes for the Japanese version?
For the admin's sake, would I be better off just setting up multiple Drupal installs in different subdomains or something? So the Japanese admin would visit and only have access to the Japanese database? And same for the English admin?
I guess essentially what I am asking, is if it is better to just duplicate my install on multiple boxes, or have one install on one box with a bunch of "duplicate nodes" that essentially mirror each other, but have different languages within them?

I can't speak to Drupal, but with Joomla - there are languages you can install on the backend (which are pulled from community added locale files I believe)
When you do switch it, you should see a message like "Default Language Saved".
This does not affect users that have chosen a specific language on their profile or on the login page.
However, when using the multilanguage functionality (i.e. when the plugin System - Languagefilter is enabled) the Site Default Language has to also be a published Content language.
So ultimately - use one install. Multiple installs would be a bit silly - especially considering these CMS are designed to have that functionality.

For Drupal, my recommendation would be creating only one site with multilingual support. You have the ability of deciding how you want your site to behave when there is no translation, like showing the original node, or hiding the page completely from the users if you have different menus per language.
Administration would be easier, and content edition probably too.
You can still use subdomains per language if you want to with a single site, that's a feature out of the box with Drupal. You can set up that in the language negotiation page, which is quite flexible in terms of how to perform negotiation of the content and interface languages you want to use.


Best Open Source CMS or library management plugin

I'm looking for a open source or free wordpress CMS or library plugin to post 2,000 huge text articles with search keyword, highlighting like CMS to an existing site.
Could you please let me know which plugin provides a best search like search by keyword, search results displayed easily to navigate with shortcut keys, quickest search etc.,
1. What is a CMS:
"A content management system (CMS)is a computer application that supports the creation and modification of digital content using a common user interface and thus usually supporting multiple users working in a collaborative environment. CMSes have been available since the late 1990s."
1.1 Popular CMS Systems for websites:
WordPress (
Drupal (
Joomla (
There are many more and all of them have different advantages and disadvantages.
2. Example Solution with WordPress:
2.1 First find your domain, buy it and install WordPress. Many hosts offer one-click installers for WordPress.
2.2 Find a theme (WordPress terminology for templates) you want to use. This will define the UX (user experience) for your website. These may include your requested search features for the different posts/articles.
You can find free themes here:
Paid "premium" themes here: (or other ressources)
2.3 Importing & Publishing all your posts: Use one of the many existing importing plugins (WordPress extensions) to import and publish your content.
So far the best plugin I used for importing huge amounts of content with the easiest interface is WP All Import ( It allows imports from different resources and plays well with all a lot of other plugins.
Final Note: I am not associated with any of the above mentioned solutions. The suggestions mentioned above are solely based on my personal experience.

Wordpress multilanguage

I have a Wordpress site that is built on Foundation-theme and using Stella for multilingual plugin. When you change language it works great, but when you click "Home" in the menu, you get redirected to default language.
What do I need to do?
Best practice is always provide code. Well,Check you code either the multilingual is maintaining a session in which it stores the current language title like English(en)
check your URL may be there is a parameter ?lang=en so you need to place this parameter on each link on your whole site to keep the user in the respective language.
for Example your logo should be this:
<img src="/images/logo.jpg"/>
5 Easy Steps To Create A WordPress Multilanguage Website.
Their website. They must also learn to create a WordPress multilanguage website as it will be helpful in reaching new audiences. Creating a multilanguage setup does not require building a new interface. Instead, the content of the existing website is translated into different languages. This helps in communicating the vast majority of the world’s population which is not familiar with English.
Multilanguage interfaces give visitors the convenience of browsing the content in the language of their choice. This sort of personalized user experience helps in fostering strong relationships with customers. WordPress website owners can use the following steps to add multilingual capabilities to their interface.
Read More:-WordPress Multilanguage Website

SEO influence of location and topic as subdomain and folder

I'm currently developing the layout of my new website. I plan to build a central website and subdomains for different aspects of my online presence.
I decided to create the central website as a hub for my other sites because even though the topics and target groups of my sites differ I want them to stay connected. I'll be using Wordpress as my CMS/Blog of choice, WPML for localisation (english / german) and the Wordpress 3.0 Multisite Feature to fuel all networked blogs (subdomains) with the same wordpress installation.
On my central website ( I'll show excerps of my latest additions to the other sites as well as social media streams and stuff. The content of the other sites are for
potential clients/employees,
people interested in the web stuff I coded (read: scripts, css and html tricks etc.)
people I know and interact with online (more casual content)
What would be the best approach if I want those subdomains for the topics as well as different versions for english and german. I'm not sure I like the /de/ and /en/ approach but feels wrong too.
Should I go with language or topic as a subdomain and the other as a folder? Should I register both .de and a neutral tld (.com or .net)?
< edit >
After reading Steve H's comment, I'll put the nickname website on a seperate domain, beeing to casual for the other sites. Other then that I'll propably use a language subdirectory either with a topic subdomain or topic subdirectory.
< /edit >
I think this is largely down to personal choice, but if I was you I would choose between either totally separate domains for each of your aspects or just have one main domain ( and just use Wordpress's category's to separate each section.
In terms of tld I would go for .com if you are trying to hit an international market or just use your native tld (.de ?) if not.
I can't really see any advantage with your subdomain approach to either SEO or to the user (unless you want more separation between services, in which case new top level domains would be better), so how about: (if not too casual)
So really it's up to you to decide just how separate these concerns are, from your list I think 1 and 2 certainly would match as any clients would be interested in your code / portfolio but perhaps point 3 would be best served on a separate domain if this is indeed too casual / you don't want clients to make too much reference to it.
Lastly in terms of language, could you not leave this up to the user, i.e. choose either English or German as your default language, but just add a link on the page to see the 'other' language. Again I would be reluctant to make 2 versions of the same page in different languages as it would be twice as much work for you to maintain, also in Chrome for example language translation is a trivial thing.

Could I use a pre-built CMS or should I build one from the ground-up?

I am working on a project for a client that started out as a simple CMS with pages, posts, and a directory. The client is constantly expanding the scope of this project with requirements for customization of just about everything. As a single developer, I am having trouble keeping up with the clients time-table. I have googled for software packages that might already exist that proved the features my client needs but I have not found anything. Does anyone know of any pre-built software that allows for the following customization or at least better words to describe this type of package?
Here are some examples of the customization that is requested:
A page or directory listing needs to be formatted from an admin-defined template. Within this template there needs to be admin-defined sections that contain admin-defined data types. (This is so the look and feel of the site can be maintained while users can easily build content, add listings, and etc.)
Advertising-tiles need to be able to be defined and populated globally and at page level.
All user generated content, pages, posts, and directory listings need to be associated with user and have flexibility to show all other user generated content for inter-linking between same users content.
Site would need billing/e-commerce system for premium listings, premium posts, advertising tiles, and etc.
Approval system for all user added or edited content (pages, posts, directory listings, etc.)
( and mvc are definitely preferable)
Site would need billing/e-commerce system
This is the number one reason you should not roll your own. Find an established CMS and take the time to learn to use it.
My dear friend, I've read your question & I may suggest that you should try some open-source CMS software with your own which can generate, display admin-generated templates & other stuffs. You should use the
Pre-bulit CMS software for keeping track of pages.
Your own small customized cms for maintaining templates.
osCommerce (open-source) for eCommerce support.
I've not had a change to use it, and I'm not sure if it will provide for you all of your demands or not, but I've heard a lot of great things about the project. Have you tried the open source project Drupal?

Drupal frontend-specific language

I've installed and configured a Drupal project in English but the frontend of the site should be in dutch. Now i was wondering if it's possible to configure frontend specific translations. The error messages etc. of the website (in the frontend) should be in Dutch.
If you want to run your site with a single language, you need to install and enable it. Some parts of the translation might not be completed, so you might need to do some work yourself to get a 100% translated site.
If you want to run english or another language in the admin, there is a module for that.
The easiest (and probably best) way to do this is to select "Nederlands (Dutch)" as the default language during installation (there are detailed instructions on the install page on how to do this). Changing the default language after you've installed it (and with some content already added) might lead to problems (it's not recommended to do this)...
If you do decide to add "Nederlands (Dutch)" to your current Drupal install, make sure you first put the translation files in the correct place BEFORE activating the new language. You will also have to enable the Locale module BTW (if you haven't done so already).
