Drupal frontend-specific language - drupal

I've installed and configured a Drupal project in English but the frontend of the site should be in dutch. Now i was wondering if it's possible to configure frontend specific translations. The error messages etc. of the website (in the frontend) should be in Dutch.

If you want to run your site with a single language, you need to install and enable it. Some parts of the translation might not be completed, so you might need to do some work yourself to get a 100% translated site.
If you want to run english or another language in the admin, there is a module for that.

The easiest (and probably best) way to do this is to select "Nederlands (Dutch)" as the default language during installation (there are detailed instructions on the install page on how to do this). Changing the default language after you've installed it (and with some content already added) might lead to problems (it's not recommended to do this)...
If you do decide to add "Nederlands (Dutch)" to your current Drupal install, make sure you first put the translation files in the correct place BEFORE activating the new language. You will also have to enable the Locale module BTW (if you haven't done so already).


Can I install wordpress twice on a domain

I have a website mywebsite.com, I already have wordpress blog installed on mywebsite.com/blog; now I have a human french translated version of my website here fr.mywebsite.com, now I'm stuck between two choices:
1. Installing wordpress again on fr.website.com/blog and hire a french blog writer to take charge.
2. OR, Continue with the already existing mywebsite.com/blog and then get a machine translator to automatically switch between languages.
I want to know if it is Ok to have wordpress installed twice on my domain (1 on the main domain and 1 on the subdomain).
I really need the public's opinion to help me decide because I really want to search/google about this, but I didn't even know what to search for in the first place. Thanks.
A human translation maybe is better and you can have Taylor made content for each language. There is no problem having a second installation to the same domain.
You can also check for a multi site solution or even simpler using a multi language plugin.
Finally there is always the custom multilingual solution but it depends on your coding experience.
Of course this is my point of view

How does multi-language support work in a platform like Drupal 8?

I am attempting to scope a website for a client who wants to have a site that will feature multiple language options. They also want it to be a CMS. I am reading that core initiatives for platforms like Joomla, Drupal, etc. are multi-language support, but I am wondering exactly how this works.
My question is on how the translated content gets generated and delivered within these platforms. Would these platforms just check for a language code, then based off that code, print out the Japanese version of the node? The English version of the node? So essentially, for however many languages I'd like to have, I'd have to create an individual page (node) for that specific language that mirrors say, English? So an install with a 10 English pages would also need the same 10 pages with nodes for the Japanese version?
For the admin's sake, would I be better off just setting up multiple Drupal installs in different subdomains or something? So the Japanese admin would visit jp.mysite.com/user and only have access to the Japanese database? And same for the English admin?
I guess essentially what I am asking, is if it is better to just duplicate my install on multiple boxes, or have one install on one box with a bunch of "duplicate nodes" that essentially mirror each other, but have different languages within them?
I can't speak to Drupal, but with Joomla - there are languages you can install on the backend (which are pulled from community added locale files I believe)
When you do switch it, you should see a message like "Default Language Saved".
This does not affect users that have chosen a specific language on their profile or on the login page.
However, when using the multilanguage functionality (i.e. when the plugin System - Languagefilter is enabled) the Site Default Language has to also be a published Content language.
So ultimately - use one install. Multiple installs would be a bit silly - especially considering these CMS are designed to have that functionality.
For Drupal, my recommendation would be creating only one site with multilingual support. You have the ability of deciding how you want your site to behave when there is no translation, like showing the original node, or hiding the page completely from the users if you have different menus per language.
Administration would be easier, and content edition probably too.
You can still use subdomains per language if you want to with a single site, that's a feature out of the box with Drupal. You can set up that in the language negotiation page, which is quite flexible in terms of how to perform negotiation of the content and interface languages you want to use.

Integrate blog into own website

There are already several questions with a similar title, but they received either no answers, or the answers were too specific.
I would like to integrate a blog into a website, so that content can be updated using a simple interface, e.g. from a wordpress/blogger/... account. I find the solutions with iframe cumbersome and unprofessional and I am not sure that modding a wordpress/blogger/... theme gives satisfactory results either, plus, I am not fond of running a whole wordpress engine on my website.
I build my light-weight websites from scratch (in gedit, Notepad for Linux), so I am not tied to any particular system or software and have full control over the layout.
Do you have any suggestions for achieving a satisfactory solution? Will I have to learn ASP.NET and IIS?
Many thanks.
WordPress is a good solution for your system. It's easy to install and use.
Requirements from WordPress Codex:
WordPress server requirements for Version 3.2:
o PHP version 5.2.4 or greater
o MySQL version 5.0.15 or greater
o (Optional)(Required for MultiSite) Apache mod_rewrite module (for clean URIs known as Permalinks)
It is also required that you install it on Apache. So, no need to learn ASP.NET and IIS.
If you want to have a blog, just pust the wordpress files in a folder called blog and install it there. You will then be able to access the website from yourdomain.com/blog/
Perhaps, I think integrating WP will be the best solution.. Integrating WordPress.
And for the IIS alternative, ChiliASP can be an alternative for IIS on Linux, but costs $$$ and I heard it wasn't working well. Alternative to that, learn PHP/MySQL. You'll never regret learning it, and you'll never go back to IIS/ASP. Linux/GNU opens doors like you wont beleive.

Etherpad and Wordpress, possible?

I recently stumbled upon Etherpad, it's a collaborative writing tool
http://code.google.com/p/etherpad/ - main project page
online Examples:
I want to add this engine somehow to my wordpress and let people collaborate their posts,
I'm wondering if it has been done before and/or does it take more than
shared hosting (that is what I have) to do it [server capabilities or what-not] ?
In general, I think this is a complicated way to go about it. Also, Etherpad allows some very basic font formatting but no images and such things you might want to include in a blog. Instead I suggest looking for some Wordpress plugin for collaborative writing, and you might find something less "real-timey" but perhaps good enough.
Or if you really want to try with Etherpad:
Etherpad needs lots of memory (RAM) to run. A typical configuration is 1 GB, but it might be possible to get by on 128MB dedicated to Etherpad. This means you'll need at least 256MB in total for a first attempt. Your shared host also needs to have a Java server installed (typically Jetty) and some proxying server (typically nginx). All in all, you have some work ahead of you in just getting Etherpad up and running. After that, integrating into the Wordpress blog editor. If/how this can be done, I don't know. I'd probably do a client-side javascript-hack to get the Wordpress textarea or richtext editarea to update from the Etherpad readonly view, which is the only place where you can get the contents of a pad as more-or-less raw source text.
A simpler solution would be to just add an Etherpad page through an iFrame. See this post for example - http://www.knowledgepolicy.com/2010/02/embed-etherpad-into-blogpost-or-on-any.html
In theory it's possible to replace Wordpress' editor with an Etherpad Lite iFrame. Etherpad now allows image/font editing and table support as plugins.
Java is no longer required for Etherpad, NodeJS however is.
Here is a plugin that is in development that does what you want - however development seemed to stop in early 2012.
http://participad.org/ seems to be the best solution in this space to date. I haven't tested it on my own site, but they have an at least partially-working demo online.
Yes! It is possible. WordPress now has a plugin. The plugin has three modules which enables an Editor in dashboard and let you edit via front-end.
You can find more details on their FAQ page.

Drupal: xmlsitemap file is not generated

I have chosen XMLSiteMap module from the most popular usage statistics on Drupal site,
so I assume the module is not too buggy. But the map file is absent.
I've installed this module on my Windows machine into drupal/sites/default/modules.
I've activated all the submodules of XMLSiteMap in admin menu.
Per docs, I've also run cron.php manually to create sitemap.xml in drupal/sites/default/files - but it's just not present there even when second re-install.
How can I force to create sitemap.xml?
(also tried with and w/o clean URLs - still no help).
Also, if there any good reliable alternative for this module?
Are you sure you've installed it properly? Please check the Status report (admin/logs/status in Drupal 5, admin/reports/status in Drupal 6) to ensure that you've got everything right.
It's possible that you haven't set the permissions of sites/default/files properly yet for example.
I'm not sure if this will help you, but if you are looking for an actual created sitemap.xml file rather than navigating to it in the browser I don't believe one is created by the module. I think the module creates a menu callback to create the sitemap file, so a request for sitemap.xml is handled by Drupal's menu system, rather than creating an actual file. There will however be a cached version in sites/default/files/xmlsitemap.
Apologies if this is an oversimplification of the question asked.
I have not had any problems with the reliability of the module myself.
Also make sure you have the latest version installed, it just came out yesterday:
Also, see this issue, seems related to your problem:
I'd probably recommend trying the 6.x-2.x branch which I've been rewriting to kind of solve all the annoying bugs and architectural problems of the 6.x-1.x branch. It's currently incomplete, but it works for nodes and menu items currently. Taxonomy terms and user profiles will be added soon.
You can find the link to it on the project page. Sorry I can't link since I'm a new user. :)
Running the CRON worked for me:
