When to invalidate session - http

This is a general question regarding web session management.
What is the best practice approach to managing session timeout?
Assume a system where a user logs in, a session is created on the server, and a token identifier is sent back to the client (via httpOnly cookie).
If the user attempts some access-based check where the session is validated, presumably it makes sense to update an expiry time on the session in the DB. Does this also mean that when this happens, we should update the expiry time on the session token cookie to match?
This seems like the most obvious solution to me, but constantly rewriting the cookie seems like a lot of overhead.
Any insight into best-practice approaches is greatly appreciated. Thanks!

How to manage session timeout to keep user logged-in, prevent he/she from accidental logout?
To keep user logged-in, it is not necessary to constantly rewrite the cookie. All you need to do is making the session token cookie's expires as Session, then as long as browser is open (client keeps using your site), the session token cookie is valid. Server does not need to know the session expires time (as there is no pre-defined session expires time any more), not mention store it in DB. After user close the browser, the session token cookie is cleared, and session is terminated (invalidated).
Normally, there will be a "session timeout" setting in server, such as session-timeout in Struts2, which kills the session if client doesn’t make any request after some time.
How to make session "validate" even if user closes the browser? That is, how to implement the "remember me for 1 week" feature?
To implement this feature, a new token cookie is used (e.g. RememberMeToken). When user login successfully (possibly enable the "Remember me" checkbox on UI), server will generate a unique random token and store it in DB (together with its expires time for security reason), make it belong to user account. This RememberMeToken cookie's expires time is pretty long (1 week for example), and will be sent back to browser together with login response.
When user close the browser and re-visit the site later (or the user is inactive for long time and the session is killed in server side), server checks session token cookie and find it's missing/invalid. At this point, RememberMeToken will be checked and compared with token stored in DB, if there is a match, server will make auto-login operation for corresponding user, and return generated session token cookie to browser. This all happens in backend, client user won't feel anything.
After 1 week since user enable the "Remember me" checkbox on UI and login, the RememberMeToken cookie is expired, and user need to login again if he/she opens browser and visit the site.


Why is User.Identity.IsAuthenticated equal true after I restart my dev. server?

I think that internal mechanism of authenticaton should set a cookie with a token and store the same token on a server and next on every request compare the tokens from the cookie and on the server and if they are equal then user is logged in. I don't know where a server stores token, maybe in Session or something else (not persistent), but I'm sure that after the server's restart the server's tokens's store should be cleaned up therefore a user with an old cookie can't be authenticated. But in a practice after I restart my server a user is still authenticated and have access to pages because User.Identity.IsAuthenticated returns true. It seems to me wrong. Even if I remove this user from my DB (I use Membership) because I don't want this user have access anymore and restart my server, the user is still authenticated. Can anyone explain this?
Source of answer
Here is how authentication process works.
You setup some stuff in your web.config around where the login page is, how long the login is good for and whether or not to use sliding
expiration (should the time be extended if the user is active on your
User comes to your site, enters their username and password.
That information is posted to your server. You take that information, verify that it is correct (authenticate). If it is
correct, the server then issues an encrypted cookie known as the
FormsAuthenticationTicket Note - this could have a different name in
the new Identity stuff, but the same principle.
The cookie's contents includes items such as the user name and expiration date of the login.
On each request, the server looks at the cookie collection for the authentication cookie. If found, it decrypts it, reads the values and
determines if this is still a valid cookie (expiration time). Once it
has the user information from the cookie, the server can use this
information to determine if the user is authorized for the resource
requested (look up by username).
If the cookie is not present, or has expired, or When the user logs out, the cookie is deleted from the cookie collection. Now, if the user tries to go to a resource that is for authorized users only, then the user is redirected back to the login page.
Hope this helps.

SQL Server Storing session state seems not to be working?

I've configured SQL Server to store session state (from here).
All I want to do is that when the user has logged into my application via browser A, I see that logged session when I visit my app from the browser B.
Right now that scenario doesn't work, I must log in one more time.
When browser B is opened (assuming it's a different browser altogether or a new instance of the same browser) a new session is created; therefore, what you see is expected behavior.
Also, I assume you mention this because you store in session some sort of key that indicates that the user has logged in successfully, correct?
If you want this behavior, you'd need to send some sort of authentication cookie with a long expiration date, you'd then read the cookie on the login page and consider the user as successfully authenticated, but keep in mind that this is a potential security risk.

How does gmail keep a user logged in?

I wonder how gmail/Google keeps a user logged in even across sessions. And how (e.g. cookies) and what (e.g. time) do they use to decide to re-prompt the user for the login?
The short answer is that cookies do not have to expire when you close down the broweser or the machine they are on. Depending on constraints configured in the browser, if the server sets an expiry date in the future, the browser will continue to present the cookie until that expiry time.
Well cookies are stored in your local machine, you can see those in totals -content settings -cookies.You can clear the cookies as well.So your information is stored there.More over about the sessions if they have been implemented on the websites...They could be destroyed by two methods ,one is by giving the time for session to expire the another way is when you forcefully want to expire the session then session abandon method is used.You must have seen sometimes if you don't scroll through a page for some time, then its written there your session has been expired. Sessions are executed on the server side and there values can be stored on the client side in the cookies as well.
Hope it would help you to understand William

How can I make a security token automatically expire in a passive STS setup?

I have a passive STS set up for a new application I'm working on.
I've noticed that when a user's session expires, the user is still authenticated. I would have thought that when the session expires, the user would no longer be authenticated. My boss discussed this with me as I am currently charged with setting up the authentication. He says that it would be good if we could make the user's log on expire after a certain period of inactivity similar to how the session expires.
I am familiar with how to sign a user out with a few lines of code. How can I make it so that the user is automatically signed out after a specified period of inactivity?
Currently, I have some code in the global.asax file that programmatically checks when the last request was and compares it to the current time; it then signs the user out if a certain period of time has expired.
Peter Kron has proposed an answer in your MSDN thread:
Handle the SessionSecurityTokenCreated event raised by WSFederationAuthenticationModule. In that you can create a new SessionSecurityToken from the proposed token, and set the lifetime as you please.

Asp.Net - FormsAuthentication ASPXAUTH Cookie ExpiryDate = 01/01/0001 00:00:00

I use a ASP.Net login control in a straightforward manor however I have spotted that the ASPXAUTH cookie has an expiry date of {01/01/0001 00:00:00}. Should this not get to something to prevent hacker manipulation? I am not issuing the cookie myself I am letting .Net create it.
I have run a scan on my web app and it is able to store the ASPX cookie information, go to the log out page and then go to a page without a need to login I assume using the stored cookie information.
Using the application manually I am unable to do this, it always sends me to the login page when trying to access the page.
The logout page calls FormsAuthentication.SignOut()
EDIT: Turns out this is a known problem! Who knew! http://support.microsoft.com/kb/900111
You cannot read the cookies expiration date and time. The browser uses the cookies expiration date to determine whether or not to send the cookie to the server. If a cookie has expired, the browser does not send that cookie to the server with the page request, the cookie is deleted.
If the cookie has not expired the cookie is sent to the sever sans expiration information, since this information is utilized by the browser to determine if the cookie should be sent or not. You can read the expiration date from the request, but as you have discovered it returns a date time value of zero.
Try checking the expiry date of Response.Cookies collection in the LoggedIn event. This should yield the correct expiry date of the cookie.
protected void Login1_LoggedIn(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
HttpCookie cookie = Response.Cookies(".ASPXAUTH");
DateTime expires = cookie.Expires;
See Basics of Cookies in ASP.NET for more information.
If you save the value of the cookie, log out, and then re-present that cookie to the server, it will just log you in automatically as if you had never logged out.
This is because you can also tell the .NET framework to set a persistent authentication cookie (by default you can present this option to the user with the "Remember Me?" checkbox exposed with the DisplayRememberMe property of the Login control) so the expiry date would be a value in the future.
When the user comes back to the site and their browser sends the cookie, they are automatically logged in - so the behaviour you're seeing is be design.
If you need to be more secure, the easiest thing to do is add a method to the OnLoggedIn event of the login control, and set a session value (i.e. Session.Add("HasLoggedIn", true)) that you can then check elsewhere, and if it's not true, redirect to the login page:
if (null == Session["HasLoggedIn"] || !(bool)Session["HasLoggedIn"]) {
Edit to respond to comment:
Which is why you're seeing the expiry date of 01/01/0001 00:00:00 - this will be deleted at the end of your session - or when you close the browser - but there's nothing fundamentally wrong with what you're seeing - just because you're not setting a persistent cookie doesn't mean that if you send a copy of an old cookie back to the server it won't log you in with it.
As I said, if you want to ensure that users have to log in each time (or to "resolve" this issue), add a session variable that you set when the user actually logs in, and reject all requests without it.
Further edit for second comment
From Explained: Forms Authentication:
Each time a subsequent request is received after authentication, the FormsAuthenticationModule class retrieves the authentication ticket from the authentication cookie, decrypts it, computes the hash value, and compares the MAC value to help ensure that the cookie has not been tampered with. Finally, the expiration time contained inside of the forms authentication ticket is verified.
Note ASP.NET does not depend on the expiration date of the cookie because this date could be easily forged.
So the cookie has to sent back to the server before the ticket has expired.
