is it possible for Kaa Sandbox address to be a domain name? - kaa

Kaa Sandbox address only accepts ip address. Is it somehow possible to replace this with a domain name like or This is required as my demo applications are unable to communicate with the Sandbox.

Yes it is possible. You can use an amazon server like EC2 to host the kaa server and then use amazon route53 to point the domain name to the server. You can also use AWS elastic beanstalk to achieve the same. You would then have a domain name for accessing your kaa sandbox.
Having said that, any demo app would communicate with the kaa server IP address. Not sure why you need a domain name for this purpose.


Openstack allow api access from vm

We are currently using Openstack newtown. We can access the API using client on public endpoint from any computer, but the vm don't have access to it, they can ping the IP and dns name but can't curl or access using openstack-client. How can we allow connection from VM to API ?
Assuming your public API endpoint is externally accessible, the network on which your virtual machine resides will need external access. This can be achieved in a few different ways, depending on your current configuration. You can create a Neutron provider network/subnet which will provide access to a physical network and gateway to the outside world. You can then boot your instance directly on the provider network. More information on Neutron provider networks can be found at
The problem is that floating IP don't give the route of my external network.
I add route using neutron and now all is working perfectly. for info the command is:
neutron router-update demo-routeur --routes type=dict list=true destination=,nexthop=

Accessing Google cloud VM applications through external IP

I have Google Cloud instance (RHEL 6.7 and I have an application working on HTTPS protocol on port 10614). This is perfectly working when I am using the internal IP
I have an external IP with which I am connecting to this machine which is
So i would like to expose my application to the internet using this IP address. Could you please help, how should I be doing the mapping for this?
I have already created the firewall rule for this, but it is not working.
You need to open port 10614 in your Google Cloud Console firewall. You can use the following link: Just replace your-project-id with your project id.

Can I allow access to a site available only on LAN to another user connected to my computer?

So I know I can use ngrok to project a website I host on localhost to be available publicly. Can I do the same for another site, which is only available in the local network, but not hosted on my machine?
For example, there is a website hosted on, which is a version of the website that's only available to people connected to the internal wifi, but I want to so my customer a new feature that's only available on that website, without making it available to everyone. The customer can only access it while somehow connected to my machine. Can ngrok or a similar tool do this?
You can use ngrok to expose any host, accessible to you, to the internet. See
You have already used ngrok to tunnel traffic between internet and your localhost. Similarly, if you want to expose a web server in your LAN, say, just execute ngrok http, instead of ngrok http 80.

Whats my IP and subnet from Azure website?

Im building out an Azure hosted website, but it needs to reach into our home office to connect to some internally hosted web services. Our firewall is setup to only allow traffic over certain IP's, so we're looking to determine what IP range we need to allow access to.
Currently I'm still using the MSDN "Free" Azure subscription, so I don't know what options may be limited, but is there a way I can determine what source IP, subnet, whatever my Azure hosted site will attempt to call my web services from?
Be careful opening your firewall to the entire Azure datacenter IP ranges. Anybody can host anything in Azure, including malicious software, so if you open your firewall to the entire Azure IP range you may as well just open to because in effect you are getting the same security.
A better option is to deploy your service and just whitelist that one IP address. That IP address is guaranteed to remain the same until you delete your service. With the ability to do in-place upgrades and VIP swaps there should be no reason why you would need to delete your hosted service and lose your IP address. If you ever do run into a scenario where you need to delete/redeploy you can always update your firewall at that time.
It sounds like this is what you're looking for:
Windows Azure Datacenter IP Ranges

Access to a site on localhost from remote

I use to develop my project on my localhost, on apache in ubuntu machine.
Sometimes i need to show progress to my costumer.
Is it possible to access to localhost from remote machine?
You can use a service that provides a tunnel to your local service, such as localtunnel, pagekite or ngrok. These services simplify setting up remote demos, mobile testing and some provide request inspection as well.
I find ngrok useful because it provides a https address, which is needed to test things like webcam access.
Terms used in this answer:
Host = machine with site on it
Client = machine you are trying to access the host from
If the host and client are on the same network, you can access the host from the client by entering
http://(hostname or ip address)
in your client's browser. If the site is not running on port 80 (for http) or port 443 (for https), add the post as so (this example is for if your server is on 8080, a common alternate port):
http://(hostname or ip address):8080
If the host and client are not on the same network, and you need to reach across the internet from the client to see the host, you will need to make your host available on the internet for the client to access.
This can be extremely dangerous for your information security if you're not sure what you're doing and I'd recommend getting a cheap-o hosting account (can get them for like $10/month at places like 1:1 hosting).
There are many methods to do this - the difference is security, easiness of the configuration and cost of the solution.
Following I am typing some methods with some analyses
Port Forwarding (with Dynamic DNS and SSL encryption)
This requires router configuration (to forward your routers public port to loclhoat port), however this requires you to have fixed ip address. In case your ip address is not fixed (in most cases) you need to use Dynamic DNS services to be able to use domain name instead ip address (there are lot of available free services). Here we still have security question open. To solve security question i.e. setup ssl certificate we can use Let’s Encrypt service ( ) to get free certificate, however we should configure local server to use the certificate or we should setup reverse proxy (in most cases nginx or apache) and configure proxy to use certificate.
Conclusion – Hard to setup if we want to have secure connection (can be done for free)
For this scenario we should use VPN services. We should connect our local machine to VPN then in other side we should connect our client's machine to VPN that will allow us to access to localhost by local IP address. We can set up our own VPN server however this requires knowledge to do it right.
Conclusion – Easy, Paid, Secure, Bad User Experience (connecting to VPN every time you need to connect to localhost)
For this scenario we can use free tunneling services (i.e. The process is very straight forward i.e. Register a User, Connect your device to service (by running one line command on device), use Web interface to open/close secure tunnels to the device.
Conclusion – Free, Secure, Easy
Yes, if you have a public and static IP. Usually, ISPs offer static ips during a session (i.e. until you disconnect and connect again)
