Best way to implement a custom X509TrustManager to validate cert OR provided thumbprint - x509certificate

Fairly new to Java security, am trying to write custom X509TrustManager to verify that when I connect to a server, it either has a trusted cert chain (from a truststore I have configured), OR, if not, then that the certificate it presents has one of the SHA256 thumbprints the custom trust manager has (also which I have provided). I thought coding this would be a simple slamdunk (as hinted by JSSE ref) - delegate to the default trust manager, catch the specific exception that indicates something like "certificate chain not trusted", check if instead the thumbprint matches, if it matches, ignore the exception, otherwise propagate it. Apparently, there is no nice "CertificateUntrustedException". What I get is the following exception. Is there no vendor independent clean way of solving this problem (or the higher level problem of checking trusted cert OR externally provided thumbprint).
Thanks! PKIX path building failed: unable to find valid certification path to requested target


Firebase Trigger E-Mail Hostname/IP does not match certificate's altnames

I am using the extension "Trigger E-Mail" in Firebase. When I try to send an e-mail and I get the following error:
Error [ERR_TLS_CERT_ALTNAME_INVALID]: Hostname/IP does not match certificate's altnames
Does this mean the loaded certificate must contain my hostname to work? Sorry, I just have started studying certificates. If I am right then one solution would be to add my hostname into the certificate. As I am using a thirdparty mailprovider. UPDATE: The smtp server uses a shared certificate which doesnt include any other domain and it will never happen.
Similar posts using nodejs tell to set the following configuration:
{ rejectUnauthorized : false }
First I cannot set his configuration into the Extension, secondly I do not want to remove the security feature.
What do you recommend?

Freeradius no authentication method found

I have Asterisk server with Freeradius server on the same machine and trying to authenticate with Radius if a user can make a call or not but I am getting an error while calling that is:
ERROR: No authenticate method (Auth-Type) found for the request: Rejecting the user
Failed to authenticate the user.
Is there something that I am missing in one of Radius files that I have to add?
The issue is that no module in the authorize section of your virtual server has taken responsibility for processing the request.
You should remove the contents of the authorize section, and list the following modules:
authorize {
You should then run the server in debug mode radiusd -X to see which module is taking responsibility for the request (you'll see one returns ok or updated where the others return noop). We'll call this the auth module
Once you've figured out which module will take responsibility for the request you'll need to provide a suitably hashed password.
Here are the password hashes that will work with the different modules.
pap - any
chap - Cleartext-Password, CHAP-Password
mschap - Cleartext-Password, NT-Password
digest - Cleartext-Password, Digest-HA1
eap - Depends on inner method (respond to this answer and I can give further guidance).
For testing you can put the password in a flat file local to the server. The module which deals with these flat files is the files module.
To add entries to the users file, first truncate /etc/raddb/users (alter for your installation).
Then add the following entry to the top:
<username> <password attr> := <password>
With values in <> replaced with the real values.
Remove the unused modules in authorize, and add the files module at the top.
authorize {
<auth module>
Then remove all the modules from authenticate and add the <auth module>
authenticate {
<auth module>
That should give you up and running. If no modules take responsibility for the request, please post the list of attributes in the request from the top of the debug output, and i'll help you identify it.
You need configure your radius to add missing headers
You can enabled full debug on radius server, it will show you all packets radius server get.
Freeradius allow add any header into packet on any stage, see doc.

Error "WIF10201: No valid key mapping found" when trying to create claims from SAML

I am trying to validate a SAML response which is coming from Siteminder IDP from a third party. I have installed the certificate provided by them. When I call the ValidateToken method (System.IdentityModel.Tokens) to create claims, I get following error :
WIF10201: No valid key mapping found for
securityToken:'System.IdentityModel.Tokens.X509SecurityToken' and
issuer: 'issuer uri'
I dug in deep to find the error and its being thrown by method GetIssuerName (System.IdentityModel.Tokens).
Where is the problem? I googled for this issue but didn't find anything specific to my case. Does the SAML token from my client have a problem or there is something I am missing in implementation. I am fairly new to federated auth so please excuse any inaccuracy with the terminology used.
Ok found the solution but could't quite understand the readon behind it (complete noob, will update the answer when I know more).
Followed this approach of converting the SAML2 response to WSFed response, then on that new token I ran my code, now the error is gone.
Note : you still have to override the validate token method (which I had originally done) to avoid the following error :
“ID4154: A Saml2SecurityToken cannot be created from the Saml2Assertion because it contains a SubjectConfirmationData which specifies an InResponseTo value. Enforcement of this value is not supported by default. To customize SubjectConfirmationData processing, extend Saml2SecurityTokenHandler and override ValidateConfirmationData.”
You are probably missing a configuration that maps the issuer name (as specified inside the token) to the certificate (probably specified with a thumbprint). I guess you solve this with some configuration in your web.config. Have a look at p.e. Microsoft validating issuer name registry The page contains some sample configuration. Setting this up correctly depends entirely on your situation.
I wanted to make a note for future reference, since I also ran into this error but my resolution was different. I got the WIF10201 error in a custom MVC application that is using ADFS (3.0) claims-based authentication under Windows Server 2012. In the web.config of the MVC application, the thumbprint of the ADFS token signing key is recorded. It turns out, when the signing certificate is about to expire, ADFS creates a new key. The new key is marked "primary" and the old key is marked as "secondary" in the ADFS console (under AD FS/Service/Certificates). So in my web.config there was, of course, still the thumbprint of the old (secondary) key. As soon as I replaced it with the thumbprint of the new (primary) key, the error disappeared.

Certificate validation failed

Actors site - Client
-Wcf services - Server
Both applications runs on IIS-7.
I want to make integration test between the two applications. The client access the Server through 'https'.
I have created a certificate and assigned it to the server. I also added the certificate to the 'Trusted Root Certification Authorities' to be considered a valid certificate. When I 'hit' the server's services through my browser (IE, chrome...) the certificate appears to be valid. But when my client application tries to access the server then I get the following error:
Could not establish trust relationship for the SSL/TLS secure channel with authority **** --->
The remote certificate is invalid according to the validation procedure.
Is there any way to skip the validation procedure or to make the certificate valid for my client application?
Just to know:
1. I cannot purchase a certificate because I will only use it for testing purposes.
2. I cannot make any changes on any of the application's code (server-client)
I finally managed to figured it out.
The problem was a previous (expired) certificate with the same name that was already added to the 'Trusted Root Certification Authorities'. Every time I was installing my new certificate through the 'Certificate Import Wizard' (or through MMC) the wizard informed me that it was successfully added. However, it was keeping the instance of the previous certificate without overwriting it.
Modify the validation callback to always return true:
ServicePointManager.ServerCertificateValidationCallback += (sender, certificate, chain, policyErrors) => true;
Or does that violate the 'no changes to code' condition?
How did you install the certificate into your trusted root store?
If you went through a browser to do it, most likely you only added it to the current user. Try adding it through the MMC snap-in for the Local Computer Account instead; this is where we install our self-signed IIS Express certificates and WCF seems happy with them.

BizTalk SOAP port password in binding file

I've inherited a BizTalk 2006 application that uses several SOAP ports to request data from a 3rd party web service. The web service is secured by "basic" authentication - username / password. After making a few enhancements to the application I deployed to an integration test server which has access to the 3rd party web service. The BizTalk app was unable to retrieve the data and I soon realised that I had forgotten to set the username / password on the SOAP send ports. I wanted the make deployment of the BizTalk app as automated as possible because I may not be present when it is deployed to the live server. I opened up the binding file, located the 1st of the problem SOAP send ports and looked for the * that BizTalk uses to replace the password - except that it doesn't! It seems that the password for SOAP ports is set to NULL rather than *, see here for more details:
I proceeded to update the binding but when I came to test, after importing my amended binding file, I found that I had the same problem as before. I've double checked and can confirm that the correct password is now present in the binding file but, although BizTalk doesn't complain during the import, when I run the app I get the following exception:
Details:"ArgumentNullException: String reference not set to an instance of a String.
Parameter name: s
If I then manually amend the password through the BizTalk admin console everything work fine.
Has anyone else had a similar problem with the bindings for a SOAP port - does anyone have a solution?
I've been bit by something like this in the past. The password is either put in as '****'. This is ok. I wouldn't want all of my secrets exported with the binding file. What does get you is when you export the bindings and you leave the password NULL. The Variable Type (vt) attribute on the XML element for the password is set to vt="1" which is the same as NULL. It won't matter what you put in for the password. It may even cause the error you described. I would suggest you include a copy of the binding XML for review.
I've never seen this problem before - I'm doing exactly what you are trying to do and it works perfectly.
I've included the <TransportTypeData> element from one of my BizTalk bindings that works. Hopefully having something to compare against helps.
<AuthenticationScheme vt="8">Basic</AuthenticationScheme>
<AssemblyName vt="8">WebService.ProxyClass, Version=,
Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=xyz</AssemblyName>
<Username vt="8">soapUser</Username>
<UseProxy vt="11">0</UseProxy>
<UseSoap12 vt="11">0</UseSoap12><UsingOrchestration vt="11">0</UsingOrchestration>
<UseSSO vt="11">0</UseSSO>
<Password vt="8">MYPASSWORD</Password>
<ProxyPort vt="3">80</ProxyPort><AssemblyPath
<TypeName vt="8">ProxyClass.Webservice.servicesService</TypeName>
<MethodName vt="8">PickupRequest</MethodName>
<UseHandlerSetting vt="11">-1</UseHandlerSetting>
