Woocommerce Products description and attributes based on role - wordpress

I already installed the “price based on role” plugin but I can’t find a similar plugin to set alternative descriptions and attibutes based on role, can you help me?

Any plugin can't provide you this functionality.So could you please elaborate your requirement more, i will provide you custom plugin for the same.


Develop or Plugin suggestion for Wordpress site

I need to create a WP site which will have a single membership. Each member will have its own page where the posts added by that user will be displayed. I know Wordpress comes with the default author and posts, but it does allow only premium members to add posts and paid registration/profile. Shall I develop a custom one or there is any available plugin. I tried, but did not find any similar to my requirement.
Any suggestion and help will be much appreciated...thanks a lot.
There is a very flexible plugin that allows you to create/configure members stuff Ultimate Member.
Check How to customize member templates, Code Examples, and other documentation.

Make a search only field for WooCommerce products

OK so I know this isn't exactly a code-specific question, but I'm out of luck in my research to find a way to make a search only product in WordPress using WooCommerce. I have 10,000 products I need to have available to buy on the website, however the majority of them are very small and specific. SO I need a way to have products on my website that aren't visible in the catalog, but can be found by search, specifically by their part numbers. This seems like a common occurrence in the world of eCommerce so perhaps there is already a way to do this in WooCommerce and I'm just missing it. Or does anyone know of a plugin that will achieve this?
Anything will help, thanks!
I think there are many plugins that can help you with this. Try for example this one https://wordpress.org/plugins/advanced-woo-search/

Woocommerce Search by Attributes

I am facing a little problem with the default woocommerce search system.
I need to open a WooCommerce based Book Store. ALl The books contain unique properties like Identification No and ODN or IBN.
Now i need a search bar which gives me the result of the relative book if i enter any of the unique properties like Identification No and ODN or IBN in the search bar.
A plugin or code would work.
Thankyou very much..
I have found a solution I hope it helps to the people to who are facing the same issue.
I have found a plugin by the name SearchWP. It is really an extensive search plugin. It supports WooCommerce and also supports custom fields.I can also weight to attributes which are saved as meta fields to sort the search. Here is a video that gives you an overview of the plugin:

Create Categories and Products in wordpress without plugins

I am new to wordpress and i want to create a online shopping store. So i just want to know how to create a categories and products without using any plugin. Please also tell me which one is better approach with plugins or without plugins. Thanks in advance.
If you are going to use a plug in for custom categories and custom types depends in the complexity and the amount of the categories and types of your site you want to build.
Either ways I recommend you to use Advanced Custom Fields and Custom Types which are both Free and efficient.
Found here:

Woocommerce Coupons, Free product on order when code is entered. Possible?

So as the name suggests I would like to know if its possible to Have a coupon set up on woocommerce that when entered at the checkout it adds in a free product to the order.
Can this be done or is this something woocommerce could not handle.
If anyone knows of any plugins etc I would be extremely grateful
From your question, you are asking if there's a way for users to enter a coupon that when entered gives free products?
It is possible with Woocommerce, out of the box it has it's coupon management. You can even exclude products which is useful!
Read more about this here http://docs.woothemes.com/document/coupon-management/
It's very simple to get up and running!
I realize this question is old but figured I would point out there's a plugin available for rather cheap that can handle this. I'm not the author, nor do I use the plugin, but it should take care of this functionality:
