Media Queries to target Tablet - css

I am creating a site header / menu for a responsive site. I am using breakpoints of 960px and above for a desktop menu with hover states and dropdowns, and breakpoints 959px and below for a mobile menu display. This works for most use cases, but I also want the mobile menu to display on tablets in landscape mode, which are typically wider than the 960 breakpoint. I am trying to target these tablets with CSS media queries only, no JavaScript.
I originally thought to use pixel-ratio, something like this:
#media (max-width:959px), (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio:1.5) {
/*mobile styles here*/
#media (min-width:960px) and (-webkit-max-device-pixel-ratio:1.499) {
/*desktop styles here*/
This worked at first, but then I realized higher resolution Retina displays on desktops were getting the mobile menu. Unfortunately I need to support older versions of iOS (down to 7), so I cannot rely on Media Queries Level 4 and use the interaction queries.
Can anyone help with a media query set that can help me? I need to be able to set styles that apply to both widths less than 960 and tablets larger than 960, and set styles that apply to widths above 960 that are not tablets.


How to detect screen size (e.g. large desktop monitor vs small smartphone screen) with CSS media queries?

Consider two screens:
same resolution
same orientation
but different physical sizes
Exempla gratia:
How can i target different screen sizes with CSS media queries?
Because, for example:
for the one 1920px wide display, it is uncomfortable to read the long lines of text that stretch edge-to-edge, and you'd want some padding, margin, or other spacing to narrow the text
but for the other 1920px wide display, you want text to go edge-to-edge
Bonus Chatter
And you can't try to invoke User-Agent strings:
i'm asking about CSS media queries, not User-Agent strings
the 4" screen could be connected to a PC
the 18" screen could be connected to a phone.
And you can't try to weasel out of the question by talking about orientation, or by musing if the screen supports touch or not, nor can you use the handheld attribute
I'm asking about using CSS to style a page based on the (physical) size of the screen.
Bonus Reading
Detect if a browser in a mobile device (iOS/Android phone/tablet) is used (tries to rely on resolution)
Media Queries: How to target desktop, tablet, and mobile? (tries to rely on resolution)
How To Build A Mobile Website
How To Use CSS3 Media Queries To Create a Mobile Version of Your Website
Using Media Queries For Responsive Design In 2018
What media query breakpoints should I use? (tries to rely on resolution) ("breakpoints" is another word for "pixels")
Media Query for Large Desktop
CSS media queries for handheld and not small browser screens
Media query about screen size instead of resolution
Well a typical media query for this would use min-width or max-width to hide or show things depending on display size. This is dependent on a <meta> tag which tells the browser to use the physical width of the display as the viewport width rather than using the resolution of the display as the viewport width.
For example:
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width"/>
#media all and (max-width: 600px)
/*Put your mobile styles here*/
It's not a perfect solution and doesn't really account for touch interfaces for tablets or other larger mobile displays, but it's a good place to start for building mobile user interfaces.
It's important to emphasize that this is intended for displays in which the content is scaled. I know for fact that most modern mobile devices use scaling (2x/3x on iOS and xhdpi/xxhdpi on Android), but it should also work with Windows scaling, though I'm not 100% sure on that and don't have a way to test it at the moment.
These media queries can accept any CSS unit as well, so you could very well use actual inches if you wish.
#media all and (max-width: 3.5in) { /* ... */ }

Is it possible to make a page be viewed in different screens?

I need a code that can change the layout of my homepage to be viewed in different PC monitors.
I already tried "responsive Webdesign", but I don't know if there is a way of making it be shown not just in different devices but also in different PC screen sizes? Thanks in advance.
css's media tag is the one you might want to look into.
Quote from w3c here:
The #media rule is used in media queries to apply different styles for different media types/devices.
Media queries can be used to check many things, such as:
width and height of the viewport
width and height of the device
orientation (is the tablet/phone in landscape or portrait mode?)
Using media queries are a popular technique for delivering a tailored style sheet (responsive web design) to desktops, laptops, tablets, and mobile phones.
When you refer different PC monitor I assume you mean different width/length, or aspect ratio or resolution. I also assume your situation is that you want to show content in different style on different resolutions, but all on PC monitor, like 720p or 1080p or 4k monitors, following code might help.
/* On screens that are 992px wide or less, go from four columns to two columns */
#media screen and (max-width: 992px) {
.column {
width: 50%;
/* On screens that are 600px wide or less, make the columns stack on top of each other instead of next to each other */
#media screen and (max-width: 600px) {
.column {
width: 100%;
As mentioned by caoool, Media Queries is what you are looking for.
Basically, using media queries you can write custom css if the resolution is more or less than a specific value.
FYI, there is an awesome open-source css framework called Bootstrap which makes designing responsive websites a lot easier and effortless.
Have a look at Bootstrap Documentation and Bootstrap Examples for more info about the framework.

responsive navbar stops working with "mid-width" media queries - why?

My apologies for writing so much but I wanted to put what I’m doing into context. So I’ll ask my question first:
Why does the HTML and CSS this link to a responsive navbar stop working when I change its “max-width” media queries to “min-width”, pixel-based media queries?
All I need is to understand why I can’t make the HTML and CSS behave exactly the same way with min-width, pixel-based media queries. What do I not get? I’ve been working with Responsive web design and development for a few years. But this clearly proves I don’t understand responsive css the way I need to. I’m coding up a responsive website from scratch for a client of my own without Bootstrap so I can hard-wire my understanding on the principles that Ethan Marcotte sets out in the second edition of Responsive Web Design.
I’m not trying to be lazy by not posting my own code. This is the exact same structure navbar I want to use for the site I’m building, and you can go straight to the relevant HTML and CSS in the above link. I’ve tried making a linked stylesheet of the embedded CSS and HTML in the above link. I’ve injected it into my own site as a separate linked-stylesheet but I’m still running into the same brick wall.
My breakpoints structure in my own stylesheet is:
`/* ====MOBILE FIRST===== */
/* Custom, iPhone Retina */
#media only screen and (min-width: 320 px) {
/* Extra Small Devices, Phones */
#media only screen and (min-width: 480 px) {
/* Small Devices, Tablets */
#media only screen and (min-width: 768 px) {
/* Medium Devices, Desktops */
#media only screen and (min-width: 1024 px) {
/* Desktop */
#media only screen and (min-width: 1280 px) {
I also don’t want to have one big monster stylesheet, so I’m trying to link the navbar stylesheet to the main stylesheet, using:
`#import url('mainstyles.css');`
I know that essential css rules for breakpoints must go into specific media queries. But if all the CSS in the above navbar link have to go into all five “min-width” based media queries - that’s just CSS bloat - isn’t it? And too much unnecessary CSS code?
I’ve spent three days on it and I just can’t get the fundamental reason. How do I make the above nav bar BEHAVE EXACTLY THE SAME WAY after changing the “max-width” media queries to “min-width” pixel-based media queries? I’ve tried changing the “width” and all style rules relevant to display to percentages - but it’s not solving the fundamental reason. Many thanks in advance for all advice.
Keith :)
max-width means the query will work up UNTIL the specified width.
min-width means the query will START working at the specified width.
Your first query will work from 320px to 479px. Your second will work from 480px to 767px, and so on (you have no query for 0-319px).
In order to change max-width to min-width you'd need to bump each query down a level (XS would become min-width: 320px, Desktop would become min-width: 1024, etc.)
I've included a simple answer below, as I found, once you get the basics right with Media Queries, its an easy concept to then apply to more complex ideas...
The example below could be used for firstly, a smartphone, then going up to an iPad, then finally a landscape iPad and a desktop device...
#media screen and (max-width: 600px) {
/* Stylings for all devices with screens with a width of 600px or less.*/
#media screen and (max-width: 992px) {
/* all screens with a max width of 992px or less */
#media screen and (min-width: 992px) {
/* all screens with a width of 992px or higher */

Styles based on touch capabilities rather than viewport media queries?

tl;dr: Does it make sense to scope "mobile" CSS under a .touch class (added by Modernizr) rather than with media queries based on viewport size?
I am creating mobile styles for a site designed to be desktop-only (i.e. the page is fixed at ~900px wide, many targets are too small for touch, etc). The site has lots of forms, some tables, and no images/video/charts. I cannot control the HTML structure (except with JS, which I'd like to avoid), and I cannot make meaningful changes to the existing desktop styles.
I've written a new style sheet that overrides those styles where necessary to make it work well on a phone and on a tablet in portrait mode using max-width media queries.
The problem is that when you turn the tablet to landscape mode the screen becomes 1024px wide which is where desktop styles ought to take over. However, a tablet is still a touch device and I feel the "mobile" style is better suited to tablets (larger tap targets, nicer layout of the form fields and labels, off-canvas menu, etc). It seems quite clunky and disorienting for a site to suddenly change just because you rotated the device.
Should I scope the mobile styles under the .touch class added by Modernizr instead of the viewport width? On the surface it doesn't sound like a bad idea, but then again I know that viewport-based media queries are the proper way to write styles so I can't help but feel I will run into trouble down the line.
You could use Modernizr to pick between two stylesheets to load.
In a file called small-enough.css or something, import your mobile styles based on a media query for tablet portrait size and down. Documentation found here. Just have this one line in it.
#import path/your-mobile-styles.css #media (max-width: [tablet portrait width]);
Then with modernizr if it's a touch device just load the mobile styles. If it is not touch load the file that uses the media query to decide to load the mobile styles.
test: Modernizr.touch,
yep : 'your-mobile-styles.css',
nope: 'small-enough.css'
You could probably target those devices using a media query along the lines of
#media only screen and and (min-device-width:~whatever~) and (max-device-width:1024px) and (orientation:landscape) {
We should also remember that not all mobile devices are touch enabled, such as some Blackberry phones, so enabling some features/styling based on the .touch class that modernizr adds can also help.

Twitter bootstrap minimum width in responsive layout

Is there a way to tell bootstrap to not shrink the elements when the resolution is smaller than:
/* Portrait tablet to landscape and desktop */.
#media (min-width: 768px) and (max-width: 979px) { ... }
I want to support the large desktops and tablets screen, but nothing responsive below that resolution.
Adding the min-width property wont stop the grid system from messing up though, as the classes span1-12 will still become smaller when resizing!
An option is visit and untick "Narrow tablets and below (<767px)" on the responsive section, then download your custom bootstrap.
You can remove media query code of mobile screen in bootstrap.css
I did two steps
set less variable #screen-sm-min: 10px. This will stop all bootstrap's media query
And just set min-width to the top element.
Works for me
You can add the css property min-width on all the elements you want not to be shrunk.
