Publish scripts not generated by visual studio -

I am trying to figure out how to best deploy my web apps to azure using something like Jenkins. So I thought i should investigate publishing using deploy scripts.
In all tutorials on deploy scripts for azure you should start with some scripts generated by visual studio when creating your web app. This doesn't seem to happen for me. Am I missing something or is that just not true anymore?
I am using Visual Studio 2015 and I am building ASP.Net web apps.
According to the tutorials I am supposed to get a folder on solution level called "PublishScripts".


How to package and deploy web application

I am currently working on automating the build and deploy of an web application which is developed using in visual studio. Currently, developers are building the solution and projects using visual studio IDE. In the solution, they have deployment/setup projects (vdproj) for each environment (e.g.:, app.setup.uat, which creates msi for the deployment and the web.config is embedded on it.
We are using github for scm, jenkinsfor build/CI and udeploy for deployment.
I am able to build the solution using msbuild cli thru jenkins. However, vdproj cannot be built using msbuild. Alternatively, I installed Visual Studio and MS VS Installer Projects Extensions in my build server, then build the vdproj using devenv. I am not sure if that is a correct way, maybe it is just a workaround.
What is the appropriate way to package the deployment artifacts (contents files, dlls, web.config) and deploy them? And How? If there’s another way to do it rather than creating MSI, it would be great as I don’t have to get a license for the Visual Studio in my build server.
I am currently working on automating the build and deploy of an web application which is developed using in visual
Maybe you can try publish web-app by msbuild command-line.
1.As far as I know, we can build and deploy by Visual Studio, see this document.
2.And without VS, you can build and deploy(publish?) by msbuild command-line, there are many resources about this topic.
How to deploy an ASP.NET MVC application on build using MSBuild in Visual Studio 2015?.
How to build and deploy a web deployment package using MSBuild
Using MSBuild.exe to “Publish” a ASP.NET MVC 4 project with the cmd line
In this way, you can get similar function by specifying the parameters and don't need to have VS installed in the server.
What is the appropriate way to package the deployment artifacts
(contents files, dlls, web.config) and deploy them?
Do you have to package them into .msi or .zip and then publish it. If not, simple msbuild command like: msbuild xxx.sln /p:WebPublishMethod=xxx /p:PublishProfile=xxx is enough.
Not certainly sure if it's what you want, hope it helps.

Azure .Net WebApp Deployment Failed but it works locally on VS

I am new to .Net and Unable to understand some weird behaviour with Azure.
I am trying to publish a .Net Project to Azure Web App. And It is throwing very silly errors. I assume thats becoz of new C# version.
Here is the log file.
Use Case 1: When trying to build from Visual Studio Team Services and then deploy using Continuous delivery Works.
Use Case 2: When trying to publish directly using Visual Studio using App Service profile and it works.
Use Case 3: When trying to deploy through repository that is hosted at Visual Studio Team Services. And it fails and thats the error.
Any lead will be helpful.
Do let me know, if the information provided is not enough.
To compile C# 7.0 code, we need msbuild 15 installed. Currently, msbuild15 is not enabled on Azure Web App.
For Use Case 1 and 2, the C#(7.0) code is build on your development side on which
Visual Studio 2017(msbuild 15) is installed.
For Use Case 3, the code will be complied on Azure Web App, so it will throw errors.
Microsoft engineers are in the process of building these tools for Azure, they should be out soon. you could stay updated on github

Visual Studio - deploy existing website/webAPI to Azure

In my VS(2015) solution, I have a ASP.Net website and a WebAPI project. For normal development, I want to use IIS on local machine for dev/test. However, I also want the option to be able to deploy the same sites to Azure on demand.
I know I can 'Convert' an existing project to Azure project from VS. But then it'll become a cloud project only. I don't want to convert it to cloud project.
Is there a way I can use my existing projects in VS and deploy/publish them to Azure?
You don't need to "convert" your project to an Azure project, you can simply create a publishing profile in Visual Studio and push the build to Azure.
The Microsoft documentation explains how to do this, follow the steps from the "Publish to Azure" section onwards.

Visual Studio Online continuous deploy ASP.NET web pages to Azure Websites without build

How can I continuous deploy an ASP.NET web pages project to Azure Websites(Web App) without building it by hosted build controller(provided by Visual Studio Online)?
My project contains web pages and do not need to build in order to work. The web pages will be build dynamically when it is live. Also, I don't want to waste my build minutes in order to publish it since it is not required to build. However, I can't found any setting regarding this in Visual Studio. I had set up and wanted to use continuous deployment in Azure Websites.
Please help!
If you install the Azure SDK stuff for Visual Studio you can publish directly to an Azure Website from Visual Studio. You don't need to run your build on a build server, just build locally. Left click on your web project then select "Publish..." then you should see a "Publish Web" wizard that lets you select your azure website and push your built to it.

Build and publish web site project with VS 2012 and TFS 2010

I am using VS 2012 and TFS 2010. I am trying to build a website project (NOT a web application project) and deploy it to a test web server.
When files get checked in, I want TFS to build the website and push it over to a test server (uncompiled).
I have found many posts indicating that I should use a web deployment project, but that doesn't seem to be an option for VS 2012. I also found that VS 2012 is supposed to have better support for website project deployment (.pubxml) which I can get to work great from inside Visual Studio, but the TFS 2010 build wants a project or solution file.
I am new to TFS so I may be missing something obvious here.
Solution from the OP:
I figured out my issue. There was a file create called website.publishproj that I needed to put into source control before turning on gated check-ins. I could then use that file for "Items to build". TFS is at least now attempting to build the website. It looks like I have some more configuration issues to get through.
