Visual Studio Online continuous deploy ASP.NET web pages to Azure Websites without build -

How can I continuous deploy an ASP.NET web pages project to Azure Websites(Web App) without building it by hosted build controller(provided by Visual Studio Online)?
My project contains web pages and do not need to build in order to work. The web pages will be build dynamically when it is live. Also, I don't want to waste my build minutes in order to publish it since it is not required to build. However, I can't found any setting regarding this in Visual Studio. I had set up and wanted to use continuous deployment in Azure Websites.
Please help!

If you install the Azure SDK stuff for Visual Studio you can publish directly to an Azure Website from Visual Studio. You don't need to run your build on a build server, just build locally. Left click on your web project then select "Publish..." then you should see a "Publish Web" wizard that lets you select your azure website and push your built to it.


Visual Studio - deploy existing website/webAPI to Azure

In my VS(2015) solution, I have a ASP.Net website and a WebAPI project. For normal development, I want to use IIS on local machine for dev/test. However, I also want the option to be able to deploy the same sites to Azure on demand.
I know I can 'Convert' an existing project to Azure project from VS. But then it'll become a cloud project only. I don't want to convert it to cloud project.
Is there a way I can use my existing projects in VS and deploy/publish them to Azure?
You don't need to "convert" your project to an Azure project, you can simply create a publishing profile in Visual Studio and push the build to Azure.
The Microsoft documentation explains how to do this, follow the steps from the "Publish to Azure" section onwards.

Publish scripts not generated by visual studio

I am trying to figure out how to best deploy my web apps to azure using something like Jenkins. So I thought i should investigate publishing using deploy scripts.
In all tutorials on deploy scripts for azure you should start with some scripts generated by visual studio when creating your web app. This doesn't seem to happen for me. Am I missing something or is that just not true anymore?
I am using Visual Studio 2015 and I am building ASP.Net web apps.
According to the tutorials I am supposed to get a folder on solution level called "PublishScripts".

Sync ASP.NET website with web server?

I have an IIS 8 web server with FTP access configured. On my development PC, I created a new ASP.NET project with Visual Studio 2013. How can I "publish" / upload my project to the web server on build? I noticed that while creating a project, I can choose "FTP" to create the files on the webserver, but then Visual Studio doesn't create the folder structure, include jquery, sample code, etc.
In Visual Studio you can create a publish profile and configure your FTP server on it. Then, after the publish profile is created, you can use the "One-Click Publish" feature to send the files to your server. It even has some preview options, that allow you to see the changes that are being made.
Here is a link from Microsoft describing the entire process:
And here is another useful link from Microsoft containing an overview of the web deployment process for Visual Studio and ASP.Net applications
Both links are targeted to Visual Studio 2012, but i think they also apply for VS 2013

how to Create Setup of Web application in

How to Create Web Application Set up in ?
I have a web site in a Visual studio.I want to create a single web setup project which should install the web site.So how to create a single web setup project which supports multiple web application installation?
You can use Installshield to do that. When you go to add new project you will see that option under Other Project Types --> Setup and Deployment
There are many 3rd party tools that can perform this for you (We use Anthill Pro to deploy between our various environments).
I've used the full version of InstallShield in the past but there was a bit of a learning curve to get it right.
The free alternative is to use the Web Setup Project template in Visual Studio (This uses the 'lite' version of InstallShield I believe). You can also check out this link, which describes many different options for you to deploy your website. Extract from the last link:
Visual Studio, ASP.NET, and IIS provide tools that can help you with
the process of deploying your web application or web site. Some of the
Visual Studio tools work only with web application projects, while
others work only with web site projects. (All MVC projects are web
application projects.)
Hopefully this walkthrough should provide you a good starting point should you choose to go down the Visual Studio route.

How to automate deployment of Web Application in Visual Studio 2010?

I have been trying to use WebDeploy in Visual Studio 2010 to deploy our Web Application but it deploy the whole code as it is. Is there an option somewhere like before "Allow this site to be updateable" for WebDeploy?
Ok, there is no option available for Web Application and only for Web Site projects.
For Web Application projects, you could add a Web Deployment project which helps you getting a precompiled version, but it doesnt automatically publish it to IIS. Any way to automate that?
u can use the options in the publish website as to get 1. make my site upgradeable 2.make different assembly file for each page 3.pre compiled version when you right click your web app and publish it. Hope i got it right
