Avada Fusion - Top nav menu aligned left - css

I'm using one of Avada themeforest themes. I'm trying to build a very basic website identical to this in layout. I can't figure out how to get the top menus to the left next to my logo and ideally would like a very simplistic hover menu function rather than some elaborate accordian.
I've tried adding CSS within fusion builder / wordpress but to no avail.
here's my inspiration:
thanks and any help would be great!!


CSS - Float Left makes Div disappear

Using Divi in Wordpress.
I have 2 (among many) blog posts, one built without the Divi Builder(earlier on), the other built with Divi Builder.
This one was built without the Divi Builder and works nicely. I set float:left on article div.et_post_meta_wrapper and it looks as I want, with the Text wrapping around the image.
Working Post
This one, with the exact same CSS but was built with the Divi Builder, when I turn on float:left, it makes the entire Div disappear.
Broken Post
Can someone find the problem for me?

Move Top navigation menu and logo to the left

I want to move my top navigation menu and logo to the left on my wordpress website.
I have tried several things, but I seriously lack CSS capabilities.
Can anybody please give a rookie like me a piece of advice?
Kind regards

Center Logo in line with Menu - Avada Theme

I am trying to have my logo inline with my menu and centered.
3 menu's - logo - 3 menu's
I am also trying to get the sticky header to do this.
I have been trying to modify the css and header.php, but I am having issues.
Can someone please help me?
My website is http://wintandkidd.net
I was already able to do this on my sticky header and on the header itself but it did not look good. Thank you for those who looked into this. I am working to put the logo within the slider below the menu which would make the site look better.

grid products gallery plugins wordpress

did anyone know Wordpress Plugins Grid Products Gallery with left-right image display for each item. for example like this URL http://mwa.eu/products/ ?
is there any wordpress plugins or template like that?
It could be easily done by changing CSS on every second image element of the grid from float left to float right.
If you have some experience in CSS and HTML it's a 5 minutes work, assuming you have some basic layout.

Responsive design for WordPress menu

I am just developing a child theme of WordPress twenty eleven theme. The live demo can be seen here. As WordPress has already responsive support I am also doing my theme in responsive for that I am customizing my theme CSS. For some of the part I am done. In my menu part I am facing some problems. I have two types of menus. One which doesn't have dropdowns and the others which have dropdowns. Now I am facing the problem in the menus which have dropdowns in responsive. So can someone kindly help me here?
This seems like more of a design issue than a technical one. I would recommend either 1) turning the drop down menus into accordion menus (e.g., tiny accordion), or 2) extending the drop down menu region and increasing its z-index so that you can only hover over the drop down and not activate anything that appears underneath it. For your design, this might mean increasing the z-index and using something like margin-top: -2px; on the drop down menu's children.
The idea of responsive design, however, is that you make it available for small devices, like smart phones. Since smart phones that use touch don't have hover states, you're probably better offer using suggestion 1 above, where a user clicks on the initial menu, which then displays its sub-menu.
