Camera Failed to capture still image with request CAMMutableStillImageCaptureRequest - uiimagepickercontroller

I use the UIImagepickercontroller to take images. Its a custom overlay camera.
I use not the image preview.
I take multiple images and save them in a folder. And I think this is the problem.
If I multiple click on the "takePicture" button the whole time
I get this output:
[Camera] Failed to capture still image with request <CAMMutableStillImageCaptureRequest burstIdentifier:(null) irisIdentifier(null)> (Error Domain=CAMCaptureControllerErrorDomain Code=-22100 "(null)")
Sometimes the app crashes. with this error:
[Camera] Attempting to generate BGRA thumbnail data of format 5003 with an invalid surface.
How can i solve this problem ?

I think you used any type of "mediaTypes" in image picker.
if you want to take picture from image picker you no need to set "mediaTypes" in image picker, only user "takePicture" method.

For me the issue was solved after deleting the app once from the device. I had given the permission for using the camera with the live app and the development app did not demand the permission again. With the complete new installation everything works fine.


How to disable expanded image view in Firebase push messaging?

I'm trying to send a small image in a push notification. It looks great in the initial state
But in the expanded view, it shows a huge version of the same image which I'm trying to avoid.
How is it possible via code? Unable to find any documentation around it.

xamarin multiple image picker error - ELCImagePicker not working for second time

I am developing xamarin.forms PCL app.
I want to select multiple images from gallery so for ios I use ELCImagePicker.
Everything works fine when I open gallery for first time. But when I open it for second time(for e.g. changing selected image), app crashes. I use messaging center to pass my list of image paths to PCL project.
At second time, I receive messages multiple times and then I get FATAL SIGSEV error.
I have referred this link. And it has been very useful to people when I searched related multiple image picker on google.
Why is this happening ? Please help

Wordpress uploading image : An error occured in the upload. Please try again later

test2test1How to fix these error when Im trying to upload an image.
An error occurred in the upload. Please try again later "
If you get this error while uploading image or any media to WordPress you can only suspect some things and start investigation by changing and checking settings one by one
Good news – WordPress returns exact error message!
Getting error details
Error details are in the HTTP response from async_upload.php script formatted as JSON.
You can easily find it using build in Developer Tools in Firefox or Developers Console in Chrome.
Step 1
In Chrome or Firefox press F12 and go to Network tab.
Step 2
Try to upload image again or do any other action that will trigger the error.
Step 3
1. At the bottom left find async_upload.php file name.
2. Click it and go to Preview tab (see attached images).
That is a very general question, and there is likely already a answer for this somewhere; but in my experience the error shows most often because (assuming it is in the correct format) the image you are trying to upload may be too big, in which case you can minimize using free online image tools.
I found this one to be most effective as it handles bigger image sizes.
So minimize the image and then try to upload the new minimized image.

gif image file displays red "x" on IE

To start off, I have searched google & SO (Images are showing up as red x's on IE, shows up fine in other browsers), tried out the suggestions, but they did not resolve my issue.
I am trying to create a transparent image by following the code shown at: How do you Draw Transparent Image using System.Drawing?. I am using a 3rd party mapping control "Simplovation"
However, this is what I get when I run my webpage:
How can I get the actual image to appear?
I tried converting to RGB, but no luck.
Based on the code in "How do you Draw Transparent Image using System.Drawing" the actual image should appear like:
There could be a long list of potential problems here, let's address 3 of them:
You imply that you are creating this image from code. How are you doing that? If the IIs worker process, running in the user context of the application pool account, is creating this image, does it create/save it to a location that is accesible anonymously? (or whatever your authentication model is)
File locked?
Again, since you are implying your are creating the image from code, to you close the file handle properly?
You say that the image Url is correct, but are you really 100% sure? Press F12 on IE and use the developer tools to determine if you get any type of HTTP error when IE is trying to request the image.
IE is very specific about the image type and actual image content. In other words, IE cannot display if image type and content doesn't match.
For example, renaming just file extension - bmp to gif - doesn't work in IE, although it is not an issue in other browser.
Easiest way to check is to browse that page in other browser. If you can see image in other browser, you can make sure that image format is not correct.

Image preview in Flex

I am working on an image management application. We have an Adobe AIR client talking to a WAMP server. The MySQL DB stores the images as blobs.
We have an image search feature. Upon searching, I am displaying the results as XMLList in a popup window and provided a download button. Downloads work fine. I also want to add a preview button to the popup.
Please let me know how can I code this. Without having the file on the client, I cannot preview. But when I use save() method, the os dialog opens up. Anything to be done on the PHP side?
Please help.
Don't you mean to display an Image? Wouldn't the normal work? Of course, for performance issues, your PHP code must render smaller images (thumbnails).
Correct me if wrongly understood your question. :(
