How to disable expanded image view in Firebase push messaging? - firebase

I'm trying to send a small image in a push notification. It looks great in the initial state
But in the expanded view, it shows a huge version of the same image which I'm trying to avoid.
How is it possible via code? Unable to find any documentation around it.


Azure Notification Hub App Logo for multiple platforms

I have NH working ok, but I want to have an image accompany the push. Basically, this image is a branding option, so it wouldn't change for each push, but could change occasionally.
This seems pretty straightforward for WNS, using the App Logo Override option.
Can something similar be done for iOS and Android? I haven't played with them yet and I don't really need a whole solution, I just can't seem to find it spelled out like it is for WNS.
I did see an example for iOS that involved sending a silent notification that prompted the user to see the image, but that's not what I'm trying to do.
I just want a message from a particular vendor to have their little logo on it.
Is this possible?
Turns out the best way to do this is to send a URL for an image in the template and substitute it for the applogo image source. Remember that when you do that, the system will not automatically size it for you.

xamarin multiple image picker error - ELCImagePicker not working for second time

I am developing xamarin.forms PCL app.
I want to select multiple images from gallery so for ios I use ELCImagePicker.
Everything works fine when I open gallery for first time. But when I open it for second time(for e.g. changing selected image), app crashes. I use messaging center to pass my list of image paths to PCL project.
At second time, I receive messages multiple times and then I get FATAL SIGSEV error.
I have referred this link. And it has been very useful to people when I searched related multiple image picker on google.
Why is this happening ? Please help

How to get notified when a QQuickItem is updated?

I have a qml window which displays different modules. It displays details like time, playing media etc.. I am trying to get a notification when any one module screen is updated.
I know there is QQuickWindow::afterRendering() for Window, but not found anything similar for QQuickItem.
Is there anyway to achieve similar notification for QQuickItem?

Camera Failed to capture still image with request CAMMutableStillImageCaptureRequest

I use the UIImagepickercontroller to take images. Its a custom overlay camera.
I use not the image preview.
I take multiple images and save them in a folder. And I think this is the problem.
If I multiple click on the "takePicture" button the whole time
I get this output:
[Camera] Failed to capture still image with request <CAMMutableStillImageCaptureRequest burstIdentifier:(null) irisIdentifier(null)> (Error Domain=CAMCaptureControllerErrorDomain Code=-22100 "(null)")
Sometimes the app crashes. with this error:
[Camera] Attempting to generate BGRA thumbnail data of format 5003 with an invalid surface.
How can i solve this problem ?
I think you used any type of "mediaTypes" in image picker.
if you want to take picture from image picker you no need to set "mediaTypes" in image picker, only user "takePicture" method.
For me the issue was solved after deleting the app once from the device. I had given the permission for using the camera with the live app and the development app did not demand the permission again. With the complete new installation everything works fine.

Triggering Windows Store background task from Band tile opened events

Is there a good way to trigger a Windows Store background task when a band tile is opened? And are there any examples for working with the band from a background task with the latest SDK? I have seen mentions of the ability to do so but can't find any code examples of this.
I have a scenario where the tile's content is only valid for a short time (~30 seconds) and would like to wake up a background service on the phone while the band's tile is open to update the content as needed.
I was hoping to find an IBackgroundTrigger in the SDK that would do the trick but no luck there. The best I can think of to fill this need would be to have a task that uses a system trigger and hooks up listeners for the tile opened/closed events. This seems like a lot of unnecessary work for the task though and could end up with unnecessary battery usage on the phone.
I'm afraid that is not possible. As far as I can see from the SDK, the app on the phone has to be running to allow a tile on the band to send an event back to the phone.
An alternative would be to open your app from the Band using a voice command. Would that solve your problem?
