Why I have visitor hourly from San Francisco Google Analytics - google-analytics

Google Analytics shows I have a hourly visit (exactly on 1:00 and 2:00 and ... ) from San Francisco. Anyone knows what is this? Is this a robot? If yes what kind of robot is it?

To provide you with an answer, community will need some more data.
Please show report screenshot where you see that somebody from SF comes to your site every hour.
Depending on what you provide for p. 1, some more information may be needed to answer your question.


Anomalies in Google analytics datas

I detected anomalies in Google Analytics statistics for the year 2021 on a site I manage. The number of page views per session is in free fall, while the bounce rate and time spent per page is exploding (please, see the Google Analytics Datas link below).
I'm not sure if it's the current statics that are wrong, or the ones that were between February and October, or both, but there is definitely something wrong, and I don't know why.
Do you have any theories please?
Google Analytics Datas
Thanks a lot !

here.com API about time windows and future visits

I'm looking at the documentation of here.com API and I'm unable to find answer to this.
Is it possible to have tours planned in such a way that the tour can span more days?
For example I have meeting already planned in a given place two days from now.
I want to submit a request that takes into consideration this visit that will happen in two days, so to propose to reach a nearby place on that date, instead of today.
Is it possible to have this behviour with here APIs?
We have tried to understand your request, however at the moment HERE only has two APIs for it:
1. Waypoints Sequence: https://developer.here.com/documentation/routing-waypoints/dev_guide/index.html
2. Tour Planning: https://developer.here.com/documentation/tour-planning/2.3.0/dev_guide/index.html

Google Analytics data does not show during the middle of the day

I have a weird problem with one of google analytics accounts and I'm hoping someone can help me figure what might be causing it.
Essentially, in the middle of the day, Google Analytics stops showing data. It will show me my hourly revenue till about noon and then the data regresses back to show only hourly revenue till 8 in the morning. This screenshot was taken at 1:30 PM today:
The hourly revenue will update again at around 4 PM. Its a very irritating problem and I can't find any solutions on google for it.
Let me know if I need to provide any additional information that might help you understand my situation.
Thanks for your help!
Is this something new? Because I'm having issues with revenue tracking over the last 24 hours.

GA sessions - Time Zone

I have a question regarding sessions attribution in Google Analytics.
Imagine I am in New York and it's 9.00pm on 01/01/2018 and I am visiting "www.amazon.fr" and it's therefore 3.00am on 02/01/2018 in France. Will my session belong to the "01/01/2018" data or to the "02/01/2018" data ?
Thank you.
The time reported in GA is relative to the timezone set in the view settings. In your case, assuming your view is set to France time, it will be of the next day 3am.

Outlook not importing VCS with timezones correctly?

On our web app in ASP, we have a module that generates VCS files to be imported into your calendar.
This works fine if the client is on the same zone as us (GMT).
But If I create an event which starts at 9am in UTC-01 for example, I still get the event as starting at 9am UTC/GMT, it's like it won't read the TZOFFSET
This is the VCS generated. In this example the event is supposed to take place Dec 30th 2011 9am-10am in UTC-05 (New York). If I leave my time zone as GMT, I get the appointment as 9am-10am instead of calculating the time difference. Even if I change my timezones it always calculates the difference against GMT and not the Time Zone where the event is taking place.
DTSTART: 20111230T090000
I've been googling around for several days now and can't seem to find any good documentation on how to generate VCS correctly.
Any help will be great!
Here's the text from the blog post I mentioned (which is no longer available):
Here's the issue: If you search Google on how to create an Outlook Calendar email notification/ics file, you might stumble across this page which has a generic template you could use. Or you might send yourself an invitation and look at the source code for the ICS file.
Either way you'll see the following lines within the VTIMEZONE block:
TZID:(GMT-05.00) Eastern Time (US & Canada)
Notice the strange X-MICROSOFT-CDO-TZID line... it simply has a number, "10". Well, according to Microsoft the number 10 represents the Eastern Time Zone here in America. Searching Google you might see more examples of this strange number/location mapping but you'll be hard pressed to find a complete listing of all the mappings. 11 is Central Time, 12 is Mountain Time, 13 is Pacific Time, but 38 is Mountain Time for Arizona...?
After much research (and a phone call to a MSFT employee), we found this document deep within a MSDN website: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa563018(loband).aspx
It documents all the time zone "numbers" you'll need to use in order to correctly set up an ICS file.
I'm sure the OP has solved this already, but here's a great blog post that discusses the proprietary "X-MICROSOFT-CDO-TZID" tag that Microsoft uses to help with timezone interpretation in Outlook: http://hello-dot-wordpress.blogspot.com/2009/10/my-guide-to-x-microsoft-cdo-tzid.html
Edit: Updated Link.
