How to minimize window?
I am making HTA application and I want replace window title bar with my custom one.
I've disabled it by HTA's "caption=no" option and placed my own minimize/maximize/close buttons.
I found two ways to minimize window:
Shortcut ALT + SPACE + n
Shortcut WinKey + ArrowDown
So I could send this shortcuts to window using WScript.Shell's SendKeys method.
WsShell = new ActiveXObject("WScript.Shell")
WsShell.SendKeys("% n")
But the first one can't be used because there is no title bar, and the second because WinKey doesn't work with SendKeys.
I found MinimizeAll() method of Shell.Application, but it's alone.
Is there any other way to minimize the window? May be another activeX object or shortcut?
I came up with exact the same issue. This is the solution that worked for me:
Place in the <head> section:
<object id="HHCtrlMinimizeWindowObject" classid="clsid:adb880a6-d8ff-11cf-9377-00aa003b7a11">
<param name="command" value="minimize" />
<script type="text/javascript">
function _jsMinWin( ) {
try {
HHCtrlMinimizeWindowObject.Click( );
catch ( err ) {
alert( err.message );
Then on <body> section something like:
<input type="button" value="Minimize Window" name="MinimizeWindow" id="MinimizeWindow" onclick="javascript:_jsMinWin();" />
Well, you can use Tasks property of Microsoft Word Application object. First instantiate Microsoft Word Application object by passing the ProgID "Word.Application" to the new ActiveXObject command:
var word = new ActiveXObject("Word.Application");
Then, find your HTA window among the Tasks collection:
var win = word.Tasks.Item(document.title);
As you can see, you should pass the title of your HTA to the Item method to find your HTA's window. But there is a problem... What if an another unwanted window has the same title as your HTA? This leads to a window confusion. To work around this problem, I recommend you to set a special and unique title for your HTA before you find your HTA window among the Tasks collection. This complicates things:
document.title = "window" + Math.random();
win = word.Tasks.Item(document.title);
document.title = "My HTA";
Please note that you should set your own desired title after you find your HTA window. Also note that this code should run when window.onload event occurs. Because that's when your HTA generates its window.
Then, whenever you need to minimize your HTA window, set the WindowState property of win object to 2:
win.WindowState = 2;
Edit: On the other hand, this way has two disadvantages:
1. It runs properly provided that the user has Microsoft Office Word installed on his computer.
2. Instantiating Microsoft Word Application object takes a few seconds because this object runs in an out-of-process server. So this may slow down your HTA.
If the Microsoft scripting guy doesn't know how to do it then it might not be possible.
Even if you could go all the way around with ActiveXObject("shell.application").Windows.Item(x) and get your own InternetExplorer object, there doesn't seem to be a way to minimize yourself programmatically.
My only suggestion is to use something like for (var k in obj) WScript.Echo(k) on every window related object you can get your hands on and look for undocumented methods/properties...
I've been working with RSelenium all day and still hitting road blocks here and there. My current issue is using the code WebElemReports$clickElement() which clicks a link and a new window opens. I tried to adjust Firefox settings in "about:config" so that it will not open a new window. It doesn't open a window in normal use, but using RSelenium, it opens a new window still. I also looked at this approach but couldn't follow the logic of how it worked:
How to clickElement() and open the link in the same tab
My next thought process was to use the switchToWindow() function along with getWindowHandles(). The code I wrote is as follows:
windHand <- remDr$getWindowHandles()
My thinking is that I will close the current window so that there will only be one handle to reference and pass that handle to the switchToWindow function. I can't find much switchToWindow documentation for R. I receive the following error with using the code above:
Error: Summary: UnknownError
Detail: An unknown server-side error occurred while processing the command.
class: org.openqa.selenium.WebDriverException
Any help on this would be much appreciated--I tried to research this as much as possible so this won't get marked as a duplicate question like my last post. Many Thanks.
Actually you can't close main window, you can switch to child window as below :-
# get main window and store to switch back
currWindow <- remDr$getCurrentWindowHandle()
#gel all windows
windows <- remDr$getWindowHandles()
#loop through switching child window
for (window in windows[[1]]) {
if (window != currWindow[[1]])
#now do your stuff with child window
#now close your child window after doing all stuff
#now switch back to main window for further stuff
I'm doing a bit tidy of the Content Manager and have a component that won't delete (not the same as my other question).
When I try to delete the component in question I get the following error
(8004032D) This item is in use.
Unable to delete Component (tcm:4-65020).
When I use the Where Used tool on the component I get no results in the "Used In" tab, one result in the "Uses" tab, the "Blueprint Hierachy" shows it is not localized in any of my three child publications and no results in the "Published To" tab.
I have had a look in the Content Manager database to see if I can spot what is going wrong but not really found anything.
Any ideas?
Thanks in advance.
It looks like the Where Used tool in R5.3 isn't working correctly. The component in question is used in 15000 other components. I found this by using the TOM API directly.
var componentID = "tcm:4-65020";
TDS.TDSE tdse = new TDS.TDSE();
var component = (TDS.Component)tdse.GetObject(componentID, TDSDefines.EnumOpenMode.OpenModeView);
var whereUsedString = component .Info.GetListUsingItems();
Now comes the task of deleting all these links...
I have written a GUI extension which adds an additional tab to many of the Item views in the SDL Tridion CME (e.g. Component, Page and Schema etc.). I have also written some JavaScript which loads that tab directly if when the view is loaded with a tab name is specified in the URL.
The result is that if a page is loaded with the tab name added as follows:
Rather than the default of
The Info Tab will be loaded on top, instead of the General Tab. This is performed with the following code snippet and works very well:
$evt.addEventHandler($display, "start", onDisplayStarted);
// This callback is called when any view has finished loading
function onDisplayStarted() {
$evt.removeEventHandler($display, "start", onDisplayStarted);
var tabname = $url.getHashParam("tab");
if (tabname != '') {
var tabControl = $controls.getControl($("#MasterTabControl"), "Tridion.Controls.TabControl");
Now I would like to make a context menu item to open items and link to the tabs using my new functionality. My first thought was to construct the Item URL myself and simply open a new window in my execute method. So I looked at the default functionality in the standard Open.prototype_execute() functionality of the GUI. This is stored in the navigation.js file of the CME, and is performed by the Tridion.Cme.Commands.Open.prototype._execute method. The code is a lot more complicated than I had anticipated as it deals with shared items, and permissions etc.
Rather than just copying all of this code to my own function, I was wondering if there is a way to elegantly extend the existing Open.prototype_execute() function and append my “&tab=MyTab” to the $cme.Popups.OPEN_ITEM_OPTIONS.URL constant for my own functions.
Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
At the end the Open command uses $config.getEditorUrl(item_type) to get the url for the item view (item_type - $const.ItemType.COMPONENT, etc). There are no extension points for this part of the functionality, but you could always try to overwrite it on your own risk.
I wish to simulate a right click on a file. This is done by opening a Windows Explorer window and then right clicking on it.
The main issue is finding the location of the file in Windows Explorer. I am currently using Autoit v3.3.8.1.
My code 's first line:
RunWait (EXPLORER.EXE /n,/e,/select,<filepath>)
The next step is the problem. Finding the coordinates of the file.
After that, right clicking at that coordinates (it seems to me at this time) is not a problem....
Some background:
OS: Windows 7 64-bit
Software Languages: C#, Autoit (for scripting)
The Autoit script is called by a code similar to that below:
Process p = new Process();
p.StartInfo.FileName = "AutoItScript.exe";
p.StartInfo.UseShellExecute = false;
The code is compiled into a console class file which is run at startup. The autoit script runs as the explorer window opens up.
It seems as though you are taking the wrong approach to the problem, so I'll answer what you are asking and what you should be asking.
First up though, that line of code is not valid, and is not what you want either. You want to automate the explorer window, and RunWait waits for the program to finish. Furthermore you want those items to be strings, that code would never work.
Finding the item in explorer
The explorer window is just a listview, and so you can use normal listview messages to find the coordinates of an item. This is done most simply by AutoIt's GUIListView library:
Local $filepath = "D:\test.txt"
Local $iPid = Run("explorer.exe /n,/e,/select," & $filepath)
Local $hList = ControlGetHandle("[CLASS:CabinetWClass]", "", "[CLASS:SysListView32; INSTANCE:1]")
Local $aClient = WinGetPos($hList)
Local $aPos = _GUICtrlListView_GetItemPosition($hList, _GUICtrlListView_GetSelectedIndices($hList))
MouseClick("Right", $aClient[0] + $aPos[0] + 4, $aClient[1] + $aPos[1] + 4)
As has already been mentioned, sending the menu key is definitely a better way than having to move the mouse.
Executing a subitem directly
This is how it should be done. Ideally you should never need an explorer window open at all, and everything can be automated in the background. This should always be what you aim to achieve, as AutoIt is more than capable in most cases. It all depends on what item you want to click. If it is one of the first few items for opening the file in various programs, then it is as simple as either:
Using ShellExecute, setting the verb parameter to whatever it is you want to do.
Checking the registry to find the exact command line used by the program. For this you will need to look under HKCR\.ext where ext is the file extension, the default value will be the name of another key in HKCR which has the actions and icon associated with the filetype. This is pretty well documented online, so google it.
If the action is not one of the program actions (so is built into explorer) then it is a little more complex. Usually the best way will be to look at task manager when you start the program and see what it runs. Other things can be found online, for example (un)zipping. Actions like copy, delete, rename, create shortcut, send to... They can all be done directly from AutoIt with the various File* functions.
With more information, it would be possible to give you more specific help.
First, you might want to look at the Microsoft Active Accessibility SDK. In particular look at this interface...
You can use this to walk the items in the control and find the one with the file name you are looking for and its screen location.
From there, maybe try something like this for simulating the right click.
How can I use automation to right-click with a mouse in Windows 7?
Once you have done the right click, use accessibility again to find the right option on the context menu.
Maybe there's an easier way, you should be able to cobble something together like this if you don't find one. Good luck!
Suppose I have a file named test.txt on D drive. It needs to right click for opening Context Menu. To do this, the following code should work:
Local $filepath = "D:\test.txt"
Local $iPid = Run("explorer.exe /n,/e,/select," & $filepath)
I'm using the VideoDisplay to play flv's, mov's, and mp4's and everything is working great. They are all being loaded via progressive download and are not being streamed. What I'd like to do is to grab a single specified frame (like whatever is being shown at the 10 second mark), convert it to a bitmap and use that bitmap as the preview image for the video. I'd like to do this at runtime so I don't have to create a preview image for every video that would be shown.
Any idea's on how to do this? I'd rather not fake it by playing it - seeking for that specific frame and then pausing it but I may have no other choice?
Ryan and James are correct -- the right way's probably to extract frames at upload/transcode-time. But if that's not an option, you could opt for using some sort of a default/placeholder image of your own (something generic or somehow suitable for all videos whose thumbs haven't yet been captured), and just use VideoDisplay's DisplayObject-ness to grab and then upload a frame to your server, e.g.:
var captured:Boolean;
private function creationCompleteHandler(event:Event):void
videoDisplay.source = "http://yourserver/yourvideo.flv";
private function videoDisplay_playheadUpdate(event:VideoEvent):void
if (!captured && videoDisplay.playheadTime >= 10)
private function capture():void
var bmpData:BitmapData = new BitmapData(videoDisplay.width, videoDisplay.height);
captured = true;
// Now just upload the byte array to your server for the next user
var loader:URLLoader = new URLLoader();
loader.dataFormat = URLLoaderDataFormat.BINARY;
// ... etc.
<mx:VideoDisplay id="videoDisplay" playheadUpdate="videoDisplay_playheadUpdate(event)" />
Again, it's perhaps not the most elegant solution, but it certainly works. This way, the first user sees the generic image, but every user thereafter gets the generated thumbnail. (Which, of course, you'll have uploaded and properly associated by then.) Make sense?
I'm pretty sure this isn't possible. It may well be... but don't think so. I think the only way to load in video is to use the NetStream and NetConnection object, which as you know just kicks off the loading of the video.
If this is user generated video i think the best bet is to have some serever side script that generates the preview image. Have no idea how this is done but think this is how most clip sites work.
If all the videos are in your control it may be possible to write a script for one of the video editing programs to automate generating the image for a specific frame from a list of files. I think this is probably your best route as alternative that you could get up and running quickly.
Sorry for the vague answer... it may point you in the right direction if you need a quick solution.
I agree with James, the only way to really do this would be to do it with a server side script and pull certain frames out of the video. Even if you could do this with flex, you really would not want to put the burden to do this (which would be processor intensive I would think) on the client machine. Not to mention it will be much more efficient to create the image before hand than to have flex determine the thumbnail to show every time it is loaded.