How to work on a Checkout - carthage

I have a main project where I have some parts in a Framework(Separation of concerns). This framework is added to the main project via Carthage.
git ""
Then I run:
carthage update --platform iOS
Now working on the main project, I need to make changes to the framework used and installed via Carthage. How will you do that, git init on the checkout project from Carthage?
Any input is appreciated, thanks


Cannot see the builds after publishing the artifacts

I am new to Artifactory and just going through the guides and trying out some sample code.
I am trying to publish a maven artifact to my artifactory server. I have followed the following steps to do it:
Through the "Set me up" tool, get the settings.xml file for maven.
Download and place the settings.xml file to the ~/.m2 folder
Clone the maven example repo from the artifactory examples available on git.
Update the pom.xml file and add the distributionManagement tag provided in the "Set me up" window.
Publish the code using mvn deploy
The binaries are published to the artifactory server and are available in the Artifact Repository Browser window. But I do not see any corresponding builds in the Build Browser. I also do not get any builds if I try to fetch them using the REST API
What am I missing? I followed the above steps because I saw it on the Introduction to Artifactory webinar video. Is there any setting that I need to change to see the builds in the Build Browser window?
I am using Artifactory Version 5.10.3 (OSS)
I think there is a misunderstanding, the maven example plugin is used for publishing artifacts to Artifactory, however, it doesn't publish Build Info.
In order for you to publish build info to Artifactory, you will either need to use CI server with Artifactory plugin (for example, Jenkins, Bamboo, Teamcity) or use the Maven Artifactory plugin:
That have the build information publish step inside.

How do I embed CryptoSwift into WatchKit Extension target without build error?

I am trying to embed CryptoSwift as an embedded framework into a Watch app (watchOS3) - I would like to be able to use AES encryption and decryption from within the Watch app.
I start by creating a new clean Xcode project: watchOS application using "iOS App with WatchKit App" in a local git repository.
To add CryptSwift, I followed the installation guidance of CryptoSwift ( by adding it as a git submodule (git submodule add on the top level project folder. Then I dragged the CryptoSwift.xcodeproj into the clean Xcode project.
Then, I add the CryptSwift.framework into the Embedded Binaries of the iOS app target. Build was successful, and I could use import CryptoSwift, e.g., in ViewController.swift.
But when I add the CryptSwift.framework into the Embedded Binaries of the WatchKit Extension target. Hits Build, it fails: "clang: error: no such file or directory: '/Users/brian/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/TestCrypto2-bkzbizyfkacuctdwdngnvcrrewpi/Build/Products/Debug-watchsimulator/CryptoSwift.framework/CryptoSwift'". And I am not able to use import CryptoSwift in e.g. InterfaceController.swift in the WatchKit Extension.
I have tried a number of different approaches to add the CryptoSwift.framework to the WatchKit Extension, but none with success.
Does anyone know how to add this CryptoSwift framework to the WatchKit Extension the right way, if possible?
Xcode 8.1 (8B62)
iOS 10.1
watchOS 3.1

ASP.NET Core - Bower files in Git

I'm using ASP.NET Core 1.0.1. My question is - should I push to Git all files that can be downloaded automatically by Bower?
like bootstrap/js/src or bootstrap/scss?
I mean, we usually don't push to Git whole packages referenced by NuGet, right? We are only pushing some config file with their "URIs", so that anyone can download the packages on their own, automatically when they build the project.
Is it different with Bower? Shouldn't we push to Git only changes made to bower.json file?
I've just started the project and GitHub shows me language statistics
like this:
And so far I've written like 2 simple functions, not the entire Bootstrap or jQuery :)
It is unnecessary to upload those files. As documentation says
Bower packages are installed using Bower install command, so everyone who clones you repository can install them himself.

Generate apk file for meteor app

I have a project is working for android browser. Is there a way to generate the apk file?
Also, are there anything that I shoud know before generating the apk file?
There are a few steps to follow in order to generate the Android application file (.apk) from a meteor app:
meteor install-sdk android
Have the mobile-config.js file in your project root (mobile-config.js example)
meteor add-platform android
meteor build ~/your-output-dir
Then you will have your .apk file in ~/your-output-dir/android/unaligned.apk
If you want to proceed and submit to Google Play Store, here are the steps to follow:
Hope this helps!
You can build an APK file with meteor build command.
Read more about it in the docs: or by typing meteor help build in your terminal.
Starting with Meteor 1.2, the bundled Android tools have been removed and a system-wide install of the Android SDK is now required. This should make it easier to keep the development toolchain up to date and helps avoid some difficult to diagnose failures. The meteor install-sdk command no longer attempts to download and install the Android tools for you (it has been deprecated and just points you to these instructions).
like imslavko says, meteor build works pretty fine, also if you are looking for more information take a look on this Meteorpedia
It work for me
As of now playstore has started giving warning while uploading APK about unoptimised bundle and insisting for uploading Android app bundle.
Insted of generating APK why not generate .aab of your project and reduce size of the application.
For people wondering about how to generate .aab for your existing project can read my blog here:
My blog link

Alfresco Development . Working with All in one Archetype

I have created a multi module project in Alfresco using All-in-one Archetype of the Maven Alfresco SDK. I have selected 1.1.1 archetype version. The project directory was build successfully. But in that directory I couldnt find the wcmqs(Alfresco Web Quick Start) directory which is used to build websites. Can anyone help me hw to get this wcmqs, as I need to work with wcmqs for creating new pages and templetes in wcmqs?
The wcmqs module did used to be in the Maven Alfresco SDK but it never worked very well and caused other problems. It is however unnecessary to use the Maven Alfresco SDK if you wish to get started.
To get started with Alfresco Web Quick Start you just need to download and install the files. You can get the files from Sourceforge:
Installation should be straightforward. You need to install the AMPs on your Alfresco instance and deploy the WARs to a servlet container (like your Tomcat).
If you want to customise Web Quick Start, such as changing the model, that is a different matter. There is a short example here that you can go through to give you an idea of what you need to do:
